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Федеральное агентство по рыболовству
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное
высшего профессионального образования
«Астраханский государственный технический университет»
Институт Морских технологий, энергетики и транспорта
Кафедра «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом
к практическим занятиям
для студентов 1-2 курсов
направления 20.04.02. Природообустройство и водопользование
Института рыбного хозяйства, биологии и природопользования
Автор: старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки в
инженерно-техническом образовании» Айналиева А.Р.
Рецензент: доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно техническом образовании» Курпешева А.И.
Методические указания предназначены для слушателей магистерской
программы «Охрана и воспроизводство природных ресурсов» направления
20.04.02. «Природообустройство и водопользование». Целью данных
методических указаний является овладение терминологической лексикой,
приобретение и совершенствование навыков устной речи, овладение навыками
чтения литературы по данной специальности на английском языке для
извлечения необходимой информации.
Данные методические указания содержат языковой материал, включающий
аутентичные, научно-популярные тексты, отражающие главные проблемы
сегодняшнего дня и рассчитанные на развитие коммуникативных навыков в
сфере научного и профессионального общения, а также дополнительные тексты
для самостоятельного изучения.
Представленные методические указания могут использоваться как для
аудиторной, так и внеаудиторной работы студентов.
Пособие одобрено и утверждено на заседании кафедры «ИЯИТО» от
«29» февраля 2016 г., протокол № 6/1
© Астраханский государственный технический университет
Part I. Nature conservation.
Lesson 1. Water Quality Control
Lesson 2. State Water Register
Lesson 3. Alternative Sources of Energy
Lesson 4. Ecological problems
Lesson 5. Waste management
Part II. Characteristics of the Astrakhan region.
Lesson 1. The relief of the Astrakhan Region.
Lesson 2. The Grounds of the Astrakhan region.
Lesson 3. Environmental Problems of the Astrakhan Region.
Lesson 4. Characteristics of the Volga River.
Lesson 5. Characteristics of the Caspian Sea.
Part III. Self-Study Units
Используемая литература:
Данные методические указания предназначены для слушателей магистерской
программы20.04.02., «Охрана и воспроизводство природных ресурсов»
направления «Природообустройство и водопользование» для расширения своих
знаний и овладения терминологической лексикой при чтении литературы по
данной специальности.
Данные методические состоит из 3 разделов.
Разделы I - II (Parts I - II) предназначены для чтения и развития элементарных
навыков устной речи и технического перевода по направлению магистрантов.
Они включают в себя 10 уроков (lessons). Каждый урок сопровождается
с незнакомыми выражениями и словами по специальности,
подлежащий активизации, а также комплексом упражнений, направленный на
закрепление и проверку нового лексического материала, овладение навыками
перевода и развития устной речи.
Раздел III (Part III) предназначен для самостоятельной работы и включает
тексты для чтения из различных источников в сокращённом, но не в
адаптированном варианте без нарушения особенностей стиля языка научнотехнической статьи.
Представленные методические указания могут быть использованы
магистрантами, как для аудиторной, так и для внеаудиторной работы.
Unit I. Nature conservation in Russia. / Охрана и воспроизводство
природных ресурсов в России.
Lesson 1
Water Quality Control
Translate and master the following words.
primary treatment
activated sludge
Sludge processing
disinfection contact
Read and translate the text.
Alten Solutions operates three treatment plants, each of which features a different
operation. Alten Solutions creates advanced water quality control options based on
the location and the type of water.
The Crafto Facility, designed for wastewater, is a primary treatment plant. At the
Crafto acility, physical processes purify the water. Screening removes pollutants that
are too large to pass through screening devices. Sedimentation allows large particles
to settle. In the near future, the Crafto Facility will become a more advanced center.
Improvements include using activated sludge for optimal wastewater treatment and
installing a bioreactor to reduce BOD.
The Argive Facility is a surface water treatment plant. In addition to the processes at
The Crafto Facility, the Argive Facility offers extensive secondary treatment. The
Argive Facility uses filtration and flocculation to purify the water. The plant also
uses coagulation to encourage small particles to settle. Sludge processing occurs in
the final stages. The session concludes with disinfection contact time to ensure the
effectiveness of the treatment.
