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WHI: Ch11, Sec 1
Rise of Islam
Section 1:
A. Geography
1. The Arabian Peninsula is mostly ___________, with a few scattered o_______, places where there is water.
2. Most people were b______________-nomadic Arabian desert dwellers who lived by herding camels,
sheep and goats.
3. Town of M____________ (birthplace of Muhammad(pbuh)
a. on the main caravan t___________ route running north to the cities of J_______ and D______.
b. location of an ancient religious shrine called the K________ which was full of pagan idols.
B. The Beginning of Islam
1. Earliest beginning:
In a spiritual sense, the religion of Islam began with the prophet A_________, (Arabic spelling
Ibrahim) the father of m_________( one God). This belief in one God was passed down to his sons
Ishmael, who became the ancestors of the A______ people, and Isaac, who became the ancestor of the
J______ people.
2. Life of M_____________:
a. Muhammad was born in the year _70AD in the town of M_____ , in Western A______
b. Parents died, taken in by grandfather, who also died, then taken in & raised by an uncle.
c. In his youth, he worked as a shepherd & later a successful _____________________
d. Married K________, a rich widow & owner of the caravan business he worked for. They had a daughter
named F____________.
e. At age 40, while praying in a cave, he saw a vision of the angel __________, who began revealing God’s
message. The Arabic word for God is A__________.
622AD: The merchants of the city of M_________ became very hostile to Muhammad, so Muhammad &
followers fled to the city of Yathrib which was later renamed M________. This flight was called the
hijrah and that year became the 1st year of the Muslim calendar.
g. 630AD: He returned to M_________ , captured it & and threw the idols out of the K__________.
h. __32AD: Muhammad died and his close friend A____ B_____ was chosen as the first C_________,
successor of Muhammad.
C. 5 pillars of Islam (what Muslims must do)
1. Statement of F__________ – “No _______ but ________, and Muhammad is his messenger”.
2. P_____________- _ times per day, after a ritual washing, facing M__________.
3. Ch__________ to the poor, .
4. F__________ from sun-up to sun-down during the holy month of R______________
5. H_____ - a pilgrimage to M________at least once in a person’s lifetime.
D. 6 Articles of Faith:
1. _____________________4. ______________________________
2. _____________________ 5.______________________________
6. ______________________________
D. Holy Books
1. the Q_________ is the most important holy book, the word of God; in the A_______ language
2. The H__________-- the sayings of and stories about Muhammad
3. The S_______-- book of Islamic law.
4. The Torah, Psalms and Gospel are also considered holy books.
E. Other practices & beliefs of Islam (the religion is I_____; a person who follows the religion is a M____)
1. J__________ - struggle against evil
a. G________ J_________ is struggle against evil in yourself
b. L________ J_________ is struggle against evil in the world.
c. The word “J_______” in Islam is similar in meaning to the word “Cr______” in the Christian religion.
2. Weekly worship in a m_______ (Muslim place of worship), on F_____ at noon. There is very little furniture in
m_________________, often only carpet or rugs on the floor.
3. There are no official priests, but a prayer leader is called an i______
4. No eating p_______ or drinking al____________; modest clothing for both men and women.
5. “People of the B________” – term for Christians and Jews.
Section 2:
A. The “Rightly Guided C________-the first 4 Caliphs
1. A_____ B________ became first C__________
2. U_______ - 2nd C____________ - conquered much land and spread Islam
3. U_________3rd C___________- conquered more land, was assassinated by rebels
4. A_________-4th C_________- son in law of Muhammad; also assassinated.
B. Split in Islam: S__________, Sh___________ and (later) S______________
1. After the assassination of A____, Mu’awiyah was chosen as Caliph.
2. Most Muslims, called S________, recognized Mu’awiaya as the 5th C________, and said any devout
Muslim could be a leader.
3. Some Muslims, called Sh ______ refused to recognize Mu’awiyah, and said their leader should be a
relative of the prophet Muhammad. These became the 2 main groups in Islam.
4. The split still exists. S________ are the majority, and Sh_________ are a minority of Muslims as a
whole. However, Sh_______ (minority group) are a majority in I____ and I_______.
5. Today, S_______ Muslims put less emphasis on prayer leaders, called i_______. Sh_________
Muslims put more emphasis on prayers leaders, called i_____. The Sh______ religious leader is called
the Ayatollah.
6. A later, smaller group called S_________ - sought mystical connection with God through practices such
as meditation, poetry and dance. R___________ al Adawiyah was a female mystic and poet of the
S________ branch of Islam.
C. Early Spread of Islam
1. Caliphs formed armies and conquered lands, in order to spread their faith.
2. Did not force People of the Book to convert, but required non-Muslims to pay a special t___, called the
jizrah or jizyah.
3. Reasons for success of Muslim armies included 1) common f_________ , 2) fast moving horse & camel
c______, and 3)the w_________of the old Empires, including the B_________ Empire and P_______
4. Conquered the Middle East & North A_________ & converted the Berbers (people of North
A_______) to Islam.
D. U___________ dynasty (661AD-750AD) and continued spread of Islam
1. When he took over as 5th Caliph, Mu’awiyah started a dynasty called the U________ dynasty
2. The U_________ dynasty moved the capital of the Muslim Empire from Medina to D_______.
3. Built the beautiful shrine called the D_____ of the R______ in Jerusalem.
4. 711AD – A Muslim Berber (North African) general named T_______ conquered Spain. The Rock of
G_____________ is named for him.
