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By: Ushna Abbasi
Nada K. Baig
Mannal Cheema
The Main Features of Jahiliyya
What Quran says…
Different Kinds
Muslim Scholars
Jahiliyya in Society
The link with Abu Jahl
Arabic word which means ignorance or
ignorance of Divine guidance
Literally means Days of Ignorance
Refers to those who are not following Islam
and Quran
It refers to the time period before the first
revelation of Quran (Makkan’s were
bankrupted and ignorant to Allah’s existence)
The state in which the Arabs were before
Islam, during which they were ignorant of
Allah and were boastful of their ancestral
nobility, arrogance, ruthlessness and the like.
Before Islam came, the Arabs were migrants
and followed strict rules and regulations with
basic religious beliefs.
The hanfi’s somehow did belief in one God but
the worshipping of idols near Kabaa’ was
practiced more.
Therefore this word Jahiliyya was used to
reflect the period of ignorance and darkness.
It also target to those who haven’t turned
towards the Muslim faith regardless the
revelation of the Quran.
People lacked morals.
They practiced polytheism and worshipped idols and statues
housed in the Kab'ah.
Women had a very poor status and were treated as second
class citizens.
Gambling, the charging of interest (usury) and the
consumption of alcohol was also commonplace.
Makkan society was particularly violent and blood vendettas
were common. a never ending cycle of attack and vendetta.
People were greedy and self interested.
Poor members of society and orphans had little protection
and were treated badly.
Before his call to prophet hood in 610CE, Muhammad was
acutely aware of the immorality and sinful practices of the
society therefore he was often found away from society,
spending his time in prayer and meditation in Cave Hira on
Mount Nur contemplating the woeful situation of Makkah.
The term jahiliyyah is used several places in the Quran,
and translations often use various terms to represent
3:154 “Then, following misery, He sent down upon
you a feeling of security, a slumber overcoming a
party among you, while another party cared only for
themselves, thinking false thoughts about God,
thoughts fit for the Age of Idolatry. “
5:50 “Do they truly desire the law of paganism? But
who is fairer than God in judgment for a people firm
of faith?”
33:33 “Remain in your homes, and do not display
your adornments, as was the case with the earlier Age
of Barbarism.”
48:26 “For the unbelievers had planted in their
hearts a zealotry, the zealotry of lawlessness ...”
Jahiliyyah is derived from the term ‘Jahl’ which
is lack of knowledge and it is of two kinds:
1. Universal Jahiliyyah, which existed before the
Mission of the Messenger PBUH and ended with
2. Restricted Jahiliyyah, which exists in some
countries, cities or persons. Whereas the correct
statement to say is, ‘he Jahiliyyah of some or
most of the people of this century.’ It is neither
correct not permissible to impute universality to
it, for universal Jahiliyyah was obliterated by the
Mission of the Prophet PBUH.
Islamic scholar Ibn Taymiyyah was the first one to
use the term to describe backsliders in
contemporary Muslim society.
In the 20th century, Indian Islamist writer Abul
Ala Maududi wrote of it.
Sayyid Qutb popularized the term in his
influential work Ma'alim fi al-Tariq "Milestones",
stating that the Muslim community has been
extinct for a few centuries”.
Sayyid Qutb wrote in his book, ‘Milestones’, p .19 ,that ;
“When a person embraced Islam during the time of the
Prophet, he would immediately cut himself off from
Jahiliyyah. When he stepped into the circle of Islam, he
would start a new life, separating himself completely from
his past life under ignorance of the Divine Law. He would
look upon the deeds during his life of ignorance with
mistrust and fear, with a feeling that these were impure
and could not be tolerated in Islam! With this feeling, he
would turn toward Islam for new guidance; and if at any
time temptations overpowered him, or the old habits
attracted him, or if he became lax in carrying out the
injunctions of Islam, he would become restless with a sense
of guilt and would feel the need to purify himself of what
had happened, and would turn to the Quran to mold
himself according to its guidance.”
The term can be used for modern day Muslims,
specially under the light of Qutb’s work. He
states that:
- Reappearance of Jahiliyya is a result of the lack
of Sharia law, without which Islam cannot exist.
- That true Islam is a complete system with no
room for any element of Jahiliyya;
- That all aspects of Jahiliyya ("manners, ideas
and concepts, rules and regulations, values and
criteria") are evil and corrupt.
Non-Muslim societies may also be termed jahili.
Chief vice of the kafirun was ‘jahiliyyah’; Muslims
traditionally used the term to refer to the pre
Islamic Arabia, literal translation would be ‘ the
time of ignorance’.
The root ‘JHL’ has connotations of ignorance,
its primary meaning is ‘ irascibility’. That means,
easily angered or shows extreme sensitivity
towards honour and prestige.Therefore, the jahilli
people were too proud to surrender to Islam.
Muslims called Abu-l-hakam, their chief enemy,’
That’s not because he was ignorant of Islam, but
because he fought Islam arrogantly with blind,
fierce, reckless passion. A true hater!
Jahiliyya couldn’t be eradicated overnight.
 Quran urges Muslims to practice ‘HILM’ a
traditional Arab virtue.
 People who practiced Hilm were:
- Patient, merciful and forbearing.
- controlled their anger and remained calm in
difficult situations
- they were slow to retaliate.
- they took positive and peaceful actions such
as showing gentleness and courtesy.
He regularly subjected any Muslims he met with violent
verbal abuse.
He slandered them with vicious lies and rumours.
He threatened Muslim merchants
He would be up the weaker Muslims i.e. the slaves with
less protection.
He imposed bans on Muslims and boycotted some tribes.
In such cases it was difficult for Muslims to practice
hilm specially after being raised in the jahiliyya spirit. Even
Prophet (PBUH) struggled with his composure. However,
Quran reminded people that such behaviours in the society
wont last for long and eventually collapse therefore being
patient was the only way out.
Jahiliyya means ignorance of Divine guidance
and should not be practiced.
The story of Abu Jahl and Prophet(PBUH)
teaches us how to be patient and how to
stay away from activities that promote
modern day jahiliyya.
It is being practiced in society and we should
stay away from it.