Download Chapter 3-3, 3-4 review sheet Define the following terms • Oracle

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Chapter 3-3, 3-4 review sheet
Define the following terms
 Oracle bones
 Silk Road
 Mandate of heaven
 Censorate
 Aristocracy
Filial Piety
Explain why each the following people are important
Lao Tzu
Answer the following questions
1. What was the longest lasting dynasty in ancient china?
2. How was Shihuangdi able to unify the china?
3. Name the technological advances of the Han dynasty?
4. Which philosophy did the Han Emperor discard?
5. What dynasty did Chinese civilization begin with?
6. Which philosophy believed in Dao (Confucianism, Legalism, Daoism)?
7. What were the 3 divisions of the government in the Qin dynasty?
8. Who founded the Han dynasty?
9. What did fore and aft rigging allow the Han dynasty to do?
10. When were terra cotta warriors discovered in China?
11. Name the 5 relationships in Confucianism?
12. What was the main belief of Confucius?
13. What river did Chinese civilization develop?
14. Why was the great wall built?
15. What social class made up the majority of the people in ancient China?
16. What is veneration of ancestors?
17. List the 4 technological or cultural achievements?
18. What group of people did the Great Wall of China try to keep out?