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Differences and Similarities between the
Christianity of Byzantine Empire and of Western European
Name _____________________________________ Date _______________
Because the Byzantine Empire and the Western Europeans could not agree on certain
practices, a permanent split, or schism, took place in 1064 and created the Roman
Catholic Church (which dominated western Europe) and the Eastern Orthodox Church
(which dominated eastern Europe). Fill in the chart below to show the differences that led
to the Great Schism and the similarities that still existed.
Byzantine Empire
Western Europe
What church dominated this region?
Where is the seat of power?
Which language is used in the church
Who has supreme power?
Who is the church leader?
What are the beliefs concerning
marriage of clergy?
What are the beliefs concerning the
role of the Pope?
What are the beliefs concerning
What are the similarities?
What events led to the final break or division between the two religions?