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Unit 11 Don’t Let Go!
Share your opinions and experiences of the following subjects
with your friends.
1. What is CPR?
2. What does CPR stand for?
3. Why did CPR change from A-B-C to C-A-B?
Carrying out cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in an
emergency situation can make a big difference to life-saving.
The American Heart Association (AHA) renewed its 2010 CPR
Guidelines. They announced worldwide that everyone should be
aware that some steps of CPR have been changed.
Nowadays, many medical researches pointed out that everyone
should focus more on high-quality chest compressions to raise
life-saving rate of CPR. In the past, we used to follow the
ABC's steps - airway, breathing and chest compressions.
Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a common medical condition
caused by sudden stopping of the heart at any time. The key to
saving a cardiac arrest victim is to restore the correct action
of chest compression in time, not to spend time to make the
systemic assessment. Performing CPR in an emergency situation
can make life-saving different. Following the standardized CPR
steps can help someone by doing hands-only CPR before the
ambulance arrives. In 2010, the medical expert of AHA claimed
that 30 chest compressions should be accomplished in
approximately 18 seconds each circle. Later, people can focus
on opening the airway, and then do mouth to mouth for oxygen
supply 2 times during the CPR process. The cardiac arrest
patients concern more about getting blood flow again and
reducing the brain damage instead of taking a breath. However,
the A-B-C protocol still works for infant and newborn babies
We should keep pushing until we are sure that the AED (Automated
External Defibrillator) is in place and ready to analyze the
heart condition. In fact, AED is most commonly used in the case
of sudden cardiac arrest. It is a portable electronic device
that automatically diagnoses the potentially life threatening
or treats cardiac arrhythmia (e.g. ventricular tachycardia and
ventricular fibrillation). It makes the heart beating properly.
Fast and correct procedures of AED are carried out to restore
normal heart rhythm and also bring oxygen to the brain.
The new order of AB-CABS asks emergency responders to quickly
check if the patient’s Airway is open and if the patient is
Breathing normally. If not, the responder moves straight into
delivering chest Compressions, opening up the Airway and then
checking the Breathing for the patient (30:2). If he or she is
breathing normally, then the responder can move further in the
cycle of care, i.e. the S to check for Serious Bleeding, Shock
and Spinal Injury.
Please select the best answer for each question.
1. Which of the followings is the most common cause of
performing CPR?
Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA)
Severe flu
Shortness of breath (SOB)
Swallow disorder
2. Who needs to use the A-B-C protocol?
Infants and newborn babies
KK [ˋgaɪd͵ laɪn] DJ [ˋgaidlain] n./
KK [kəmˋprɛʃən] DJ [kəmˋpreʃən] n./
壓縮, 壓擠
KK [əˋnaʊns] DJ [əˋnauns] Vt./
KK [ˋæmbjələns] DJ [ˋæmbjuləns] n./
KK [əˋkɑmplɪʃ] DJ [əˋkɔmpliʃ] Vt./
完成, 實現, 達到
Ad./ 大概; 近乎
a./ 新出生的
KK [ˋnju͵ bɔrn] DJ [ˋnju:͵ bɔ:n]
KK [əˋprɑksəmɪtlɪ] DJ [əˋprɔksimitli]
KK [ˋɪnfənt] DJ [ˋinfənt] n./
宣佈, 發佈
KK [ɪˋmɝdʒənsɪ] DJ [iˋmə:dʒənsi] n./
緊急情況; 突然事件; 非常時
10. responder
[riˈspɔndə] n./ 響應者
KK [͵ kɑrdɪoˋpʌlmənərɪ] DJ [͵ kɑ:diəuˋpʌlmənəri] a./
KK [rɪ͵ sʌsəˋteʃən] DJ [ri͵ sʌsiˋteiʃən] n./
復活; 復甦
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 心肺復甦
KK [sɚˋvaɪv!] DJ [səˋvaivəl] n./
KK [ˋprotə͵ kɑl] DJ [ˋprəutəkɔl] n./
KK [ˋkɑrdɪ͵ æk] DJ [ˋkɑ:diæk]
KK [əˋrɛst] DJ [əˋrest] Vt./
倖存; 殘存
議定書; 協議; 草案
心臟的; 心臟病的
逮捕; 拘留 n./ 阻止, 遏止
Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) 突發性心臟停止
KK [ˋɔtometɪd] DJ [ˋɔ:təumeitid] a./
KK [ɪkˋstɝnəl] DJ [eksˋtə:nl] a./
9.defibrillator [
機械化的, 自動化的
外面的, 外部的
] n./ 去纖維顫動器,(心臟用).
