* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Traits that Predict Success in an Honors/AP Course: • is inspired to learn more about course content merely for enjoyment • enjoys challenges and persists through them • is able to juggle daily homework and extracurricular activities, and still meet the additional demands of an honors/AP course • is prepared to do more independent work, is selfmotivated and well-organized Option 1: Global History and Geography I Option 2: Advanced Placement World History I Both Global History I and AP World History I span a vast time frame - the dawn of humanity through the 1700's. Both courses are the first part of a two-year sequence in Global History * Global History and Geography 1 Based on the New York State Learning Standards for Social Studies (revised in 2014) Emphasis on important ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history Focus on a chronological understanding of history and the relationship between geography and cultures of an increasingly interdependent world Skills developed include: Analysis of stimulus material (text, map, photo, etc.) Essay writing AP World History 1 Requires students to move towards a more conceptual understanding of global history Emphasis on the development of historical thinking skills, not just the collection and memorization of information and events Focuses on the role of perspective in shaping how history is interpreted and recorded Skills developed: Analysis of stimulus material (text, map, photo, etc.) DBQ Essay Enduring Issues Essay Looking Ahead th to10 Grade… Global History and Geography II Continuation of content and skill development from Global History I Culminates in the NY State Global Regents Exam* (June) AP World History II Continuation of content and skill development from AP World History I Culminates in the AP World History Exam (May) AND NY State Global Regents Exam* (June) * Beginning in June 2018 the Global Regents Assessment will only cover content from the 10th grade curriculum (1750 – modern day) North Shore High School Writing Center • 12th Grade Writing Fellows interact with tutees in oneon-one conferences. • Students work together on writing in all disciplines and on all stages of the Writing Process. • Sessions create better writers, not merely a better piece of specific writing. • Focus is on critical thinking and writer’s craft, not just editing or proofreading. • The Writing Center is open every school day for appointments and walk-in visits from 7:20 am - 8:00 am, and periods 4, 5, 6, and 7 Research and Writing Labs ENGLISH 9R versus ENGLISH 9H Grammar for Understanding Strategic use of Grammar and Coherence for Effect Literature Literature • approx. 4-5 whole-class texts • approx. six whole-class texts • increasingly complex texts • more rigorous text-complexity • slower-paced reading HW • faster-paced reading HW • close analytical reading for authorial moves • same as 9R, plus rhetorical and critical analysis, cultural context, genre deviation, pastiche, allusory text etc. ENGLISH 9R versus ENGLISH 9H Composition Composition • MLA Research Project • MLA Honors Project • mostly classwork • significant additional HW (concurrent with English HW) • significant scaffolds in place for literary essays • reduced scaffolds for literary essays • writing assignments spaced out with extended due dates • writing assignments more frequent with less time given Oral Presentation • basic public speaking skills Uniform Assessments • model NYS Regents Oral Presentation • artistry of public speaking Uniform Assessments • • model NYS Regents may model IB assessments "I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.“ -Abraham Maslow, Toward a Psychology of Being Problem #1 A line segment has endpoints A (3x+5, 3y) and B (x-1,-y). What are the coordinates (x,y) of the midpoint of line of segment AB? Problem #2 The coordinates of quadrilateral ABCD are A (-3, -1), B (3, 1), C (7, 5), and D ( 1, 3). Do the diagonals bisect each other? Explain. Earth Science Regents Lab Earth Science Honors Lab Classroom Globe Demetrios (Jim) Mendonis [email protected] Julie Ritter [email protected] Nicole Masiello [email protected] Steven Menchel [email protected] (516)277-7070