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Chapter 13 The Expansive Realm of Islam
Guided Study Guide—Please out page numbers for the guided reading.
The phrase, “one who has submitted,” is the meaning of what term
Who believed that the caliphate should follow the line of Ali?
When did the Umayyad dynasty assume power?
Who allowed the conquered peoples to practice their own religions as long as the conquered
people do what?
5. Who was the founder of the Abbasid dynasty?
6. Describe the difference between the Abbasid dynasty and the Umayyad dynasty.
7. During the last two hundred years of the Abbasid empire, who controlled them?
8. What did the Mongols do in 1258?
9. What new industry, transmitted to the Islamic world from China, was introduced during the
Abbasid period?
10. What is the term for inns offering food and lodging for traveling merchants called?
11. What are Islamic banks letters of credit, which could be drawn on the parent bank, known as?
12. The Quran, following the example of Muhammad, allowed men to have up to how many wives?
13. When and why did Islamic society become more patriarchal?
14. What are madrasas?
15. Who was in an emotional and mystical union with Allah?
16. The Persian influence on Islam is best demonstrated in what way?
17. Identify The Thousand and One Nights.
18. What was the main Indian influence on Islamic thought?
19. Where does Arabic numbers actually have their origin?
20. From which region did the Muslims adopt their numerals?
21. Who was the Islamic thinker who studied Aristotle and whose thought, in turn, influenced the
rise of European scholasticism?
1. Manichaean
2. Ka’ba
3. “Night of Power and
4. Jinns and shaitans
5. Islam
6. Hijrah
7. Umma
8. Hajj
9. Khalifa (caliph)
10. The Five Pillars of Islam
11. Caliphate
12. Qur’an
13. Ulama
14. Sultan
15. Shari’a
16. Hadith
17. Madrasa
18. Sufi Brotherhood
19. “People of the Book”
20. dar al-Islam
21. Shi’ites
22. Sunnis
23. “Empty Quarter”
24. Mecca (Makkah)
25. Medina
26. Samarra
27. Al-Andalus
Empires / Kingdoms
28. Byzantine Empire
29. Umayyad Caliphate
30. Abbasid Caliphate
31. Seljuk Turk Empire
32. Ghana Kingdom
Individuals / People
33. Abraham (Ibrahim)
34. Muhammad
Chapter 13 Study Guide (The Rise of Islam, 600 – 1200)
35. Khadija
36. Muslim
37. Abu Bakr
38. Saladin
39. A’isha
40. Mamluk
41. Ibn Rushd/Averroes
Events / Periods / Wars
42. The Islamic Conquests (634 – 711 CE)
43. The First Crusades (the Crusades)
44. Battle of Ain Jalut
Literature / Art / Architecture
45. The Arabian Nights
Chapter 13 Study Guide (The Rise of Islam, 600 – 1200)
Essay Topics:
Continuity and Change Over Time (CCOT)—or Change Over Time (COT)
1. Describe the religious atmosphere in Byzantium and the Arabian Peninsula before the
rise of Islam. How did Islam change the outlook and behavior of the peoples from this
2. Describe the system of succession for the leadership of Islam. How did it originate and
why? How did the schism occur, and what was its impact on Islam?
3. How did Islam become a cultural and economic unifying force between 600 and 1200
4. What were the major turning points in the development of the caliphate from the
beginnings of Islam through 1258 CE?
1. Compare and contrast the impact of Islam and one other monotheistic faith (Judaism or
Christianity) on politics and society. (Use Chart 1to help brainstorm for your essay)
2. How did the Abbasid caliphates differ in style and substance form the Umayyad
caliphate? (use chart 2 to brainstorm for your essay) ASK MS. LEE FOR THE
3. Compare and contrast Islam to other religions discussed in the class, such as Hinduism,
Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism. Do these religions have anything in common?
General Essay Topics:
1. How was the Islamic world influenced by its contact with the older Greek, Persian, and
Indian societies? How did Islam influence these societies?
2. Examine the role of women in the Arab and Islamic worlds. How did the position of
women change as Islam expanded?
3. Examine the rise and fall of the Umayyad dynasty. What caused its rapid rise to power?
What internal problems caused its fall?
4. Examine the spread of Islam. What areas were brought under Muslim control and how?
How did Islam influence these areas? How did these areas influence Islam? In what ways
did Islam work as a unifying force?
5. Examine the split between the Sunni and Shia sects of Islam. What brought about this
schism? How has it shaped Islamic history?
6. Discuss the role that trade played in the Islamic world. How did the spread of Islam
create a new trading zone? How did Muhammad view merchants?
Discussion Questions
1. Discuss the nature of Islamic tolerance. Compare the theory and practice of tolerance to
the popular perception of it today.
2. Discuss the implications of Muhammad’s role as the “seal of the prophets.” What other
prophets were considered important in Islam?
3. What are the social implications of Islamic thought? Examine the social structure of
Arabia before the rise of Islam. In what ways was Muhammad a social reformer?
4. Examine the role Muhammad played in the rise of Islam. What was his basic philosophy?
How did his life experiences shape this thought?
Chapter 13 Study Guide (The Rise of Islam, 600 – 1200)
5. After Muhammad died, what were the challenges faced by dar al-Islam, and how were
they resolved within the first century?
1. Trace the expansion of Islam, illustrated in Map 13.1, The expansion of Islam, 632-733
C.E. Compare the size and wealth of the burgeoning Islamic empires to that of the
Byzantines, Lombards, and Franks. How close did these Islamic empires come to recreating the Roman empire?
2. Examine Map 13.1, The expansion of Islam, 632-733 C.E. What other cultures did the
Muslims encounter during their conquests? How did the rapid conquests create problems
for the new Muslim empire?
3. Examine the picture of Sufis on page 274. What are they doing? How do the many
activities in the picture relate to the Sufis’ belief in Islam? Are their beliefs similar to any
other religious groups studied so far?
4. Read the passage from the Quran (see Textbook: Sources from the Past: The Quran on
Allah and His Expectations of Humankind). How is the Islamic view of Allah similar to
the Jewish or Christian view of God? Compare it to other religions studied in the course.
5. The passage from the Quran (see Textbook: Sources from the Past: The Quran on Allah
and His Expectations of Humankind) describes Allah and says, “He has begotten no one
and is begotten of none.” What does this phrase mean? How does it relate to the Islamic
interpretation of the nature of Jesus?