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) 自動體外電擊器
10. cardiac arrhythmia
KK [əˋrɪθmɪə] DJ [əˋriθmiə] n./
心律失常, 心律不
11. ventricular
KK [vɛnˋtrɪkjəlɚ] DJ [venˋtrikjulə] a./
心室的; 腦室的
KK [͵ tækɪˋkɑrdɪə] DJ [͵ tækiˋkɑ:diə] n./
ventricular tachycardia 心室心搏過速
13.ventricular fibrillation
KK [͵ fɪbrəˋleʃən] DJ [͵ fibriˋleiʃən] n./
be aware of 意識到,注意到,知道,明白
Be aware of your surroundings.
Adding a suffix (ing) to a verb to form a verb noun
Ex. Carrying out CPR in an emergency situation can make a big
difference to life-saving.
If the word ends with an ‘e’, you omit‘e’and add “ing”
to form a verb noun.
Ex. Dancing is good for our health.
In groups, discuss the following questions.
1. Why did CPR change from A-B-C to C-A-B?
2. Please compare the differences between A-B-C and C-A-B.
A word or phrase is missing in each of the question. Please select a best
answer to complete the sentence.
1. For the medical reason, the heart needs to beat_________. The faster the
rescuers can restore the pumping, the better it is for the victim.
(A) increasingly
(B) continuously
(C) decreasingly
(D) stably
2. EMS rescuers may perform CPR for about 2 minutes ______ using the
AED to treat out-of-hospital VF or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT)
when the call-to-arrival time is greater than 4 to 5 minutes.
(A) after
(B) before
(C) stop
(D) keep
A word or phrase is missing in each text or sentence listed below. Please
select the best answer to complete the text or sentence.
1. Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) kills _______ 250,000 people outside of
the hospital each year.
(A) totally
(B) minimizely
(C) approximately
(D) statistically
2. When the heart stops, the ________oxygenated blood can cause brain
damage in only a few minutes. A person may die within eight to 10
(A)instead of
(B) lack of
(C) cause of
(D)supply of
Please restructure following sentences to form a correct expression.
1. emergencies CPR a technique is life-saving used in many , heart
attack and drowning such as. (CPR is a life-saving technique used in
many emergencies, such as heart attack and drowning.)
2. stopped is anyone CPR hear useful to whose has beating. (CPR is
useful to anyone whose heart has stopped beating.)
Susan Boyler, a 53-year-old woman, has suffered from cardiac
arrhythmia in her car. The witness told to the police she
stopped suddenly on Bake Road and at least missed three times
of green light. One male driver overtook her car and thought
something was wrong with her, and then he called 110 for her.
The policeman found her lying on the seat with no vital signs.
The ambulance and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) came and
took over the resuscitation after three minutes. AED made her
heart rate go back to 60 times per minutes and she was sent to
the Emergency Room at Royal Women Hospital.
Nurse: Hi, I am your duty nurse, Jennifer Lin. Now Dr. Taylor
is discussing your medical status with Dr. Collin, and then will
transfer you to C.C.U. (Cardiovascular Care Unit) for further
intensive care.
Susan nodded her head to express her agreement.
Susan’s husband, John Boyler had been informed by the
policeman, and he went to the hospital to visit his wife.
John: Hi, I am John Boyler. Can I visit my wife right now?
Nurse: I am very sorry. You just missed the visiting time. You
might see her at eight o’clock tomorrow morning .Doctor Collin
said she was likely to have acute myocardial infarction, so his
order is absolute bed rest to reduce the overload of heart.
John: Is she going to get worse?
Nurse: She needs to take good rest in bed from three to five
days, we will look after all of her needs. Doctor Collin also
has arranged an electrocardiography and some labwork to check
her heart conditions.
John: I see. Thank you so much. She mentioned the chest pain
during jogging last weekend, I just ignored her words.
Nurse: What were her feelings like?
