Download Study Guide Chapter 6 Ancient China Matching Shi Huangdi Laozi

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Study Guide Chapter 6 Ancient China
Shi Huangdi
Silk Road
lord acupuncture peasant
True/False and Fill in the Blank
Section 1:
- Who founded the Xia Dynasty?
- What landform separated China from its neighbors to the north?
- The first writing system was during what dynasty?
Section 2:
- Land ownership was important in whose politic order?
- Who claimed to have the mandate of heaven, giving them power to rule?
- Legalism was what kind of philosophy, not a religious one?
Section 3:
- Who set up a uniformed system of laws and standardized many things throughout China?
- The Great Wall stopped who from invading?
- Who believed in a strong government with strict laws and harsh punishments?
Section 4:
- What was the highest ranking of the Han social class?
- Who was a peasant before becoming the ruler of China?
- Who were the largest social class in the Han Dynasty?
- What were the three Han innovations?
Section 5:
- Did the Han have contact with other cultures? Why or why not?
- Buddhism offered what to the Chinese people?