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Page 179 #’s 1-2 KEY
1a. ren = concern for others;
li = appropriate behavior
1b. the Song Dynasty’s new version that blended proper behavior and spiritual matters
1c. It included the best of Buddhism & Confucianism (spiritual matters and ethics).
2a. an educated member of the government who passed a test about the knowledge of Confucianism
and related ideas
2b. considerable respect as elite members of society, widely admired for their knowledge and ethics,
reduced penalties for breaking the law, many became wealthy
2c. Yes – screened out people who were not smart, capable, or serious
No – knowing philosophical or religious ideas has nothing to do with the jobs they performed
Page 186 #’s 1-3 KEY
1a. the leader of the Mongols who conquered a large part of Asia
1b. by brutally attacking and terrorizing Chinese towns
1c. The statement is valid because attacking Japan contributed to the Yuan dynasty’s failure
2a. the greatest sailor of the Ming dynasty;
led voyages of exploration throughout Asia and as far the East coast of Africa
2b. They were impressed with the power of the emperor
2c. protected China;
but it was costly to build.
3a. avoiding contact with other countries
3b. many massive building projects; more power for emperors; instituted isolationism
3c. advantages: protection/safety;
disadvantages: lack of trade; less development