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1. Function
• Transport materials
• Maintain constant body
• Helps protect body
from disease
2. Blood
• Liquid tissue
(connective tissue)
• 5-6 quarts in adult
• 55% plasma (watery,
protein rich substance)
and 45% cells
3. Blood Cells
• A. Red Blood Cells – transport oxygen to cells
and takes carbon dioxide away from cells to
the lungs
• Contain hemoglobin – iron containing protein
which binds easily with oxygen
• Also called erythrocytes
B. White Blood Cells
• Help defend the body against disease
• Also called leukocytes and phagocytes
C. Platelets
• Fragments of cells used for clotting
Check for Understanding
• 1. What blood component is used to help fight
infections in the body?
• What blood component is used to help stop
bleeding after an injury?
• What blood component includes phagocytes?
• What blood component carries oxygen to
• What blood component is the watery portion?
4. Blood Vessels
• A. Arteries – carry blood away from the heart,
have elastic, muscular walls that can expand
• B. Veins – carry blood to the heart, have
thinner walls, also have valves to prevent
blood from flowing backwards
• C. Capillaries – where diffusion of materials
between the blood and the cells occur, very
small, one cell thick
5. Types of Circulation
• Pulmonary Circulation
– between the heart
and the lungs
• Systemic Circulation –
between the heart and
the rest of the body
Heart Diagram
• Label the diagram of the heart that was
provided to you.
Check for Understanding
• 1. Which type of blood vessels would be used
to carry blood from your heart to your leg?
• 2. What type of blood vessels would return
the blood to the heart?
• 3. What important process occurs in beds of