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T004 – Version 1
Absolutism: England & France
Name: _______________________________________________________
DUE: FRI. 21 NOV 2014
TEST: Absolutism: England & France
Global History 2 H – Version
NEW QUESTIONS (not seen before)
1. One similarity between the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights is that both documents
(1) set up a two-party political system
(3) placed limits on the power of the monarch
(2) established the right to inherit the throne
(4) guaranteed equal rights for all citizens
[ REGENTS: August 2012 ]
2. Which statement represents a key idea directly associated with John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government?
(1) Freedom of speech should be denied.
(2) The king’s power on Earth comes from God.
(3) All people are born with the right to life, liberty, and property.
(4) Individuals acting in their own self-interest will achieve economic success.
[ REGENTS: August 2012 ]
3. Belief in the ideas of the Enlightenment and discontent within the Third Estate were causes of the
(1) French Revolution
(3) Roman conquest of Ancient Greece
(2) Spanish Armada
(4) British take over of Ireland
[ REGENTS: August 2012 ]
4. In England, the key principles of the Magna Carta were fundamental to the development and growth of
(1) democracy
(2) absolutism
(3) theocracy
(4) communism
[ REGENTS: June 2012 ]
5. Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins are best known for
(1) instituting the Reign of Terror
(2) protecting freedom of religion
(3) supporting the reign of King Louis XVI
(4) sending French troops to fight in the American Revolution
[ REGENTS: June 2012 ]
6. A primary source about the French Revolution is
(1) an eyewitness account from a prisoner at the Bastille
(2) an encyclopedia entry about the Reign of Terror
(3) a recent biography of Robespierre
(4) a movie about Louis XVI
[ REGENTS: January 2012 ]
7. Oliver Cromwell led the Puritan Revolution in England in response to the
(1) passage of the Bill of Rights
(3) autocratic rule of King Charles I
(2) implementation of mercantilism
(4) defeat of the Spanish Armada
[ REGENTS: January 2012 ]
8. Akbar the Great, Suleiman the Magnificent, and Louis XIV are all rulers associated with
(1) natural rights
(3) religious toleration
(2) filial piety
(4) absolutism
[ REGENTS: August 2011 ]
T004 – Version 1
Absolutism: England & France
Base your answer to the following question on the illustration below and on your knowledge of social studies.
9. Which individual supported the theory represented in this illustration?
(1) Socrates
(2) Dante
(3) Ptolemy
(4) Galileo
[ REGENTS: January 2012 ]
10. Which issue was a cause of the French Revolution?
(1) ineffective rule of Napoleon Bonaparte
(2) nationalization of the Church
(3) outrage over the use of the guillotine by the Committee of Public Safety
(4) demand of the Third Estate for more political power
[ REGENTS: January 2012 ]
11. What was a major effect of the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights on Great Britain?
(1) The power of the monarch was limited.
(2) Ireland revolted against the monarchy.
(3) Parliament was abolished.
(4) A renewed interest in Greek and Roman culture developed.
[ REGENTS: August 2011 ]
12. Which event is most closely associated with the French Revolution?
(1) 95 Theses nailed to Church Door
(3) Pax Romana
(2) Reign of Terror
(4) the Magna Carta [ REGENTS: August 2011 ]
T004 – Version 1
Absolutism: England & France
13. Akbar the Great, Suleiman the Magnificent, and Louis XIV are all rulers associated with
(1) natural rights
(3) religious toleration
(2) filial piety
(4) absolutism
[ REGENTS: August 2011 ]
14. Which statement represents a central idea of laissez-faire economics?
(1) Class struggles are based on inequities.
(2) Workers should form unions to better their conditions.
(3) Prices are best determined by supply and demand.
(4) The government should own all means of production.
[ REGENTS: August 2011 ]
Base your answers to the following questions on the speakers’ statements below
and on your knowledge of social studies.
Speaker A: I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.
Speaker B: Government has no other end, but the preservation of property.
Speaker C: Man is born free, with God given natural rights
15. Which historical period is best represented in the ideas expressed by these speakers?
(1) Enlightenment
(3) Age of Exploration
(2) Counter Reformation
(4) Early Middle Ages
[ REGENTS: August 2011 ]
16. Which historical figure expressed ideas that are most similar to those of Speaker C ?
(1) Julius Caesar
(2) John Locke
(3) Plato
(4) Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet
[ REGENTS: August 2011 ]
17. “The French Revolution is most important for having changed subjects to citizens.”
