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Renaissance Notes
Name_______________________________ Date_____________ Pd_____
Leonardo DaVinci
Albrecht Durer
Sir Thomas More
Study Questions
1. Why is the Renaissance a rebirth?
2. Why is the Renaissance considered to be the beginning of modern history?
3. Where did the Renaissance begin? Where did it spread?
4. Why were Italian city-states so important to the Renaissance?
5. Why were wealthy merchant families so important to the Renaissance?
6. What is classicism?
7. How would one be considered to be a Humanist?
8. To what does the term “secular” refer?
9. How does one create perspective in painting?
10. Who is credited with being the first artist to use perspective?
11. Why are DaVinci and Michelangelo considered a “Renaissance Man”?
12. Renaissance means:
13. How does this mark a shift?
14. What did it emphasize?
15. Where did it begin?
16. Why did it begin there?
17. Why did it take so long to travel to Northern Europe?
18. In what three large cities did the Italian Renaissance bloom?
19. What was life like in Italy in these city-states?
20. Which family ruled the Italian Renaissance?
21. In what city were they based?
22. Who was the founder of this family wealth?
23. Who was his grandson and why is he magnificent?
24. What are some defining elements of Renaissance art?
25. What architecture did Renaissance culture reject and what style did it encourage?
26. Who was Erasmus?
27. Who was Petrarch?
28. Who was Dante?
29. Who wrote the Book of the Courtier and what was it about?
30. Where did the printing press originate from?
31. What year did Gutenberg create the first bible?
32. What are 4 effects of Gutenberg’s Printing Press?
33. In what northern European town did the Renaissance begin?
34. 23. What was different about Northern style Renaissance art?