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Civilization/Nation/Group Han dynasty_____________________
Time Period 206BCE-220AD_____________________________
-Expanded trade among people of inner Asia, causing the development of the silk road. It
connected China to other civilizations trade wise and also culturally and religiously. This
provided framework for international trade for future generations. Silk and salt were the
major exports.
-systems of taxes
-Agriculture technology increased the countryside’s population size and permitted the
expansion of cities and manufacturing.
-Three main social groups: The top group of landowning aristocracy, educated bureaucracy,
or mandarins. Labor masses of economically independent. The mean group consisting of
slaves performing artists and other entertainment. “Mean” people were indicated with green
scarves and treated harshly.
-Patriarchal society, male dominance. Women were inferior and obeyed to men
-The development of central government, the bureaucracy system. It provides one single
law code for the whole empire, governor in districts, and officials in smaller regions.
-Use a uniform tax system
-Use the legalism of punishment and reward, but were judged with Confucianism.
-In southern rice regions, this villages were owned and regulated by the village or extended
-There are two Han dynasties. The original one was overthrown by a member of a wealthy
family eventually forming the Hsing dynasty lead by Wang Mang. Mang was overthrown
and killed by Liu Hsiu, a descendent of the Han dynasty. It formed the second Han dynasty.
-Han dynasty conflicts and a campaign with Turkestan.
- It ended Han dynasty came to an end after the three kingdoms emerged
-The ideas of harmony to maintain proper balance between Earth and Heaven. It included
constructed rituals like the use of chopsticks to unify society and prevent individual excess.
-Confucianism became established in all classes as a moderate code ethics of ritual, polite,
and self-control. It urged men demonstrate proper family values. / Polytheism based form
Confucianism. It emerged in the lower classes.
-Daoism was also established, the idea of nature’s harmony and mystery.
-From India/silk road the religion, Buddhism was shared with the Chinese
-Chinese artful writing, calligraphy was developed.
- Invented a type of instrument, a seismograph registering earthquakes.
-Medical: Study the principle of hygiene to promote life. Physicians prescribed diets and
medicine to cure specific illnesses. In surgery used anesthesia to numb patients.
-Paper was invented, a boon for system of government emphasizing bureaucracy.
-Math calculated the Pythagorean theorem, negative numbers, roots, linear equations and
-Astronomy: Adopted the model of geocentric and assumed that the sun, moon, and planets
were spherical.
-Agriculture grew causing the development of better tools made from iron and tools like the
oxen-pulled ploughs
-Irrigation systems like crop rotation increased, helping develop areas of North China.
-Iron and salt were monopolized being two of the biggest sectors of Chinese economics.
-Important activities were silk weaving and copper work.
-Due to Confucianism learning/education was greatly emphasized
Main idea: From the Han dynasty the Silk Road developed. It also developed the centralized government,
Bureaucracy. The Hans/ Classical China were very philosophical with Confucianism, Daoism, and legalism.
During this time people emphasized learning and education.