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Course Syllabus
Spring 2016
Office Hours:
NU 314, Advanced Pharmacology
Mrs. Joy Edwards, MS, RN
MK 312
Monday 12:00-12:50 p.m. and Friday 9:00-9:50 a.m.
Catalog Description: This course builds upon basic pharmacological principles and expands
knowledge of further drug classifications with an emphasis on pharmacokinetics, and
pharmacodynamics of major drug classes and commonly prescribed prototype
medications within each drug class including therapeutic uses, adverse reactions,
precautions, and contraindications. Students are able to identify antidotes to drug
toxicity or overdose. Students apply critical thinking skills to case studies focusing on
pharmacological agents to treat pathological conditions.
Purpose of the Course: The goal of the Nursing Department is to prepare distinctively Christian
nurses who exemplify excellence. Achieving this level of excellence requires each
student to maintain the highest personal standards of responsibility, integrity, and
professionalism. The nursing faculty are committed to helping nursing students grow and
develop into the excellent nurses the Lord has called them to be.
The purpose of this course is to build upon the basic pharmacological foundation
that the students have obtained in NU 214. Emphasis is placed on the pharmacokinetics
of the various medication classes and the individualized effects on a cellular level. The
effects of medications on the pathophysiology of various disease processes are also
reviewed thoroughly. Case studies provide for critical thinking related to the use of
medications in the clinical setting for the patient.
Prerequisites: At least a “C” in or concurrent enrollment in NU 207.
Texts: Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, 7th ed., Lilley, L., Rainforth Collins, S., and
Snyder, J.
Study Guide to Accompany Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, 7th ed., Lilley, L.,
Rainforth Collins, S., and Snyder, J.
Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses, 14th ed., Vallerand, A., Sanoski, C, with Deglin.
Learning Outcomes—Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Synthesize critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning skills for use of
pharmacotherapeutics in the nursing process.
2. Identify common drugs and recall the mechanisms of actions, therapeutic effects,
indications, adverse and toxic effects, cautions, contraindications, and drug
interactions for various adrenergic agonists/antagonist drug profiles. Analyze
pharmacokinetic characteristics such as therapeutic effects, clinical response and
mechanisms of action of various medications used to treat physiological
diseases.Implement appropriate nursing interventions for overdose of drugs and be
able to recognize.
Evaluation—Achievement of learning outcomes will be assessed using the following methods:
A. Final Cumulative Exam 35%
D. Case Study Project 15%
B. Midterm/Exam II 25%
E. Homework /Reading Assignments 2%
C. Quizzes 18%
Classroom participation is also weighed and considered when giving a final grade.
The college grading scale will be applied to the course average to determine the course
90–100% A
60–69% D
0–59% F
Outcome 1. Quizzes, Tests, and Projects.
Outcome 2. Quizzes, Tests, and Kaplan.
Outcome 3. Quizzes and Tests.
Outcome 4. Quizzes, Tests, .
Attendance Policy: Students missing more than one week of scheduled classes will
automatically lose one full letter grade; students missing more than two weeks receive an
F for the course.
Course Outline and Assignments:
Reading /HW Assignments
Course Introduction/Principles
Drug Antagonists/Antidotes
Drugs affecting the SNS
Read CH 18/?’s 1-9, 10 & 13-14
CH 18 Case Study
Drugs affecting the SNS
Read CH 19/?’s 1-8 & Case Study
Drugs affecting the PNS
Read CH 20/?’s 1-18
Drugs affecting the PNS
Read CH 21/?’s 1-8
Midterm Exam
Respiratory Drugs
Read CH 36/?’s 1-12
Read CH 37/?’s 1-9 & Case Study
Thyroid Medications
Read CH 31/Crossword & ?’s 1-8
Antilipemic Agents
Read Chapter 29/?’s 1-9
GI Drugs
Read Chapter 50/?’s 1 – 17
Read Chapters 51 and 52; SG 51/?’S 1-8
Exam 2
Adrenal Agents
Read CH 33/?’s 1-9 and Case Study
Fluids and Electrolytes
Read CH 27/?’s 1-9
Read CH 45/ ?’s 1-9
Read CH 46/?’s 1-9
Dialysis & Medications
Review CH 22-26, 28
Review Cardiac Drugs
Review Antihypertensive/Diuretics
Review Coagulation Agents
Project Requirements:
Reading and Homework/Study Guide Assignments
Reading assignments are to be completed before the lecture and are considered as part of your
participation grade for this class. In order to appropriately participate in classroom discussion,
reading with purpose should be completed. Expect quiz and test questions from reading
assignments. Homework assignments are to be completed in the corresponding chapters of the
Study Guide and are subject for collection on the dates listed.
