Download Ancient Chinese Civilizations - Judson Independent School District

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1.What do you know about the Declaration of
2. After watching the video what is one thing you’ve
learned about the declaration?
 Mountains cut off China from the west
 Isolated, China developed its own distinctive
 Huang He (Yellow River) and the Chang
Jiang (Yangtze River)
 Only 10% of China could be farmed
 One of the greatest food-producing areas of
the ancient world
 Had an established bureaucracy- system of
departments/agencies formed to carry out
work of government
 Introduced simple irrigation and flood control
 Believed in animism-spirits are present in
animals, plants and other natural object, and
ancestor worship
 Used oracle bones
 Overthrew Shang Dynasty about 1050 B.C.
 No centralized form of government
 granted territories
 Believed in the Mandate of Heaven – “God
of Heaven determines who should rule”
 Came to power through military might
 Ruled by Cheng – ‘1st Emperor’
 Word China comes from Cheng
 Autocracy – emperor had total power
 Began a 1,500 mile long section of what is
now the Great Wall of China
 Lasted only 15 years
 Liu Bang, peasant who became general, led
overthrow of Qin Dynasty
 Lasted 400 years
 Created civil service
 System of exams to
select most qualified
 Leveling – govt price
controls to balance
 Silk Road – trade
route across Asia
1750 B.C.
 Confucianism – taught
importance of family,
respect for one’s elders,
and reverence for the
past and one’s ancestors
 Ideas were political and
ethical, not spiritual
 Civil service was born
out of Confucianism
 Daoism – people should
withdraw from world & live
in harmony
 Do not strive for material
wealth & should not seek
 The way to follow the Dao is
inaction, not action
 People should act
spontaneously and let nature
take its course
 Legalism – believed in power, not virtue
and in harsh laws
 People are selfish and untrustworthy
 Social order requires a strong ruler and harsh,
impersonal laws, both of which made people
obedient through fear