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What Are Protists?
( adapted from the original by Sue Tanner, QEHS)
Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________
In this exercise we will explore the Internet and lab activities to learn about
Protists, but first we need to understand where the Protists fit in the classification
Right now you are familiar with two current models of classification:
1) A living thing is either a Prokaryote or Eukaryote.
2) A living thing is in one of the following kingdoms: Monera, Protista, Fungi,
Plantae or Animalia.
We tend to overlay the two as follows:
Prokaryote = Monera
Eukaryote = Protista, Fungi, Animalia and Plantae.
But biologists have many other schemes in the works. One new classification
scheme classifies all living things into three “Domains”.
Q. What are the names of the three domains?
Q. Why are the prokaryotes divided into two different domains in this classification
Q. How are the Archaea different from the Bacteria?
Q. Which domain are the Protista in?
Some biologists have married the three domain system and the five kingdom
system and come up with a six kingdom system (shown below). Note:
Archaeabacteria is the old name for Archaea.
Image from W.H. Freeman and Sinauer Associates, used by permission
Within this system, the Protists are the most difficult kingdom to classify!
It is certain that Protists belong in the domain Eukarya, but what characterizes
Protists? The Kingdom Protista has become a “dumping ground” for organisms that
don’t fit into the other three kingdoms. They are always eukaryotes, but after that
just about anything goes. Protist classification is still in such flux that many of the
group names are just not worth learning. In fact, some biologists predict that it is
likely the Protista will be divided into 10-12 kingdoms in the coming years!
Q. What are the general characteristics of Protista?
Even though opinions vary widely, the Kingdom Protista is understood to consist of
three general groups: those that are animal-like, those that are plant-like and
those that are fungal-like.
We are going to focus our study around three interesting Protists. First, a wellknown representative of the Plant-like Protists:
Euglena have flagella and a
gullet like an animal cell.
(heterotrophic injestion)
Euglena have chloroplasts like a
plant cell (autotrophic
And Euglena have been known
to lose their chloroplasts, forcing
them to absorb nutrients from
their envronment (Heterotrophic
Consequently, Euglenoids arguably can be classified as animal, plant and fungus!
Q. Two reasons the Euglenoids are considered to be animal-like are:
Q. What are three ways Euglenoids can eat?
Q. How do Euglenoids move? Do their flagella indicate the front end or the back
end of a euglena?
Euglena wants to move towards the light for photosynthesis! Q. How might you
design a simple little experiment to show that the eyespot of Euglena helps it to
find light?
Euglenoids keep their shape because of a pellicle. Q. Define pellicle , and give its
Now head over to the lab and ……
From the culture provided, prepare a wet mount slide of Euglena (no extra water
or stain required). Focus on low, medium and high power. Find: flagellum,
eyespot or stigma, contractile vacuole, chloroplasts, pyrenoid bodies, nucleus
and pellicle. You might be able to find a nucleus. Take a piece of unlined
paper. Divide it into three. Draw the basic outline of the euglena and add
in the structures that you found. Label them. Indicate the organism’s actual
size. Show work.
In all three of the organisms that you will be viewing you will encounter contractile
vacuoles. What is their purpose?
Now let’s move on to some animal-like protists; the Protozoa.
Ciliates are an example of animal-like
Protists. They are covered with up to 17,000
cilia beating from 40 to 60 times a second in
a coordinated fashion!
Cilia are used for locomotion. An animation
of a moving paramecium! And check out this
one .
Then answer the following questions:
Q. What is the difference between a macro- and a micro- nucleus?
Q. How do ciliates deal with osmosis and the influx of excess water?
Q. How do ciliates eat and excrete wastes?
Q. What are trichocysts? What is their purpose?
Really nice diagram of paramecium Scroll down to last diagram.
Now, head back to the lab and….
From the culture provided prepare a wet mount slide of paramecium. View these
on low, medium and high powers. Paramecium was called the “slipper animalcule”.
Can you see why? Look for the following structures: oral groove ( gullet),
contractile vacuole, cilia, macronucleus, food vacuole, pellicle. Follow the same
instructions as for the euglena above.
Q. How does the paramecium move about the slide?
Q. What are two roles for cilia?
Q. Does the paramecium change its shape like the ameba? Why is this?
Another Protozoan group we shall examine is called Rhizopoda or Sarcodina.
A typical rhizopod is the ferocious predator Amoeba
proteus. The interesting thing about Amoeba is that their
cytoplasm can exist in two states: the liquid “sol”
endoplasm and the semi-solid “gel” ectoplasm. The two
consistencies work together to help the Amoeba move
and feed.
So how do they move?
Q. What is a pseudo pod?
Q. How does an Amoeba survive harsh environmental conditions?
The Amoeba seems like a harmless little guy, but some species are downright
Q. What are the symptoms of amoebic dysentery?
Just for fun, check out the Amoeba Dance site.
Now, head back to the lab and….
From the culture provided prepare a wet mount slide of paramecium. View these
on low, medium and high powers.
In the space provided draw the outline of an amoeba at 30 seconds, 60 seconds
and 90 seconds. Use arrows to show the flow of cytoplasm in the cell.
Look for the following structures: nucleus, pseudopod, food vacuole, contractile
vacuole, cell membrane. You know the drill!!!
And finally….. summarize the similarities and differences in structure and mode of
living of the three organisms that you have studied… BE ORGANIZED AND