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UNIT 5 Plant Form and Function
Part A Knowledge and Understanding: Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the best best answer for each
of the following on a separate sheet provided. Each question is worth 1 mark.
Which of the following members of the kingdom plantae are nonvascular?
a. bryophytes
d. spermatophytes
b. tracheophytes
e. gymnosperms
c. pteridophytes
Which of the following members of the kingdom plantae are seedless plants?
a. pteridophytes
d. angiosperms
b. spermatophytes
e. all of the above are seedless
c. gymnosperms
In the vascular plants (tracheophytes), what are the names of the two types of vascular tissue?
a. xylose and phylum
d. xylem and phagnum
b. xylum and phagnum
e. xylum and phloem
c. xylem and phloem
4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of plants?
a. They lack mobility.
d. They have cell walls that contain chitin.
b. They are eukaryotic.
e. Most plants can photosynthesize.
c. They have numerous organelles.
5. Which of the following members of the kingdom plantae have naked seeds?
a. bryophytes
d. gymnosperms
b. pteridophytes
e. angiosperms
c. spermatophytes
6. Which of the following would not be an adaptation of plants for a terrestrial existence?
a. structures to allow them to live in an environment where there is little change
b. structures to keep a plant upright
c. conducting tissue for nutrients
d. reproduction system not dependent on water
e. covering to prevent water loss
7. What are openings in the leaves of plants that permit the exchange of gases called?
a. stratoliths
d. stomata
b. stophanum
e. stipends
c. stratomorphs
8. Which of the following would not be found in the diploid sporophyte generation?
a. zygote
d. sporophyte plant
b. embryo
e. spore mother cells
c. spores
9. Why are mosses found in swampy and other relatively moist environments?
a. have no waxy cuticle to prevent dehydration
b. lack a vascular system
c. do not have a good means of dispersal and so have always been near water
d. sugars they make during photosynthesis require lots of water to dissolve them
e. none of the above
10. Which of the following information about mosses is true?
a. They have a small but dense set of roots.
b. They have true leaves and stems.
c. They do not produce flowers or seeds.
d. They grow in a wide range of habitats.
e. They can grow to be several metres high.
11. Ferns are members of which plant group?
a. bryophytes
b. sporophytes
c. pteridophytes
d. gymnosperms
e. angiosperms
12. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a dicotyledonous plant?
a. two cotyledons
d. vascular bundles of stem in a ring
b. parallel venation
e. floral parts in multiples of four or five
c. two seed leaves
Which of the following is not part of the shoot system of a vascular plant?
a. vascular bundle
b. lateral root
c. blade
d. petiole
14. Which of the following is not a function of the root?
a. Roots produce carbohydrates by photosynthesis.
b. Roots absorb water and minerals.
c. Roots support and anchor a plant.
d. Roots produce hormones.
e. Roots produce toxins to prevent the germination of other plant seeds.
15. The part of the plant that is above ground is called the
a. shoot.
d. lateral meristem.
b. Apical part.
e. vascular cambium.
c. Aerial root.
16. Which group of vascular plants possesses flowers and seeds in fruit?
a. angiosperms
b. lycophytes
c. gymnosperms
d. pteridophytes
17 What are the products of photosynthesis?
a. solar energy and carbon dioxide
b. carbon dioxide and water
c. water and solar energy
d. glucose and oxygen
18. Which of the following concerning the xylem and phloem tissue is false?
a. Phloem cells contain dead conducting cells.
b. Xylem cells carry water and minerals.
c. Phloem cells carry carbohydrates.
d. Xylem cells make up the wood in a tree.
e. Phloem is part of the bark.
19. Which statement is true about the function of the cuticle of a vascular plant’s leaf?
a. The cuticle performs photosynthesis.
b. The cuticle prevents water loss.
c. The cuticle performs gas exchange.
d. The cuticle controls the opening and closing of the stomata.
Which structure of the angiosperm seed is designated by the question mark in this figure?
seed coat
21. An example of a micronutrient needed by plants in very small amounts is
a. Nitrogen.
d. phosphorus.
b. Sulfur.
e. calcium.
c. Manganese.
