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DNA RNA Test Review Guide
For the test you should be able to do the following]:
Name the monomer of DNA and its 3 parts.
Describe the bonds holding the monomers of DNA together.
Explain the discovery of Watson and Crick. What was Rosalind Franklin’s contribution? Maurice
Wilkins? What was known before Franklin’s work? Who received the Nobel prize?
Explain the importance of DNA, where it is found, and give 2 reasons why it is found only in that
one location.
Draw a cell diagram showing: nucleus, nucleolus, nuclear membrane, cell membrane,
Describe the process and purposes of DNA replication, including direction of replication, starting
location of replication, enzymes involved
Define the term “gene” and relate it to “chromosomes” and “traits”
Given a DNA strand sequence, write the sequence of the complementary strand, the corresponding
mRNA strand and the amino acid sequence
Give 3 chemical differences between RNA and DNA.
Name the 3 types of RNA, where each is found and the function of each.
Explain the difference between a codon and an anticodon. Tell where each is found and its
Describe the process, from DNA to protein, of protein synthesis. Be able to name locations and
molecules involved.
Explain why protein synthesis is a dehydration synthesis
Give the total number of amino acids. Define and give number of essential amino acids.
Given a portion of a protein structure, be able to identify the peptide bond, the amine and the
carboxylic acid
Name the process during which copies of DNA are made.
Name the process during which a complementary RNA strand is made from DNA.
Name the process during which amino acids are assembled into polypeptides according to DNA
Give another name for a large polypeptide
Name the monomer and monomer parts of RNA
Define “mutation” and describe how it occurs in the cell and the possible effect on the DNA,
protein synthesis and traits of the organism
Describe several different types of proteins and their functions in an organism
Study suggestions:
 Go through the above list of objectives and write answers to each one. Writing, rather than
reading, is a more effective way of learning and memorizing material. Use the readings,
homework and classwork in your binder as resources to help you answer the questions.
 Once you have answered each question in writing, ask someone to quiz you on the answers or
make and answer flashcards.