5. 732AD-Muslim armies tried to invade France but were turned back by the Frankish leader C______
M___________ at the battle of T________. This stopped the advance of Islam into Europe.
D. A_________ dynasty (750AD-1258AD)
a. About 750AD – Abu al A________ overthrew the old U________ dynasty and started the
A________dynasty .
b. 762AD: Abbasid Caliph al Mansur founded the city of B________, and moved the capital of the Muslim
Empire from D_________ to B_____________.
c. Late 700s-early 800s: The most famous Abbasid Caliph, Harun al R__________ , was known for wealth
and generosity.
Early 800s: In this new city of B_________ , Caliph al Mamum (son of Harun al Rashid) founded an
important library & center of learning called the House of W_____________.
e. Soon S_________ and E__________ broke off from the main caliphate, so there were 3 caliphates:
the main Caliphate based in B____________, and smaller caliphates in based in Cordoba, S_________,
and Cairo, E______________.
6. 900s – tough nomadic herders called the T_________migrated into the Middle East & converted to
7. 1000s – the T________ were hired as soldiers for the C______ and soon took over the army, and
eventually took over the military & political power. The Turkish leader called the S________ ruled,
while the C________ became a symbolic religious figure.
8. From about 1100AD-1300AD, there were a series of wars called the Cr__________, in which Christian
knights from Western Europe tried to help the Byzantine Empire and tried to take the Holy Land from
the Muslims (we’ll learn more about this later).
9. In the 1250sAD, the M__________ (nomadic warriors from Mongolia) attacked the Middle East and
destroyed B___________. However, the M___________ soon withdrew.
10. 1300sADThe O________ T________ resurged & became the most powerful force in the Middle East,
and in 1453AD, Mehmet, leader of the O_____ T________, captured C________, renamed it
I________, and made it the new capital of the O________ Empire.
Section 3-Islamic Civilization
A. Trade
1. Trade was important & merchants had high status, partly because M______ had been a merchant.
2. Muslims were famous for producing & selling fine goods including
B. Government:
1. At first there was a single Muslim Empire ruled by one C__________.
2. Eventually, S_______ broke off and established a caliphate with capital at Cordoba in
S_________, and then North Africa & E________ broke off, and established a caliphate with
capital at C________ in E___________.
3. There was no separation of religion and government. The Q_________ (holiest book) and
S_______ (book of laws) gave details for how daily life and society should be.
C. Marriage and Family
1. Most m__________ were arranged but neither party could be forced to m_____ against their will.
The role of the h__________ was to support & protect the family; the role of the w______ was to
care for the home & children.
2. Men could have up to _ wives, but had to treat all equally. The groom gave his bride gift of
m_______ or p__________.
3. Women had the right to an e________ if their families could afford it. Women had the right to own
p_____________. Islam raised the status of women, who gained more rights than they had
previously had.
D. Medicine
1. In the Middle Ages, Muslim m___________ was the most advanced in the world.
2. Muslim doctors were advanced in using pharmaceutical d______, diagnosis & treatment of diseases.
3. Baghdad had the first school of p____________ (making pharmaceutical drugs) and one of the
first public h____________.
4. Al Q_________-physician in Cordoba, Spain, who invented many new s_________ practices & and
new s_______ instruments, and wrote an important book about s_________.
5. Al R______- very famous physician in B_____, Diagnosed the diseases of measles & s_______
6. Ibn S_______-wrote a very important, 4-volume textbook called “Canon of M___________”.
E. Geography:
The geographer a__I_________ sent agents to many other lands to make maps. He compiled them,
and made more accurate maps than had previously existed.
2. Arab traders adopted & spread the use of the a___________, (which had been invented by the
Greeks), and instrument which was used to find the angle of the sun and stars to determine
l________, which is the distance N or S of the equator.
F. Mathematics
1. Muslim merchants learned the system of numbers used in I_________, which used numerals 0-9
and place value to express any number. The M______ merchants adopted this system and spread its
use. This system came to be called the “A________ numerals”.
2. Al Khw__________ developed the branch of mathematics called he called “al jabr___”, or algebra.
D. Arts & Architecture
1. Artistic forms were limited by the fact that the Qur’an forbad them to make images of God.
Muslims also did not use images of _____________ or ______ in religious art.
2. Instead, Muslim artists used artistic forms such as
1) c_____________-beautiful handwriting, and
2) arabesque_____geometric designs & flowing designs of flowers, leaves and stems
4. Built many beautiful, elaborate places of worship called m________. Usually had a d_____ on top,
and columns called minarets from which a crier called a muezzin announced prayer times.
5. Most famous collection of stories: “The T_________ and O________ Nights”, which features
young woman named Scheherazade, who uses her story telling ability to save herself and other young
women from a cruel Sultan.
Be able to locate Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Mediterranean Sea, Strait of Gibraltar, Mecca, Medina,
Damascus, Baghdad, Cordoba, Cairo, Constantinople/Istanbul, Tours on a map.
Be able to recognize a picture of the Kaaba in Mecca.
Ibrahim, Ishmael, Isaac
Abu Bakr
Jihad (Greater Jihad, Lesser Jihad)
Abu al Abbas
Al Mansur
Al Mamum
Harun Al Rashid
Ottoman Turks
Charles Martel
Umayyad Dynasty
Abbasid Dynasty
Al Khwarizmi
Al Qasim
Al Razi
Ibn Sina
Thousand and One Nights
Al Idrisi
Al Jasari