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The Digestive System
Follow the directions on pg. D6 to observe your different teeth.
Draw a picture of your lower and upper teeth in the space below.
Lower Teeth
Upper Teeth
Write three or four phrases describing how your teeth look
different from each other.
Which teeth are best for taking a bite of an apple? Which are
best for chewing and grinding the apple? __________________
_____________ are substances in food that the body uses for
energy for growth and repair. Food that we eat is changed into
nutrients that the body can use through _________________.
Step 1: Mouth
Digestion begins as soon
as you bite into food.
How do your teeth and
tongue help with
Saliva is the liquid in your
mouth. It makes the food
easier to swallow. It
contains an _______________ (or chemical) that breaks down
the food to change it into nutrients. Starches (like bread or
crackers) change into _______________.
Step 2: Esophagus
The food them moves to the _______________, the tube that
carries food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach. How
long is an adult’s esophagus? _______________
Muscles contract and relax to push food towards the stomach.
Step 3: Stomach
The stomach is baglike and has muscular walls. When the muscles
squeeze, the food is mixed with ____________________ made
in the stomach’s lining. The food is in the stomach for ______ to
______ hours. It leaves the stomach as a thick liquid.
Step 4: Small Intestine
The food goes into the small intestine. It is about _____ meters
long, but is curled up to fit into our body. The food is in the small
intestine for about _____ to _____ hours. Juices change the
food into nutrients, which are absorbed by blood vessels. Blood
carries the nutrients to your cells.
Step 5: Large Intestine
Food and liquids that can’t be digested moves to the large
intestine. It removes the liquid and stores the solid waste until it
leaves the body. The large intestine is also a curled up tube. It’s
called the large intestine because it is wider than the small
intestine. It is shorter than the small intestine. It is only about
one and a half meters long.
Give an example of food that cannot be digested. ____________
How does the digestive system help body cells? _____________
Eating healthy is important. A calorie is a measure of the
amount of energy in foods. Foods like cake, pie, and other
desserts are high in calories. Other foods, like vegetables, are
low in calories. The number of calories you use depends on what
activities you do. Fill in the chart on the next page.
Your body needs Calories for all the activities you do each day.
What else do you think it needs Calories for? ______________
You are getting taller a little each day. As you grow, your
body gains weight. Calories that your body doesn’t need to use
for activities or growing get stored by your body as fat. Not all
fat is bad. What are some things it can be good for?
When your body stores too much fat, your body gains too much
weight, which can make your heart and body work harder than
they should. Exercise can help your body use more of the
Calories that you eat. It helps control body weight.
Developing Health Eating Habits
When you eat the amount of food your body needs for
growth and daily activities, you are developing good eating habits.
Exercise can help balance the Calories you eat with the Calories
you use.
Food might get stuck between your teeth when you eat.
The particles of food can cause plaque, a sticky material that
forms on teeth and is harmful to dental health. What are two
way to remove and prevent plaque from forming on your teeth?
How many times a day should you brush your teeth? __________
The Excretory System
Your kidneys are very important to your body. They
normally come in pairs and are shaped like a kidney bean. Each
kidney is about five inches long and about three inches wide.
Their main job is to filter the waste out of your blood.
Sometimes, your body has enough of a nutrient, and doesn’t need
more. The kidneys also take care of this.
The kidneys are also in charge of making sure that the
amount of fluid and minerals are balanced. Water can leave your
body when you sweat, when you breathe, or when you go to the
bathroom. When you are thirsty, your body is telling you that you
need more fluids to keep your body balanced. If you don’t have
enough fluids, your brain can tell your kidneys to hold on to some
Kidneys also tell your body to make more red blood cells.
The Circulatory System
Circulation is the movement of blood flowing through your
body. Your ____________ is the most important organ involved
in circulation. Your heart is a ____________ that pumps blood
through your entire body. It must be strong so that the blood
can reach your skin, arms, legs, brain, and other parts. Exercises
that make your heart beat faster makes your heart stronger.
What are some examples of this?
If you run every day, your heart gets used to doing work. It
doesn’t have to pump as many times because it pumps more blood
with each beat. Running becomes easier for our heart and your
circulation improves. Endurance is the amount of time a body can
exercise before needing to rest. The more you exercise, the
longer your endurance will be. What are some ways you have fun
when you are exercising? How do you exercise?