This statement emphasizes the shift from
(1) religious traditions to secular values
(2) divine right rule to people’s participation in government
(3) rural lifestyles to urban lifestyles
(4) private property ownership to government Ownership
[REGENTS: June 2011]
18. Which geographic condition contributed to the defeat of Napoleon’s troops during the invasion of Russia?
(1) drought (2) severe flooding
(3) typhoons
(4) harsh winter
[REGENTS: June 2011]
19. Which individual is correctly paired with an individual who further developed his ideas?
(1) Pope Urban II Martin Luther
(3) Nicolaus Copernicus Galileo Galilei
(2) Hernando Cortez Simón Bolívar
(4) Louis XVI Maximilien Robespierre
[REGENTS: June 2011]
T004 – Version 1
Absolutism: England & France
20. The Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, and the English Bill of Rights led the English government to
develop a political system in which
(1) rulers were responsible to the people
(2) religious authorities controlled the lawmaking process
(3) the power of the monarch came from God
(4) the individual was denied a trial by jury
[ REGENTS: January 2011 ]
21. Enlightenment thinkers encouraged the improvement of society through the
(1) teachings of the church
(3) use of reason
(2) development of absolutism
(4) establishment of a rigid social hierarchy
[ REGENTS: January 2011 ]
“Angry Mob Destroys Bastille”
“Robespierre’s Execution Ends Reign of Terror”
“Napoleon Seizes Power”
22. Which country’s revolution is referred to in these headlines?
(1) Spain
(2) France
(3) Austria
(4) Russia
[ REGENTS: January 2011]
23. A main goal of the monarchs of Europe during the Age of Absolutism was to
(1) establish legislative bodies
(3) centralize political power
(2) improve the quality of life for the peasant class
(4) expand the role of the Catholic Church
[REGENTS: August 2010]
24. Which pair of ideas were central to the Scientific Revolution?
(1) social stability and economic self-sufficiency (3) observation and experimentation
(2) technology and military expansion
(4) scarcity and interdependence
[REGENTS: August 2010]
25. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke both agreed that a government should be based on the
(1) separation of nationalities
(3) religious values of the people
(2) equal distribution of wealth
(4) consent of the governed
[REGENTS: August 2010]
26. The Puritan Revolution and the Glorious Revolution are both closely associated with the
(1) expansion of Papal authority in Rome (3) beginning of the Reconquista in Spain
(2) calling of the Congress of Vienna
(4) rise of parliamentary democracy in England
[REGENTS: August 2010]
27. The signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 and the Glorious Revolution in 1688 were key events in English
history because they resulted in
(1) creating alliances with France
(3) defeating Protestant nobles
(2) limiting the power of the monarchy
(4) annexing territory
[REGENTS: June 2010]
T004 – Version 1
Absolutism: England & France
28. Under the Old Regime in France, the burden of taxation fell mostly on the
(1) monarchy
(2) nobles
(3) clergy
(4) commoners
[ REGENTS: January 2010]
29. According to John Locke, the purpose of government is to
(1) protect the natural rights of individuals
(3) serve the monarch
(2) create overseas settlements
(4) stimulate the economy
[REGENTS: June 2009]
30. What was one effect of the French Revolution?
(1) Differences between ethnic groups were eliminated.
(2) Militarism was discouraged.
(3) Communism became popular.
(4) Nationalistic feelings were stimulated.
[REGENTS: January 2009]
31. The Magna Carta was important to the development of democracy because it
1. limited the power of the monarch.
3. took land away from the nobles.
2. created a bicameral legislature.
4. extended the right to vote to peasants.
32. One common underlying theme of the Magna Carta, Petition of Right, English Bill of Rights, and Code
Napoleon is
1. no one is above the law
2. those who are in power determine how the game is played
3. suffering is due to the continual desire for materialistic goods
4. the needs of a nation come before the needs of the people
33. Which people would agree with the content contained in these documents:
" the Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, the English Bill of Rights, and Code Napoleon" ?
1. John Locke & Jean Jacque Rousseau
3. Machiavelli & Charles I
2. Louis XIV & Robespierre
4. Pericles & Genghis Khan
33. Elizabeth I increased the power of England through
1. the Act of Supremacy.
2. religious toleration.
3. defeating the French in America.
4. defeating the Spanish Armada.
34. One similarity between Charles I of England, and Louis XVI of France was that each leader
1. introduced technology to his nation.
2. was overthrown by people who sought change
3. promoted principles of democracy.