John: She said it was like dull pain on the chest and she felt
relieved after she rested for a while. (cough)
Nurse: Does she have any relatives with cardiac arrhythmia,
acute myocardial infarction or coronary artery disease?
John: Yes, her mother and brother all died of coronary artery
Nurse: Has she or any of her family members ever suffered from
John: Yes, her father has suffered from severe stroke and
hypertension for 20 years. Susan always visits her father at
the nursing home every Wednesday afternoon.(cough)
Nurse: I can see that you have caught a mild cold. I think you
should see a doctor to control your symptoms before visiting
her. Please take good care of yourself as well.
John: I will. See you tomorrow.
Nurse: Good-bye.
1. Why was Mrs. Boyler sent to hospital by ambulance this
Broke her leg
None of the vital signs
Redness and blisters on the forearm
Dull pain on the chest
2. What wasthe diagnosis of Mrs. Boyler by Dr.Collin?
coronary artery disease
cardiac arrhythmia
acute myocardial infarction
gastric ulcer
1.labwork [læb wə:k] n./實驗室,檢驗室
2.stroke KK [strok] DJ [strəuk] n./ 打, 擊, 敲, 中風
3.hypertension KK [͵ haɪpɚˋtɛnʃən] DJ [͵ haipəˋtenʃən] n./
1.Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 緊急救護員
2.Cardiovascular Care Unit (C.C.U.) 心臟加護單位
3.acute myocardial infarction (AMI) 急性心肌梗塞
4.coronary artery disease (CAD) 冠狀動脈疾病
take over 接管
The doctor wanted his colleague to take over his patient s when he’s on
vacation in UK.
Present perfect tense (has or have + p.p.) can be used to tell
others the experience you have had before.
Ex. I have suffered from heart attack.
17. Useful Expressions
1. What were her feelings like?
= How did she feel?
18. Role Plays
Tina Wang, a 28-year-old woman, has suffered from severe
cardiac arrhythmia in her office after a seminar meeting. Her
colleagues found her on the ground with weak and short breath,
so they called 110 immediately. The ambulance and Emergency
Medical Technician (EMT) came and took over the resuscitation.
AED made her heart rate go back to 90 times per minute and she
was sent to Emergency Room at Royal Women Hospital.
1.CPR involves _________ at least 5 cm deep and at a rate of
at least 100 per minute in an effort to create artificial
circulation by manually pumping blood through the heart.
(A) chest compressions
(B) artificial respiration
(C) serious bleeding
(D) shock and spinal injury
2. ________ is a bag connected to a mask and is used to breathe
for a patient when the patient is not breathing on his own.
(A) Nasal cannula
(B) Non-rebreather mask
(C) Ambu-bag
(D) Vertebrate trachea
Dialogue (Script)
Tim: Is something wrong with you? Are you all right?
Eva: I don’t feel well. I heard the bad news about Lily Smith this
Tim: What’s wrong with her?
Eva: Lily suffered from sudden cardiac arrest at home yesterday. Her son,
Jeff found her lying in the garden unconsciously.
Tim: Jeff is an excellent fireman. I think he can save Lily’s life.
Eva: You are right. Fortunately, Jeff and his wife all are good at CPR
steps. Lily still needs to stay at C.C.U. for two days.
Tim: In America, about 92% of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before
reaching hospital. I think we should learn CPR to prevent the tragedy.
Eva: I do agree with you. How long does a CPR course cost?
Tim: Most CPR classes take fewer than 8 hours to learn the most
important medical courses we need to know.
Eva: As you said, I don’t like people to do CPR if they can’t demonstrate
Tim: In fact, it’s easy to find CPR classes in the hospital and they can
arrange classes at the most convenient times for us.
Eva: Next weekend could be the best time for us to attend the CPR
courses in St. Vincent Hospital.
Are following statements true?
1. Tim and Eva are both interested in CPR courses.
(A) True
(B) False
2. More than 90% of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before reaching
hospital in the UK.
(A) True
(B) False
Most CPR classes take fewer than 8 hours to learn in a clinical
(A) True
(B) False
Match following questions and responses.
1. How much does a CPR course cost? A. It is available to any person at
medical centers and teaching hospitals.
2. What’s wrong with you?
B. 50 dollars for each person.
3. Where can we obtain a CPR
C. I cannot find my wallet.