The Case Study Project
1. The student is to choose one case study from the scenarios provided on Canvas/Handout,
and then complete the critical thinking questions utilizing a formal paper format.
2. This paper should be complete including a title page, pledge page, references, and a
properly formatted reference page.
3. This project should be your own work and demonstrate an application of principles and
knowledge regarding topics from Pharmacology and Advanced Pharmacology.
4. This project should reflect critical thinking which considers all aspects of the drugs and
includes all pertinent information.
5. You are not to discuss your content with other students now or in the future.
6. Grading Criteria
o Written paper:
o Include your specific case study information word for word.
o Type out and answer completely the critical thinking questions for the specific
case study.
o Include general information describing your patient’s highlighted disease process.
o Discuss the Geriatric physiological changes and pharmacological nursing
considerations. Include how each of the four pharmacokinetic processes are
affected by aging. Address other pharmacological considerations that should be
addressed with geriatric patients?
o Describe each medication presented completely
 Brand and generic name
 Safe dosage
 Explain how the drug is used to treat the disease process
 Identify why the patient is on the specific medication, and discuss the
purpose of the medication.
 List the side effects associated with the drug
o Include a brief summary at the end of the case study. Mention what you will be
monitoring as your patient is taking these medications. The conclusion should
summarize what you discussed in the case study.
o Scholarly writing
 All directions are followed
 Sentence structure is clear
 The paper is required length and uses appropriate font size and spacing
 References are cited throughout the paper accurately according to
Chicago style as presented in Turabian’s Manual, 8th ed.
o Demonstrates critical thinking
o Grammar and spelling
 Appropriate punctuation is used
 There are no grammatical or spelling errors
o Extras
o Bibliography list
 At least 6 quality sources.
 Medical Surgical Nursing Source/Pathophysiology Book
 Pharmacology Source (At least 3 different texts)
Includes Quality resources in addition to class texts
May use class textbook but also use other sources
Nursing Journal/ Periodical within last 7 years
 Article regarding specific drug therapy
 Title of article reflects pharmacology focus
 Must be relevant to receive credit
o Additional points may be deducted for problem areas.
Classroom Policies: Classroom Guidelines and Nursing Turabian Guidelines are available for
download from Eaglesnest:Academic:Nursing Links under “Nursing Files.” These
guidelines apply to this nursing course, unless specifically indicated by the course
Plagiarism Statement: Plagiarism (presenting someone else’s writing or ideas as though they
were your own) is cheating and will be dealt with as such by Pensacola Christian College.
Adams, M. and Urban, C. Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice. 2nd ed.
(2013) Boston: Pearson.
Deglin, J. and Vallerand, A. Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses. 12th ed. (2011)
Philadelphia.: F.A. Davis Company.
Karch, A. Focus on Nursing Pharmacology. 4th ed. (2008) Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott
Williams and Wilkens.
Lehne, R. Pharmacology for Nursing Care. 7th ed. (2010) St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Lilley, L., Harrington, S. and Snyder, J. Pharmacology and the Nursing Process. 6thed.
(2011) St. Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc.
McKenry, L., Tessier, E. and Hogan, M. Mosby’s Pharmacology in Nursing. 22nd ed.
(2006) St. Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc.
Moini, J. Focus on Pharmacology: Essentials for Health Professionals. 2nd ed.
(2013) Boston: Pearson.
Students are not required to watch the following videos, but are encouraged to view them
in the college library. Expert Drug Therapy Video Series (Blanchard and Loeb, 2000)
with the following titles:
Asthma, Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis
Cardiopulmonary Arrest
Diabetes Mellitus
Asthma, Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis
Heart Failure and Pulmonary Edema
Myocardial Infarction