4. led his nation in war against China.
35. Which statement best describes a result of the Glorious Revolution in England (1688)?
(1) England formed an alliance with France.
(2) The power of the monarchy was increased.
(3) Principles of limited government were strengthened.
(4) England lost its colonial possessions.
T004 – Version 1
Absolutism: England & France
36. The divine right theory believed in by several European monarchs is most similar to the concept of
1. the White Man’s Burden
2. civil disobedience promoted by Mohandas Gandhi
3. humanism during the Enlightenment
4. the Mandate of Heaven in imperial China
“Kings sit upon God’s throne and rule according to God’s law.”
37. This statement would most likely have been made by a person who believed in
1. absolutism
2. Democracy
3. oligarchy
4. Socialism
38. One similarity of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment is that both
(1) had the support of the Roman Catholic Church
(2) placed great value on traditional beliefs
(3) emphasized the value of human reasoning
(4) contributed to the end of feudalism
39. Which theme is most heavily emphasized in the writings of Plato, Niccòlo Machiavelli, and John Locke?
1. the economic interpretation of history.
3. the nature and purpose of government.
2. the elimination of all political opposition.
4. the benefits of invading other nations.
I do not agree with what you say,
but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
- - - Voltaire
40. This quotation shows support for
1. freedom of speech
2. the right to bear arms.
3. separation of church and state
4. the right to vote (universal suffrage)
41. The Enlightenment philosophers believed that the power of government is derived from
(1) divine right rulers
(3) the middle class
(2) a strong military
(4) the consent of the governed
42. Which sequence of events is listed in the correct chronological order?
(1) Renaissance …. French Revolution .... Enlightenment .. Crusades
(2) French Revolution .... Renaissance …. Crusades .... Enlightenment
(3) Enlightenment .... Crusades .... French Revolution …. Renaissance
(4) Crusades .... Renaissance …. Enlightenment .... French Revolution
43. What was a major cause of the French Revolution?
(1) taxes & lavish spending by the monarchy
(2) economic success of mercantilism
(3) failure of the Crusades
(4) Continental System in Europe
T004 – Version 1
Absolutism: England & France
44. One reason for:
the French Revolution (1789),
Latin American Revolutions (early 1800s),
the Russian Revolution (1917),
the Chinese Revolution (1927 --->1948),
Cuban Revolution (1959),
and Iranian Revolution (1978)
was that
People often rebel when they are governed by a foreign power
Holy Roman emperors wanted to spread Christianity to each nation
the writings of Karl Marx encouraged workers and the industrialists to unite
existing governments failed to address the major economic differences between social classes
45. The American and French Revolutions were turning points in global history because the
results of these revolutions
(1) led to the abolition of slavery
(2) inspired other peoples seeking democracy and independence
(3) marked the end of European influence in the Western Hemisphere
(4) demonstrated the need for strong international peacekeeping organizations
46. The French people supported Napoleon Bonaparte because they hoped he would
1. adopt the ideas of the Protestant Reformation
2. restore Louis XVI to power
3. provide stability for the nation
4. end British control of France
47. Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, and Johannes Kepler are all directly associated with the
(1) Industrial Revolution
(3) English Revolution
(2) Scientific Revolution
(4) Agricultural Revolution
48. Which statement best describes the change that occurred during the Renaissance, Reformation,
Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment?
1. Feudalism became the dominant political system.
2. Hannibal continued to try attacking Rome by taking elephants over the Alps.
3. Scientists were still looking for the cause of the Black Death.
4. A new questioning spirit and attitude emerged.
T004 – Version 1
Absolutism: England & France
“CastleLearning” QUESTIONS
49. One of the main purposes of the Congress of Vienna (1814–1815) was to
1. promote the unification of Italy
2. preserve the German territories gained by Otto von Bismarck
3. restore the power of the Holy Roman Empire
4. establish a balance of power in Europe after the defeat of Napoleon
50. At the Congress of Vienna (1815), the governments of Europe reacted to the French Revolution and the
rule of Napoleon by attempting to
1. restore old regimes (monarchs / kings / rulers) to power
2. spread the idea of democracy
3. encourage nationalist movements
4. promote the European free-trade zone
51. Hunting and gathering are characteristics of
(1) the Paleolithic Era
(2) the Neolithic Era
(3) Middle Ages
(4) Renaissance
52. One result of the Neolithic Revolution was
1. an increase in the number of nomadic tribes
2. a reliance on hunting and gathering for food
3. the establishment of villages and the rise of governments
4. a decrease in trade between cultural groups
53. Where does the archaeological evidence gathered by Louis and Mary Leakey suggest the
earliest humans developed?
