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Items to be familiar with:
Importance of Silk Road Trade (cultural diffusion, banking, wealth, movement)
What areas Silk Road connected (Western Europe, Mid East, Africa, India, &
Impact of Silk Road trade on cities it past through (wealth, contact, growth)
Similarities between Han Dynasty and Rome (Democratic societies that elected
officials, large wealthy empires)
Contributions of India and China (they have typed notes on each of these)
Confucianism (stressed harmony, family, 5 relationships, respect, good behavior, &
social order)
Himalaya Mountains served as a physical barrier for both India and China from
neighboring civilizations
Caste System was caused by Hinduism and created a strict social structure in India
(distinct upper, middle, and lower classes)
The Mandate of Heaven in China was the belief that the gods showed their
approval or disapproval of the ruling dynasties by having prosperous and peaceful
times (approval) or disasters like war, famine, floods (disapproval). The events led
to the dynastic cycle (or change from one ruling dynasty to the next)
Confucianism impacted Chinese government by the creation of Confucian Civil
Service exams for gaining a government job, creating Confucian learning centers,
and the population having a great respect for rulers.
Key Vocabulary:
Centralized Government: The consolidation of government authority into one single
Bureaucracy- System of running government through appointed officials.
Pagoda- Temple with many levels & roof tops that curve up in the corners.
Gentry- Wealthy land owning class in China.
Tributary State- An independent state that must acknowledge supremacy of
another state and pay tribute to them.
Civil Service Exams- Series of examinations that test to find most qualified individuals for
government positions.
Oracle Bone Divination- Practice of reading signs in oracle bones to communicate with
Filial Piety- Tradition of extreme respect and obedience to parents and elders practiced in
Great Wall- Protective barrier built by the Qin Dynasty to prevent northern
invasions by the Mongols.
Caste System- System of strict social hierarchy (social order) preached by
Hinduism and practiced in India.