Download How Does a Historian Work? Historians study a variety of sources to

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How Does a Historian Work?
Historians study a variety of sources to learn
about the past.
Primary Sources are firsthand pieces of evidence
from people who saw or experienced an event.
*written documents, such as letters, diaries and
official records.
*spoken interviews
* tools.
Secondary Sources are created
after the events by people who
played no part in them.
*history books
*text books
Can the Sources be Trusted?
Historians examine sources for credibility or
truthfulness. This is because each source
reflects a point of view, or a general attitude
about people and life. Sometimes point of view
is expressed as bias, or an unreasoned,
emotional judgment about people and events.
Cause and Effect
A cause is what makes an event
happen. The event that happens as a
result of the cause is known as the
Fact and Opinion
A fact answers a specific question such
as: When and where did it happen?
Statements of fact can be checked for
accuracy and can be proven.
An opinion expresses beliefs, feelings, and
judgments. It can not be proven. Look for
clues such as: I think, probably, it seems
to me.
Fact or Opinion?
1. The Han dynasty ruled China from 202
B.C. to A.D. 220.
2. The Han dynasty was a much better
dynasty than the Qin dynasty.
3. The Han divided the country into
districts to be better able to manage
such a large area.
4. The government should not have
encouraged support for arts and
5. No other ruling family in the world can
compare with the Han dynasty of China.