22. For fruit to ripen quickly, it is often placed in a brown paper bag because
a. this prevents the light from rotting the fruit and slowing down its ripening.
b. the darkness will cause the fruit to ripen faster than in the light.
c. the levels of ethylene produced by the fruit will decrease in the bag, thus causing the fruit
to ripen.
d. the levels of abscisic acid will rise in the bag, causing the fruit to ripen faster.
e. the levels of ethylene will rise causing the fruit to ripen faster.
23. If the apical bud of a plant is removed to make the plant more bushy, which source of plant hormones has
been removed?
a. Auxins
d. ethylene
b. Gibberellins
e. abscisic acid
c. Cytokinins
24. Which statement is true about ecological succession?
a. Biodiversity increases at every stage of succession.
b. Primary succession occurs after a community has been disturbed, and soil with organic
nutrients and some plant species remain.
c. Secondary succession occurs in an area in which there is no existing life.
d. Succession is a sudden change in a community brought about by shifts in population sizes
of various species and/or loss or gain of particular species.
UNIT 5 Plant Form and Function
Part A Multiple Choice: Write the best answer for each of the multiple choice questions given. Each
question is worth 1 mark and there is no penalty for wrong answers.
1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________
4. ___________
5. ___________
6. ___________
7. ___________
8. ___________
9. ___________
10. ___________
11. ___________
12. ___________
13. ___________
14. ___________
15. ___________
16. ___________
17. ___________
18. ___________
19. ___________
20. ___________
21. ___________
22. ___________
23. ___________
24. ___________
Knowledge and Understanding: - True or False: For the following, indicate whether it is T or F. Then
in the space below, correct the FALSE statements (1 additional mark for each corrected false statement).
1. Petioles are structures in the seeds of flowering plants that store and supply nutrients to the embryo. ___________
2. A petiole is the flat part of a leaf. ____________________
3. A cotyledon is an opening in the epidermis of a leaf, through which gases pass in and out of the leaves. ________
4. Woody plants have stems that contain wood. ____________________
5. Venation refers to the arrangement of vascular tissue that consists of xylem and phloem _________________
6. A fibrous root system is composed of a large, thick root and smaller lateral roots. ____________________
7. A root hair is a microscopic extension of the epidermal cells of the root. ____________________
8. Secondary succession is succession in an area that has no plants, animals, or soil. ____________________
9. Pollination is a plant’s response to changing day length. ____________________
10. Translocation is the evaporation of water through the stomata of plant leaves. ____________________
Knowledge and Understanding: Matching
Match each tissue type or role to the corresponding tissue group in vascular plants. Answer choices may
be used more than once.
a. Ground tissues
b. Vascular tissues
c. Dermal tissues
1. Transport water and nutrients __________
2. Xylem __________
3. Sclerenchyma __________
4. Store carbohydrates, especially starch __________
5. Collenchyma __________
6. Protect against injury, herbivores, disease, and water loss __________
7. Epidermis __________
8. Cellular processes to support growth and development __________
9. Parenchyma __________
10. Periderm __________
11. Phloem __________
Knowledge and Understanding: SHORT ANSWERS
1. Label diagram A and diagram B below using the word bank provided. The words that appear twice
should be used once in each diagram.
What part of the plant does diagram A and B represent? Is it a monocot or dicot? Support your answer.
2. Label each figure shown here based on the type of root system illustrated. Compare and contrast the two
types of root systems shown.
3. Label the internal leaf structure of vascular plants shown here.
Part B Inquiry
1. A homeowner discovered an exotic plant in their yard and brought it to your lab to help him/her identify
whether the plant is a monocot or a dicot, how would you go about helping this individual. (Feel free to
use diagrams where applicable). Continue your answer at the back of this page
Part C: Communication. Watch your grammar and spelling.
1. Explain why a plant needs to obtain each of the following in order to grow and be healthy:
a) Carbon dioxide, b).Sunlight, c) water, d) nitrogen, e) phosphorus, f) potassium, g) oxygen.