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AP Biology Unit 3 – Cell Division and Genetics
“How is nuclear information passed on from one generation to the next?”
Capacity Matrix
2009 Fall Semester
Approximate Timeline: 15 – 20 class periods
Track your progress. Turn in the matrix at the end of the unit.
Learner Target
Outline the stages of the cell cycle including
interphase (G1, S, G2, G0), mitosis and
State that cancer is the direct result of the loss of
control of the cell cycle
Cell Cycle diagram
Cell Cycle game:
Describe the events in the four phases of mitosis
Lab – microscope examination of mitosis slides
Lab – how long in each phase calculations
Lab drawings
Outline the phases of meiosis and explain that
meiosis is a reduction division
Lab – pop beads
Lab – whitefish blastula slides
Lab drawings
Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis
( reasons, type of cells, number of cells
produced, differences in division cycle)
Venn Diagram
Quiz 2
Explain that non-disjunction in meiosis can lead
to chromosomal disorders (Downs syndrome,
Turner Syndrome)
Research and Symposium on Chromosomal
Research and
Explain how karyotyping is used to predict and
identify chromosomal abnormalities and gender
Lab - karyotyping
Draw and label the structure of a eukaryotic
Predict phenotype and genotype of a monohybrid
cross using a Punnett Square ( simple
Explain the contributions of Gregor Mendel to the
field of genetics, including Mendel’s laws
Sponge Bob Scenarios
Quiz 3
Pea experiment cartoons reading
Mendel Children’s Book
Children’s Book
Predict offspring ratios in dihybrid crosses, sex
linked traits, incomplete dominance and
Sponge Bob Scenarios
Blood Typing Genetics (codominance)
Sex linked disorders (hemophilia and color
Quiz 4
Explain how pedigrees can be used to track
human genetic disorders
Brown – Flight pedigree and others
Hemophilia pedigree
Explain inheritance patterns in poly-genes
Skin color inheritance
Explain gene linkage and provide an example,
predicting recombinant ratios
Henry Morgan contribution
Crossover distances
Explain how changes or mutations in genes can
lead to genetic disorders in humans
Recessive and dominant disorders – cystic
fibrosis, achondroplasia, sickle cell anemia
Explain how new technologies can be used to
study possible genetic defects
Ultrasound, Amniocentesis and chorionic villi
Cumulative assessment of all learner targets
Independent Project on learner target selection
Cumulative assessment of all learner targets
I understood the learner targets in this unit:
Very well and can
teach them to others
Cancer Reading
Cyclins and CDK’s discussion
Writing Prompt
Unit Test
Fairly well. I think I
need to just practice
on my own more.
I need help on:
1 2 3 4