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MCB2010 Lecture review topics
Introduction (Ch 1)
What is included in the study of Microbiology.
What are the contributions of Microorganism as a member of our
Scientific Nomenclature
Classification of living organisms, dormain and kingdoms, methods
Definition of species in micro-organisms v.s. eukaryotes
Famous Microbiologist and their representative works.
Koch, Pasteur, Jenners, Fleming, Ehrich, Hooke, Ignaz
Semmelweis, Lister, Van Leeuwenhoek
Spontaneous generation and biogenesis
Germ theory and Koch’s postulates
What is aseptic technique, pasturization, fermentation.
Classification (Ch 10)
Taxonomy, Phylogeny and their respective uses in classification
Taxonomic Hierarchy
What is included in the three domains system of classification?
Definition of species
Important characteristics of each of the three domains and
Eukaryotes (Ch 12)
Algae, fungi, protozoans
Hyphae, mycelium, coenocytic and septate lyphae, types of
fungal spores. Dimorphic fungi, trophs and cysts of
protozoans, intermediate and definitive hosts,
primary producer and consumer, schizogony,
Sexual and asexual reproduction of fungi; major divisions
of algae and differentiation characteristics of each
division; major differences among phylums of protozoans;
Pathogenic protozoans, intermediate hosts and vectors or
means of transmission of various protozoan related
diseases. Life cycle of Plasmodium.
Prokaryotes (Ch 11)
Proteobacteria, Non-Proteobacteria
Various groups in domain Bacteria, major characterics
of each group.
Names of the various groups in Proteobacteria
Major characteristics of domain Archaea
Methods of study (Ch 3)
Parts of the compound microscope and the function of each
Resolving power, total magnification, contrast, refractive index
What is a bacterial stain, types of stains, use of particular types
of stain.
What is the use of each component in examples of each stain
Bacterial shapes and arrangements
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells (Ch 4)
capsule, slime, flagellin, axial filament, antigen,
fimbriae, pili, Peptidoglycan, LPS, H and O antigen,
endotoxin, protoplast and spheroplast, semipermeable,
passive and active transport, group translocation,
nucleoid, plasmid, subunits of ribosome, bacterial
endospore, archaea.
Structure of bacterial cell wall, differences
between gram + , gram -, and acid fast cell walls,
structure of the plasma membrane.
Fluid Mosaic Model
Different means of transport across plasma membrane
Major differences between the various transport
Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic
ribosomes. Endosymbiotic theory.
Major differences between pro and eu-karyotic cells
Virus (Ch 13)
Virus, bacteriophage, capsids, capsomeres, spikes,
PFU, lytic and Lyzogenic cycles, oncogenes.
Properties of a virus, structure of virus, function of
different structures, culture of virus, enumeration of
virus, steps in bacteriophage infection and
multiplication, steps in multiplication of retro-
Bacterial metabolism (Ch 5)
What are enzymes
How to name an enzyme
Structure of an enzyme, apoenzyme, cofactor, coenzyme and
holoenzyme, examples of coenzymes.
Steps in the action of enzymes. Factors influencing enzyme action.
Enzyme inhibitors, difference between competitive and noncompetitive inhibitors, mode of actions. reversible and
irreversible inhibitors
Know what is reduction? Oxidation? Dehydrogenation? If you are
shown a chemical equation, do you know which substance is being
reduced? Oxidised?
What is phosphorylation? oxidative phosphorylation? Substrate
level phosphorylation? Photophosphorylation? What compounds
are involved in each?
What are the ways of energy production in bacteria?
What is glycolysis, Kerb’s cycle, electron transport chain and how
energy is generated
Know the ATP counts of Glycolysis, TCA cycle, etc What is the
input and the end-products
Differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration, what major
compounds are involved in each? What are the end products of
What is fermentation? Products generated?
What is chemeosmosis? What is involved?
What is photosynthesis, what products are generated?
raw materials.
What is the dark reaction? Light reactuin?
What are the
Bacterial growth (Ch 6)
What is the effect of temperature on the growth of bacteria? What is
temperature? Thermophiles? Psychrophiles?
Acidophiles, halophiles?
What is aerobe? Anaerobe? Facultative anaerobe? What makes an aerobic
bacteria able
tolerate oxygen?
How is oxygen toxic to bacteria?
What is a buffer? What does it do?
Classification of bacteria according to their pH requirements, osmostic
requirements, oxygen requirements and some representative organisms
Growth media, types of media, structurally and functionally; uses
of each type
What is complex and chemically defined media? selective medium,
differential medium,
selective and differential media. Examples disscussed.
Method of generating anaerobic environment
Classification of bacteria according to their energy and carbon source
What is generation time?
Bacterial growth curve
Control of Bacterial Growth (Ch 7)
What is bacteriostatic?
What is disinfectant VS anticeptics?
What is bacterial death?
Mode of action of antimicrobial substances, factors that influence
antimicrobial agents
Methods of control of microbial growth.
Autoclave, pasteurisation, dry heat
What is the effect of dryness, osmotic pressure, and radiation on the
growth of microorganisms
What are being used for chemical control of microbial growth?
