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Parts of Speech
Noun – person, place, thing, idea (mom, Wendy’s, school, love)
Pronoun – takes place of a noun (he, she, it, you, his, I, my, our)
Adjective – describes a noun (flat, gooey, soft, amazing)
Verb – action (run, fly, dance, dream, want) or being (am, is, are)
Adverb – tells how, when, or where about a verb, adjective, or
other adverb (slowly, loudly, carefully, tomorrow, everywhere)
Conjunction – joining word (but, or, so, because, since, if)
Preposition – place or direction word (over, under, beside, on,
off, through, around, of)
Interjection (Exclamation) –
(Ouch! Wow! Yikes!)
emotional outburst word
Identify the Parts of Speech
My excited dog barked loudly and
chased me around the messy house.
Nouns (2) –
Adverb (1) –
Pronouns (2) –
Conjunction (1) –
Adjectives (3) –
Verbs (2) –
Preposition (1) –
Identify the Parts of Speech
My dad mowed the lawn yesterday.
The cat stretched lazily on the windowsill.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The policeman ran quickly through the streets, but
he lost the suspect.
I am going to your house tomorrow, so you should
ask your mom to take us to the movies.