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Why was Italy easier to unify than Greece?
Because of its geography
The two things Romans learned from the Etruscans are?
The Alphabet and architecture
What could a member of the consul always do?
Overrule, or veto, the other’s decisions
What did Patricians say about their ancestry?
That it gave them the authority to make laws for Rome
Who was the last king of Rome and what was he replaced by?
Tarquin, the Republic
What were the two key factors in Rome’s rise to greatness?
The military organization and fighting skill of the Roman army
What did the twelve tables establish?
The idea that all free citizens had a right to the protection of the law.
What three groups originally battled for control of Rome?
Latins, Greeks and Etruscans
What two things did Augustus do to make trade easier?
Setup a postal service and issued new coins
Who did slave labor affect and why?
Small farmers who were unable to produce food as cheaply
What did Rome see Carthage as and why did they want revenge?
A rival, for the destruction done to Rome by Hannibal
Who became the absolute ruler of Rome and how did he become a dictator?
Julius Caesar, forced the Senate
How did emperors view gladiator contest?
As a way to pacify the city’s restless mobs
What were the two sides of Rome’s Civil War?
The Senate vs popular political leader
Name the two reasons public works programs were launched?
To help the unemployment and give land to the poor
Where is city of Nazareth located?
Northern Palestine
Why was Jesus arrested and who ordered it to be done?
Accused of defying the authority of Rome, Pontius Pilate
According to the materials, what did Christianity emphasize?
God’s personal relationship to each human being
Why did the message of Jesus appeal to the poor?
He ignored wealth and status
Name the main source of information about the teaching of Jesus & state what they are?
The Gospels, first 4 Books of the New Testament
What provided the ideal conditions for Christianity to spread and how was it beneficial?
The Pax Romana, which made travel and the exchange of ideas fairly safe.
What is a Martyr?
Person willing to sacrifice their life for a belief or cause
List 3 things the foundation of Jesus' teaching contained?
Belief in one God, the 10 Commandments and the promise of life after death.
Why was Christianity able to become more than just a local religion?
It welcomed everybody
Why did Christians pose a problem for Roman rulers?
They refused to worship Roman gods
Why was Attila called “the scourge of God”?
Because they believed his attacks were punishment for the sin of mankind
Why where taxes high and what did they do?
To support the army and government, placed a burden on business people & farmers
What two things brought the Roman Empire down?
Internal problems combined with attacks from the outside
Why the Germanic invasions successful?
Because the late Empire lacked the discipline and training of the past Roman army’s
Name the two steps taken to help stop economic decay.
Fixed prices on goods and services & forced farmers to stay on the land.
What happened after the Pax Romana ended?
Political and economic turmoil rocked the empire
What caused the wealth of the empire to dwindle and what happened as it did?
Farmers abandoned their land, the middle class sank into poverty
Who were the Huns?
Nomadic people who migrated across central Asia
What did the Justinian Code do for legal thinkers?
It guided them to put together the international law in use today.
What did the Justinian Empire serve as?
A buffer for Western Europe.
How long did the Byzantine Empire last?
Nearly 1000 years after the fall of the West Roman Empire
What field did Byzantine scholars excel at?
Where was Constantinople located and what did the location do?
The shores of the Bosporus Strait, it links Mediterranean and Black Seas
What were the Justinian Empire’s greatest strengths?
Strong central government and a prosperous economy
What did the fighting of the Byzantine Empire do?
Exhausted Justinian’s treasury and weakened his defenses
What features of Byzantine culture did the Ottoman’s adapt?
Government, social life and architecture.
What did Justinian combine?
Political power and Spiritual authority.
Which leader captured Constantinople and what did it become?
Muhammad II, the capital of the Ottoman Empire.
How did the Crusades affect the Byzantine Empire?
Trade rivalry sparked violence between the Byzantine Empire and Venice