Bacterial Genetics (Ch 8)
DNA, gene, nucleotide, codon, anti-codon, semi-conservative
DNA replication, inducible enzyme, operator, repressor,
structural genes, regulating genes, mutation, plasmids, F
factor, R factor, Hfr
Structures of DNA and RNA, Purine and pyrimidine, DNA
replication, transcription, translation, Operon theory of
genetic control.
Transformation, transduction, conjugation and their
differences, what is involved in these processes. Effect
of ionising radiation, UV radiation, types of mutation,
Antimicrobial Agents (Ch 20)
Definition: bacteristatic vs bactericidal; drug synergy; antibiotics
resistance. Antibiotics. Antimicrobics. Broad vs Narrow
spectrum antibiotics. Drug interactions.
action of penicillin; difference between natural vs semisynthetic and synthetic penicillin; Possible targets of
bacteristatic vs bactericidal drugs, anti-fugal vs antibacterial drugs,Which one affect human more than the
other; mode of action of Erythromycin; tetracycline.
Test for susceptibility of micro-organism to antibiotics
Chapter 14
Infection, Disease, normal and transient flora,
commensalisms, mutualism. Primary and secondary
opportunistic pathogens, synergism, disease incidence,
communicable and non-communicable disease, nosocomial
emerging infectious diseases, bacteremia, septicemia,
How normal flora protects, benefit or harm the host.
Koch’s postulate and experiment, what are the exceptions to the
postulate and
Differences between sporadic, endemic, epidemic, pandemic and
latent disease.
Stages in the development of disease. Disease reservoirs and
Vehicle and vectors of disease transmission Factors affecting
infection and emerging infectious diseases.
How are nosocomial infections transmitted? How can they be
Chapter 15
parenteral, LD50 and ID50, ligand and receptor, toxins,
antitoxins, exotoxins, Leukocidins, hemolysins,
hyaluronidase, collagenase, endotoxin shock, septic
shock, lysogenic
conversion, inclusion bodies.
Portals of entry of microbes.
Factors and mechanisms affecting pathogenicity; roles played by
capsules, cell
wall and components, enzymes.
Exotoxins and endotoxins, structure of exotoxin.
Cytopathic effect of virus, how it damage the host?
What is the action of various enxymes secreted by microbes? How
does each
affect the pathogenicity of the microbe.
The role of plasmids in bacterial pathogenicity.
What are the different cytopathic effects caused by virus?
Chapter 16
phagocytosis, plasma, formed elements, granulocytes,
basophils, eosinophils, PMNs, agranulocytes, monocytes,
lymphocytes, wandering and fixed macrophages,
mononuclear phagocytic
system, chemotaxis opsonization, phagosome
What are the factors that prevent entrance of micro-organisms
through various
tissues and barriers of the host.
Effect and role of normal flora in host resistance and
microbial pathogenesis.
Factors affecting host resistance to infection by microbes
Function of basophil, macrophages, lymphocytes and other white
blood cells in
host resistance.
Process of phagocytosis; function and working of opsonins,
Various specific defenses of the host against infection
Deferences and similarities between the humoral and cell
mediated immune
Characteristics of antigens.
Chapter 17
Immunity, immunoglobulin (immune serum globulin), B
cells, T cells,
antigens, antibodies, antigen binding sites, haptens,
plasma cells,
cells, antigen-antibody complex, agglutination,
inflammation, primary
and secondary immune response, memory cells,cytokines,
APCs, CD4 and CD8 cells, activated macrophages, T
dependent and T
independent antigens,
Differences between Naturally acquired and artificially
acquired immunity;
passive and active immunity.
Different classes of immunoglobulins, functions and
Difference between humoral and cell mediated immunity,
difference between B
and T cells.
Antigens and its characteristics, elimination of antigens
Bone marrow and blood cell development
Kinds of B and T lymphocytes
Immune response; steps in development of an immune response
Structure and function of antibody
Disorders of immune system. What is hypersentivity?
Chapter 21
toxic shock
vesicles, carbuncles, impetigo of the newborn,
syndrome, Erysipelas, Acnes, Strep throat, wart,
small pox, chicken pox, Herpes Simplex, Measles
and Rubella,
Mycosis, Scabies, Gonorrheal ophthalmia,
What is the causative agent of each of the above
Normal defences of the skin, Conjunctiva and
mucus membrane.
Characteristics of infections such as small pox,
measles; usual route of transmission,
complications if any.
Table 21.1
Chapter 22
Blood brain barrier, meningitis,
Botulism, Leprosy, Poliomyelitis, Rabies.
other nervous
How micro-organisms gain access to the CNS and
tissues, Characteristics Symptoms, and
transmission of microbial
infection of the nervous tissues. Table 22.2 And
table 22.3
Chapter 23
Definitions: Septicemia, puerperal fever, endocarditis,
rheumatic fever,
tularaemia, brucellosis, Various forms of Anthrax,
various forms of plague, lyme disease, Spotted
fever, Burkitt’s
lymphoma, EBV, CMV, hemorrhagic fevers, Table
• Last Modified 09/1/04 03:11