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Questions on Chapter 14 –the digestive system
I-mention in short
*functions of the digestive system
*accessory digestive organs
* organs of dig. System in sequence
*borders of the oral cavity
*main functions of tongue
*tonsils in oral cavity
*the main layers of the wall of alimentary canal
*parts of the stomach
*sphincters of stomach
*curvatures of the stomach
*names of omentum
*functions of greater omentum
*cells of gastric glands and secreation of each
*divisions of small intestine
*treatment of heart burn
*structures that increase surface area of absorptive surface of small intestine
*divisions of large intestine
*parts of colon
*names of salivery glands
*important contents of saliva
*names of teeth and number of each group
*the three regions of tooth
*main contents of bile
*movements that occur in digestive system
*3monosaccharides and 3 disaccharides
*the results of chemical breakdown of the 3 main dietary groups
*chewing of bread for few minutes leads to sweet taste
*enzymes in pancreatic juice
*functions of the liver
*effects of fever on the body and on pathogens
*defecation reflex
*phases of deglution
II-Define the followings
III-fill spaces
*GIT begins with ---------------and ends with-------------------*in a cadever,the length of alimentary canal is about-----------------*the cavity cotained by the teeth is called---------------*the m. m. fold which secures the tongue to the floor of the mouth is called--------------.when it is extremely short,it is refferd to as------------------*the ---------- and---------------are common passageways for food and air
*the outermost layer of the wall of intestine is called---------------*when stomach is empty,its mucosa is thrown into large folds called---------*digested food leaves stomach as a heavy cream called-----------*chyme enters small intestine through ------------------sphincter
*smll intestine begins with-----------------and ends with--------*small intestine is suspended from posterior abdominal wall by-----------------
*small intestine joins large intestine at-----------*lymphatic capillaries in villi is called----------------*------------------are local collections of lymphatic tissue in submucosa of small int.
*-----------------is the first part of large intestine,it is saclike
*-----------------hangs from the cecum ,it is wormlike
*-------------------is inflammation of vermiform appendix
*---------------and-----------------and ------------------are parts of large intestine that lie
in the pelvis
*large intestine has two turns called-------------and------------------*------------------anal sphincter is voluntary while the----------------muscle is involutery
*goblet cells produce-----------*the wall of large intestine is puckered into small pocketlike sacs called-----------,it is
due to contraction of the three bands of longitudinal muscles called----------------*mucus in saliva and mastication helps to bind food together into a mass called-----*inflammation of parotid gland is called-----------------*there are two sets of teeth,the first is called--------------------or--------------------or---------------,its number is-----teeth,it is completed at-------------------years while the
second is called----------------teeth,its number is-----------teeth,it begins to appear at----------years
*the third molar is called--------------,it erupts between------------and--------*the most common tooth to be impacted is-----------------*the hardest substance in the body is------------------,it covers the----------the -----------of the tooth
*the exposed part of the tooth is called-------------while that imbedded in the jawbone
is called
*the outer surface of the tooth is covered by-------------------which attaches the tooth
to the----------------membrane or ligament
*-------------------a bonelike material underlies the enamel and forms the bulk of the
tooth.It surrounds a centeral cavity called---------------- which contains----------------and------------*--------------------is a soft ,pink ,triangular gland,it extends accros the abdomen from----------------to------------*------------------is a mixed gland
*endocrine function of pancreas is production of------------------- and-----------------*---------is the largest gland in the body
*------------------is located under the diaphragm,more to the right side of the body
*the liver is suspended from the diaphragm and abdominal wall by a ligament called----------*bile leaves the liver through the------------------and enters the-----------------through
bile duct
*bile salts ----------------fats by breaking large fat globules into smaller ones
*-----------------is small,thinwalled green sac in a shallow fossa in the inferior surface
of the liver
*active voluntary food intake is called-------------*----------------movement moves food back and forth so mixes food with digestive
enzymes while---------------squeezes the food along the tract
*breakdown of large food particles to their building blocks by enzymes is called------*the building blocks of carbohydrates are--------------while those of proteins are---------------but those of fats are--------------*----------------is the major absorptive site
*elimination of indigestible substances via the anus is called----------------------*chemical digestion of starch begins in the mouth by----------------------enzyme
*the two major phases of deglution are------------------and---------------*during deglution,tonge blocks the----------------while soft palate closes off the----------------and------------------covers the opening of larynx
*food in the stomach and low pH stimulate stomach cells to release------------hormone
which increases production of--------------juice
*---------protects stomach wall from the effects of HCLand protein digesting enzymes
*----------is a gastric protein digesting enzyme,while------------------is another one
present in infants which acts primarily on --------------*----------------is protrusion of the superior part of the stomach above diaphragm
*when duodenum is filled,----------------------reflex inhibits gastric motility and
tightens pyloric sphincter
*emetic center is present in--------------------,it is stimulated by local irritants in the --------------or by disturbances of the equilibrium apparatus in the -----------------*brush border enzymes can break----------------into simple sugars by enzymes called-------*---------------- is necessary for absorption of fat soluble vitamins,of which-----------*to make prothrombin, liver needs vit---------*most substances are absorbed by -----------transport except lipids which are absorbed by------------ ----------process
*the two major propulsive movements in large intestine are---------------and--------------*---------------is long powerful contraction,3-4 times a day occur in large int.