The blood that flows through your body is made up of
several different parts. Fill in the chart with red blood cell,
platelet, white blood cell, and plasma
the watery part of blood that
carries nutrients, wastes, and
blood cells
the kind of blood cell that
carries oxygen to other body
the kind of blood cell that
fights germs
a tiny part of a cell that helps
stop bleeding by clumping
Your circulatory system has _____ types of blood vessels
with their own jobs. An artery carries oxygen away from the
heart. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels with thin walls that
oxygen, nutrients, and wastes pass through. Veins carry blood
back to the heart. Veins have _________ that keep blood from
going backwards.
The heart is muscular. It is divided into ______ spaces. The
atriums receive blood from veins. The ventricles pump blood out
of the heart through the arteries.
What part of the heart receives the oxygen-poor blood?
The Nervous System
List your sense organs: _______________________________
These organs have nerve cells that gather information. Eyes
gather information about light. Ears gather information about
sound. Your tongue and nose gather information about scent and
flavor, and your skin gathers information about pressure, touch,
pain, heat, and cold. Nerve endings are branches of a nerve cell
that gathers information.
Your nerve cells gather information from your sense organs.
The information travels to the ___________ along nerves, which
are bundles of nerve cells. The messages travel through your
______________________, which is protected by your
Your skin has various nerve endings that gather information
about touch. These nerve endings send messages to your brain,
telling it how to react.
Most information comes from your ability to see. Your eye
has different parts that have their own job. The __________ is
the colored part of your eye. It is made of muscles that change
size to let in the right amount of light. The pupil appears black,
but it is actually a hole that lets light inside.
There is a lens behind the pupil that bends the light to
focus on the retina, a thin layer of nerve cells at the back of the
eye. Nerve cells send a message to the optic nerve, which lets
your brain know what you are seeing.
ON the picture on the left, label the iris and pupil. On the
picture on the right, label the lens, retina, and optic nerve.
Give an example of a way your sense of smell or taste can keep
you safe. _________________________________________
Your tongue has tiny taste buds, which are grouped around the
bases of small bumps on your tongue. They have nerve cells that
gather information about four tastes. ____________________
The Skeletal Muscular System
You already learned that exercise helps your circulatory
system, but it also makes your muscles stronger and firmer. You
can probably move and stretch more easily without hurting
yourself. Your joints can move easier.
There are over 600 muscles in your body. They can be put
into three categories: smooth, cardiac, and skeletal. Smooth
muscles are usually found in layers. They are involuntary, which
means you can’t control them. Your body tells these muscles what
to do without you even thinking about it. The muscles in your
stomach and digestive system, like the esophagus, are good
examples. They contract and relax without you thinking about it.
Muscles behind your eyes are also good examples.
The cardiac muscle is the heart. The thick muscles
contract to pump blood through your body.
Skeletal muscle is probably
what comes to mind when someone
talks about muscles. They show
how strong you are. They are the
muscles that you control. You use
these muscles when you decide to
kick a soccer ball. They are usually
attached to your bones, and
stretches to a joint. They are held
to the bone with tendons-cords
made of tough tissue that work as
connectors. Some of the biggest
examples are the muscles in your
heart that help you stand up.
The major muscles on your body are
shown on the picture to the right.
Your bones give your body shape. Without them, we
wouldn’t be able to stand, walk, run or sit. The human skeleton
has ________ bones. It protects the important
______________ in our body. Your ribs are a great example. It
protects the heart, lungs, liver, and spleen.
The Respiratory System
Your lungs make up one of the largest organs in your body.
They look pink and squishy, and take up most of the space in your
chest. Your left lung is a bit smaller than your right lung. Why
do you think this is?
Your diaphragm is
right below your lungs.
It is shaped like a
dome, and allows you to
inhale and exhale. The
trachea is your
windpipe. Two tubes,
called bronchi reach
out to your lungs.
There are tiny air sacs
called alveoli. You have
about 600 million of
them! They are
covered with tiny
capillaries. What
happens to the blood
as it goes through the lungs?
When you inhale, you are bringing oxygen into your body,
which your cells need. The air that you breathe out has waste
and carbon dioxide. It is also probably warmer than the air you
breathe in.
Your lungs are important for ______________! Your
larynx (your voice box) is located above the windpipe (also called
your _____________). Your vocal cords are two tiny ridges
across this voice box. When you exhale, the air reaches the vocal
cords and are able to vibrate, creating a ______________. The
more you breathe out, the longer or louder you will be able to