(1) Great Rift Valley
(3) Himalaya Mountains
(2) Amazon rain forest
(4) Philippine archipelago
[REGENTS: January 2009]
54. Hammurabi's Code, the Ten Commandments, and the Twelve Tables were all significant to their societies
because they established
1. democratic governments
2. official religions 3. rules of behavior 4. economic systems
55. The belief in a single God is called
1. animism.
2. capitalism.
3. monotheism.
4. polytheism.
56. Which geographic feature did the earliest civilizations in Egypt, India, and China have in common?
(1) mountains that provided protection from invasion
(2) rivers that increased the fertility of the land by flooding
(3) vast forests that supplied lumber for building
(4) tropical climates that included monsoons
[ REGENTS: August 2012]
T004 – Version 1
Absolutism: England & France
57. Believers of Hinduism are expected to
(1) fulfill their dharma for a favorable reincarnation
(2) complete a pilgrimage to Mecca
(3) obey the Ten Commandments
(4) follow the Eightfold Path to achieve Enlightenment
[ REGENTS: August 2012]
58. The Korean peninsula has been seen as a "land bridge" because
1. it transmitted culture between China and Japan
2. it physically connects China to Japan
3. it protected Japan from Mongol invasion
4. it was used as invasion route to China by the Vietnamese
59. The Harrappan and Mohenjo-Daro civilizations were known for
1. rectangular pyramids
3. the foundation of Buddhism
2. planned cities (urban planning)
4. conquering vast expanses of land
60. The concept of caste is based on the assumption that
1. money is the root of all evil.
3. class is based on behavior in a person’s previous life.
2. one should not eat meat.
4. all people are created equal.
61. Both Shintoism and Taoism (Daoism) stress
1. respect for nature
2. the need for government based on religious principles
3. respect for elders
4. the need for continual spiritual rebirth until one reaches nirvana
Base your answer to the following question on the outline below and on your knowledge of social studies.
62. Which civilization best completes the title of this outline?
(1) Ghana
(2) Song
(3) Khmer
(4) Gupta
[ REGENTS: August 2012]
T004 – Version 1
Absolutism: England & France
63. Which was an important teaching of Confucius?
1. intellectual knowledge is secondary to one's emotions
2. the family group can often hinder the smooth functioning of the society
3. all persons must accept and perform their duties in society
4. those who have military power have earned the right to govern
64. Which was a characteristic of feudalism?
1. Land was exchanged for military service and obligations.
2. Government was provided by a bureaucracy of civil servants.
3. Power rested in the hands of a strong central government.
4. Unified national court systems were developed.
65. A major result of the Crusades was the
1. conversion of the majority of Europeans to Protestantism.
2. weakening of the power of the middle class in Europe.
3. growth of trade between Europe and Asia
4. development of feudalism in Europe.
66. In Europe, a major characteristic of humanism (during the Renaissance) was
1. a belief in the supremacy of the state in relation to individual rights.
2. a rejection of ancient civilizations and their cultures.
3. an emphasis on social control and obedience to national rulers.
4. an appreciation for the basic worth of individual achievement.
67. Which characteristic was common to the Golden Age of Greece and the Italian Renaissance?
1. A strong military led to national unity.
2. Written constitutions led to the establishment of democratic governments.
3. Prosperity led to the creation of many works of art.
4. Political instability led directly to the formation of unified city-states.
68. During the Renaissance, which development contributed most to the Protestant Reformation?
1. interest in Ancient Greece and Rome
3. questioning of traditional authority
2. advances in mathematics and science
4. attention to realism and detail
69. What is meant by Machiavelli’s belief that “the end justifies the means”?
(1) Leaders may use any method to achieve what is best for the state.
(2) The general public always acts in its own best interest.
(3) Pleasing all of the people at any given time is possible.
(4) Leaders must always act for the common good.
70. Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses were a call for
1. religious revolt against the German princes.
2. greater Papal authority
3. reforms within the Roman Catholic Church
4. crusades to spread Christianity
71. One impact Gutenberg’s printing press had on western Europe was
(1) the spread of Martin Luther’s ideas
(3) a decrease in the number of universities
(2) a decline in literacy
(4) the unification of the Holy Roman Empire
[REGENTS: January 2012]