*when rectum is stretched-----------------reflex is initiated
*defication reflex causes the wall of-------------to contract and the anal sphincter to--------*the energy value of food is measured by----------------*------------------are the major buildings of cell structures
*------------------ is usually broken down to make ATP
*--------------------is used to build cell membrane and myelin sheeth
*---------------------are carfully conserved by body cells for the future
*----------------------is known as blood sugar
*O2 using by the cell is called---------------*in hyperglycemia,glucose is stored as-----------------------, a process called------------and if still too high ,it is stored as-----------------------------*in hypoglycemia,glycogen is broken down to--------------,a process called------------*if body uses fat for energy production,intermediate products as-------------and----------------are
found in the blood,the condition is called--------------------or----------------.the breath odour
become----------* if are not formed by body cells, aminoacids are called------------------they must be taken in diet
*if a. acids are used for energy,the amine groups are removed as---------------which combine with
--------------in the -------------to form--------------which is removed by the kidneys
*--------------------is formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources
*the most abundant protein in the blood is-----------------------,it is formed by the---------------And it is responsible for holding fluid in bloodstream by its --------------pressure
%of cholesterol is taken in food while the rest is formed by the -------------*fats cannot circulate freely in blood,they are transported bound to--------------------*lipoproteins are either-------------------or---------------*LDLs are called --------proteins while-----------------are called -----------proteins
*high level of LDLs in blood may initiate---------------------*-----------------is the most important factor in determining BMR
*the body,s thermostat is in------------------*heat promoting mechanisms include---------------and----------------*heat loss mechanisms include----------------and------------------*------------------and-------------------are hormones secreted by small intestine mucosa .they lead to
release of---------------------and---------------*if vasoconstriction in cold weather is prolonged,it may lead to-----------------------
*-------------------is a congenital disease in which huge amount of mucus is produced
*--------------------is the most common congenital anomaly in digestive system
*longitudinal layer in large intestine is reduced to three bands called-------------------*pancreatic juice is rich in-----------------which neutralizes the acid chime
*diarrhea is-------------stool while constipation is---------------------*the most common congenital defect in GIT is-------------------------
IV-true or false
*blood clotting problems occur if either bile or pancreatic juice is absent
*alimentary canal is shorter in a living person than in a cadaver
*esophagus is only a passageway to food
*food moves in esophagus by peristalsis
*alimentary canal is surrounded by double layer of serous membrane
*stomach lies on the left side of the abdomen
*most digestive activity of the stomach occur in the pyloric region
*small intestine is the largest section of alimentary canal
*large intestine frames the small intestine on three sides
*nearly all food absorption occurs in small intestine
*no villi are present in large intestine
*in large intestine,there are tremendous number of goblet cells
*enamel is the hardest substance in the body
*dentin forms the bulk of the tooth
*pancreas is retroperitoneal organ
*pancreatic enzymes can breakdown all categories of food
*pancreas is a mixed gland
*pancreatic juice is alkaline
*liver almost completely covers the stomach
*the digestive function of the liver is production of bile
*only bile salts and phospholipids(in bile) aid in digestion
*cells can actively take aminoacids from blood even if their concentration is more
inside the cell
*bile does not contain enzymes
*while food digestion is not occurring,bile is stored in gall bladder
*bile is concentrated in gall bladder by removal of water
*when fatty food enters the duodenum,the gall bladder contracts to push bile
*hepatitis is most often due to viral infection
*liver cirrhosis follows prolonged alcohol drinking
*human beings have no cellulase enzyme
*active and to a less extent passive transport is needed for absorption
*pharynx and esophagus have no digestive function
*decrease in mucus secretion in stomach is the main cause of ulcers
*esophagus has little mucus protection
*heart burn may occur if gastric juice backs up into the esophague
*the diaphragm normally reinforces the cardioesophageal sphincter
*hiatal hernia is a common cause of heart burn
*low pH is necessary for activating pepsinogen to pepsin
*absorption starts in the stomach
*it takes 4 hours for the stomach to empty completely
*high fat diet delays stomach empting
*protein and carbohydrate digestion starts before food reaches the dudenum
*intestinal juice is relatively enzyme poor
*bile is necessary for absorption of fat soluble vitamins
*if either bile or pancreatic juice is absent,no fat digestion or absorption occur
*proteins and carbohydrates are absorbed by blood capillaries and lacteals
*fats are absorbed by lacteals only
*the colon produces no digestive enzymes
*resident bacteri in large int. can metabolize some nutrients
*gasses are produced in large int. due to bacterial effects on remaining nutrients
*no absorption occurs in large int.
*in large int.,vit. K and B are absorbed
* in large int.,most of remaining water is reabsorbed
*rectum is generally empty from stool
*constipation may lead to water and electrolyte imbalance
*fats are the major fuel used normally for making ATP
*liver routinely uses fat for making ATP
*fats are the most concentrated source of energy
*ketosis is a common consequence to no carbohydrate diet
*ketosis is a common consequence to uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
* ketosis is a common consequence to starvation
*cholesterol is never used as a cellular fuel
*proteins are not built unless all aminoacids are available
*without liver ,we die in 24 hours
*cholesterol is the structural basis for vit D
*cholesterol is the structural basis for steroid hormones
*fatty acids,fats and cholesterol are insoluble in water
*energy cannot be created or destroyed
*energy intake equals energy output
*if external temp. is more than body temp.,heat cannot be lost by radiation
*if the air is humid,evaporation is very slow
*fever is controlled hyperthermia
V-Match table A with table B
Table A
( 4 )sucrose
( 1 )maltose
( 2 )fructose
( 3 )glucose
( 6 )galactase
( 5 )lactose
1- protein digestion
2- carbohydrate digestion
3- fat digestion
4- kidney enzyme
5- intestinal enzyme
6- not present in humanbeings
8-hormone secreted by stomach
9- hormone secreted by dudenal mucosa
10-hormone contracts gall bladder
11-acts on milk
Table B
1-two glucose units
2-fruit sugar
3-blood sugar
4-glucose and fructose
5-glucose and galactose
7-digested by trypsin