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I will be your “buddy”
for the Rome Test!
Q: What is the fancy geographic term for Italy?
A: Peninsula
Q: What role does the system of checks and balances play in the U.S. and Roman governments?
A: It prevents each branch from overpowering the others
Q: Where was the center of life in ancient Rome?
A: The Forum
Q: Who fought in the Punic Wars?
A: Rome and Carthage
Q: What was one reason the Roman trade network grew?
A: The Roman merchants had to bring in food from other parts of the Mediterranean to feed population
Q: Which general led an attack on Rome in 218 BC?
A: Hannibal
Q: What culture did Rome get influenced by after they conquered them?
A: The Greeks (Hellenistic- just like Alex the Great!)
Q: Describe Rome’s climate. What did it provide Romans with?
A: Warm dry summers and mild rainy winters. Rome could grow wide variety crops (grains, citrus fruits, etc)
Q: What was the purpose of the Law of the Twelve Tables?
A: The Romans could know/see the laws in the Forum and stated/protected the people’s rights.
Q: Who were Rome’s common people? What did they create to gain power in the government?
A: The Plebians; they created a council and elected their own officials to gain power
Q: What do you call a government in which people elect their leaders?
A: Republic
Q: What is a ruler with almost absolute power?
A: Dictator
Q: What are Rome’s two most powerful magistrates? Why are there two of them?
A: Consuls; there are two so that not one consul will become too powerful. Checks and balances!!
Q: Briefly describe Rome’s military. What type of formation did they use?
A: The Romans used Legions (group of 6,000 soldiers). They were very flexible and could fight in larger
groups or break off into smaller groups (centuries-groups of 100 soldiers).
Q: What is a three part government called?
A: Tripartite
Q: Who was Spartacus, and why was he so special?
A: Spartacus was a slave and gladiator that organized a revolt and demanded freedom. He took over much
of southern Italy but was killed in battle and the revolt fell apart. 6,000 slaves were executed as a result.
Q: How was civic duty demonstrated in Rome?
A: 1) Romans attended assembly
2) Had to vote in elections
3) Wealthy Romans held public office
Q: Describe no less than three similarities between the Roman Republic and the U.S. government.
A: 1) They both have a system of check and balances to control power in the government
2) They both have a tripartite form of government.
3) They both elect their leaders into office.
Q: Explain no less than two ways that the landscape of the Italian Peninsula affected early settlement there.
A: 1) The Apennines made it difficult for ancient people to cross from one side of the peninsula to the other
(Apennines are in the middle of the peninsula).
2) Mount Vesuvius is volcanic (along with others) and eruptions could devastate Roman towns.
3) Italy has a lot of hills; Romans built cities on top of these hills for defense.
4) Italy has several rivers that flow through it (good source of fresh water). People built cities near them.