Download THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Humans have the largest brain of all

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Humans have the largest brain of all animals
The brain sends information through the central nervous system
Everything you remember from the past is stored in your brain
The brain, nervous system, and spinal cord control all of your body functions
Short term, long term memory, ancestral, and eidetic are the four types of memory
The spinal cord connects to all of your muscles and tells you when to move
The brain is folded so that it can fit in your skull and store a lot of information
The brain is protected by the hard bones of your skull
Information is stored and interpreted in the brain
An MRI uses magnets and radio waves to take pictures of the brain
The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body
The brain does not grow new cells even if they have been damaged
The cortex is the part of your brain that controls your speech
Your lungs rely on muscles in order to work
Your lungs have as much surface area as the area of a tennis court
Your lungs are not the same size
The diaphragm is a muscle that works with your lungs to help you breathe
Your lungs are full of air sacs or passages called alveoli
It's important to exercise every day to have enough energy
Cigarettes affect your lungs by depositing soot and tar
The chemicals from food we eat combine with oxygen to fuel our bodies
Eating healthy food gives you energy
Your stomach is the first place your food goes when you eat
The stomach has muscles to squeeze or break up food
The acid in your stomach work slowly as it breaks down
People drink about 3 liters of water a day
After the food leaves the stomach and goes to the small intestine
Can take up to two days for food to go through your body
Peristalsis is the muscles in the throat pushing food down
The process of digestion begins with the mouth
The pyloric valve opens to let food go through from the stomach into the small intestine
The small intestine is over 7 meters long
Your heart beats so that it can pump blood to your entire body
Your heart is about the same size as your fist
Capillaries are very small blood vessels next to every cell in your body
Your blood carries all the nutrients to your bones
Your bodies use blood to transport oxygen, food, and waste
When your feet fall asleep it's because your blood vessels and nerves are squeezed
The left and right side of your heart send blood to different places
In your blood vessels you have both red and white blood cells
Everyday your body makes 200 billion new red blood
Normally there's 5 liters of blood in your body
There are two numbers that go with blood pressure
When you're exercising it takes blood about ten seconds to get through your body
The three types of blood vessels are arteries, veins, and capillaries. Arteries take blood away, veins
bring it back, and capillaries connect the two
Your heart can pump 7000 liters a day
Sometimes when you stand up the blood from your head to goes into your body, making you feel dizzy