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CHAPTER 12 -1406
CHAPTER 8- 1408
1. Define: genome, gene, chromosomes, chromatin, binary fission,
homologous chromosomes, sister chromatids, daughter
chromosomes, somatic cells, gametes, centromere, kinetochore,
karyokinesis, spindle fibers, kinetochore microtubules,
nonkinetochore microbules, centrosome, asters
2. List differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic genome.
3. A chromosome consists of ____ (60%) and ____ (40%).
4. Describe the phases of the cell cycle and the events that occur
in each.
a. Interphase
1. G1
2. S
3. G2
b. M phase
1. mitosis
a. prophase
b. prometaphase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
2. cytokinesis
5. A cell will spend most time at which part of the cell cycle?
6. Compare and contrast homologous chromosomes, sister
chromatids, daughter chromosomes.
7. Explain the movement of chromosomes to opposite poles. How
is this achieved?
8. When the kinetochore microtubules disassemble, they do so at
the which end, the chromosome end or centrosome end?
9. Compare cytokinesis in animals and plants. Include cleavage
furrow and cell plate formation.
10. In mitosis, one diploid cell produces ____ diploid cells.
A human skin cell consists of 46 chromosomes. If the skin cell
divides via mitosis, how many cells will result and what is the
chromosomal number?
A canine skin cell consists of 78 chromosomes. If the skin cell
divides via mitosis, how many cells will result and what is the
chromosomal number?
CHAPTER 13 -1406
CHAPTER 8- 1408
1. Define: chiasma (pl chiasmata)
2. In meiosis, one diploid cell produces ____ haploid cells.
A human primordial sex celll consists of 46 chromosomes. If the
cell divides via meiosis, how many cells will result and what is the
chromosomal number?
A canine skin cell consists of 78 chromosomes. If the skin cell
divides via mitosis, how many cells will result and what is the
chromosomal number?
3. Compare and contrast mitosis with meiosis.
4. Study the diagram of the human life cycle and indicate where
in the human body mitosis and meiosis occur; which cells are the
result of meiosis and mitosis; and which cells are haploid and
which ones diploid.
5. Distinguish between sexual and asexual reproduction.
6. What type of cell results from meiosis? List function and
chromosomal number.
7. Meiosis consists of two divisions. The first division, described as
the reduction division, separates the ____ . The second division,
described as the mitotic division, separates the ____ .
8. Describe the events characteristic of each.
Meiosis I: prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I
Meiosis II: prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II
9. Compare mitosis, meiosis I, and meiosis II. What is the
chromosomal arrangement during metaphase? Chromosomes
are either individually aligned or pairs of homologous
chromosomes are aligned.
10. At what point in meiosis do the following events occur?
a. synapsis
b. tetrad formation
c. crossing-over
11. List contributions to genetic variation in sexually reproducing
organisms. (Why are all gametes different?)
12. Gametogenesis includes spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
Give the number of viable gametes produced from one
primordial cell for both spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
CHAPTER 14- 1406
CHAPTER 9- 1408
1. Define: cross, hybrid, true-breeding, allelles, homozygous
dominant, homozygous recessive, heterozygous, cross fertilization,
self fertilization, genotype, phenotype, pleiotrophy, polygenic
inheritance, epistasis, P , F1 , F2
2. List the contributions of
a. Gregor Mendel
b. Reginald C. Punnett
3. List and explain Mendel's first and second laws.
4. Distinguish between parental and recombinant phenotypes.
5. Be able to perform monohybrid and dihybrid crosses.
Know the genotypic and phenotypic ratios for F1 and F2 .
6. Compare and contrast complete dominance, incomplete,
codominance and provide examples
CHAPTER 15- 1406
CHAPTER 9- 1408
1. Define: karyotype, sex chromosome, autosome, karyotype, sexlinked gene, nondisjunction, hemizygous, aneuploidy and
polyploidy, monosomy and trisomy
2. Distinguish between heterogametic sex and homogametic sex.
3. Explain why a recessive sex-linked gene is always expressed in
human males.
4. Describe the type of chromosomal alternations implicated in
the following human disorders:
a. Down syndrome
b. Klinefelter syndrome
c. extra Y
d. metafemale
e. Turner syndrome
5. Are the following X-linked or Y-linked?
a. red-green colorblindness
b. hemophilia
c. hairy pinna (hairy ears)
d. SRY gene
e. Duchenne's MD
6. List chromosomal anomalies that can result from XX
nondisjuction in
a. spermatogenesis
b. oogenesis.
List chromosomal anomalies that can result from YY nondisjuction
in spermatogenesis.
7. What determinations can be made by careful examination of a
8. Landsteiner (ABO) blood groups. List the genotypes. List the
corresponding antigens and antibodies. Know which blood types
can be received in each phenotype. Be able to perform crosses.
Which alleles are codominant, which is recessive?
a. A
b. B
c. AB
d. O
9. What is the Rh factor and where is it found?
10. Under what circumstances will you have a baby labeled as
erythroblastosis fetalis (or hemolytic disease of the newborn)?
Provide genotypes for mother and baby.
11. Describe the following genetic disorders. At the cellular level ,
are these disorders dominant, recessive, codominant, or
incompletely dominant.
a. cystic fibrosis
b. PKU
c. sickle-cell anemia
d. hemophilia: royal and autosomal
e. Tay-Sachs disease
f. hypercholesteremia
g. Huntington disease
12. Are the following codominant, incomplete dominance,
dominant or recessive?
a. albinism (albino)
b. A and B alleles of ABO blood
c. pink snapdragons
d. shorthorn roan cattle (red and white hair)
13. Differentiate between sex chromosomes and autosomal
14. Distinguish between
a. linked-genes
1. completely linked-genes
2. incompletely linked-genes
b. unlinked-genes