The Bentin Facility is a ground water treatment plant. Although surface water
contains more pathogens than groundwater, groundwater treatment presents a unique
challenge. Groundwater
mineral contaminants and excess gases. To
remove them, the secondary treatment process at the Bentin Facility includes
aeration and recarbonation.
2. Read the web page. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false
1 _____ The Crafto Facility uses activated sludge to treat wastewater.
2 _____ Groundwater contains fewer pathogens than surface water.
3 _____ Alten Solutions has two secondary treatment plants.
3. Match the words or phrases (1-7) with the definitions (A-G).
1 _____ treatment plant
5 __ screening
2 _____ recarbonation
6 __ coagulation
7 _ filtration
4 _____ sludge processing
A the amount of oxygen needed to oxidize waste
B a facility that purifies water
C a treatment method that separates solid from liquids
D a treatment that balances the pH of water
E a treatment that encourages small particles to join larger ones
F a treatment that removes the smallest particles from water
G a treatment that removes large particles from water
Lesson 2
State Water Register.
1. Translate and master the following words.
Water bodies
The Government of the Russian Federation
watershed district
2. Put down the English for:
Государственный водный реестр
Водные ресурсы
Водный объект
Бассейн реки
Read and translate the text.
State Water Register is a systematized collection of documented information
on water bodies owned by the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation,
municipalities, individuals and legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, on their
use, and on river basins and watershed districts.
The register was created by the decision of the Government of the Russian
Federation № 253 of 28 April 2007. The information contained in the register is
publicly available, except if classified.
The register has three parts:
Bodies of water and water resources, containing information on river basins, their
watershed district, and other bodies of water located within the river basins;
Water usage;
Infrastructure on bodies of water, containing information on systems of water usage
and hydroengineering and other structures located on bodies of water.
4. Discuss the structure and system of State Water Register with group mates.
Prepare a short report using additional information from the Federal State
Register and from the Internet resources.
Lesson 3
Alternative Sources of Energy
1. Master the following words.
array /g'reI/
power plants /paoo(r) pla:nts/
biomass !bmgum::es
to release /tg n'li:s/
blade /bleld/
reliable /n'laIgbl/
boiler !b:)IIg(r)/
renewable /n'nju:gb,1/
dam /d::em/ to require /tg n'kWaIg(r)/
to damage /tg 'd::em1d3/ shoreline
environment /m'vmgrgnmgnt/
splitting /splItIl)/
fuel /fjool/
steam /sti:m/
greenhouse /gri:nhaus/
to step down /tg step daun/
hot spring /hDt 'sprn)/
to step up /tg step I\p
to knock /tg nDk/
straw /str:):/
loss /IDS/
stump /stl\mp
maintenance !memtgmnts/
supply /sg'plm/
manure /mg'njug(r)/
tide /tald/
network /netw3:k/
turbine / t3:barn/
to occur /tu: g'b:(r)/
waste /weIst/
piped /pmpt/
willing / WIlII)/
pollution /pg'lu:Jn
2. Read the texts about alternative power sources and complete the table with the
missing information.
Environmental problems such as the greenhouse effect and air pollution have led
scientists to find alternative power sources which are renewable and less polluting.
Sunlight can be directly converted into electricity by solar cells made of silicon.
When light strikes the cells, a part of it is absorbed by the semiconductor material.
The energy of the absorbed light knocks electrons loose, allowing them to flow freely
and produce electricity. The process of converting light (photons) into electricity
(voltage) is known as the photo-voltaic process (PV). Solar cells are usually combined
into panels and grouped into arrays. Even if the initial costs can be high, the PV
system provides an independent, reliable electrical power source. It can produce
energy for more than 15 years and its routine maintenance is simple and cheap.
Wind energy is one of the cheapest renewable technologies available today. The wind
turns the blades of giant turbines, producing in this way kinetic energy which is then
converted into mechanical power and electricity by a generator. The main
disadvantage of wind energy is that there are few suitable wind sites where it is
possible to have a constant production of electricity.
This alternative power source, which is typically used in coastal areas, turns the
potential energy of tides into electricity. Tidal power generators use rising and
fallingtides in much the same manner as hydroelectric power plants. Large
underwater turbines are placed in areas with high tidal movements and are designed to
capture the kinetic energy of rising and falling tides. The turbines are driven by the
power of the sea both when the tide comes in and when it goes out. The problem with
tidal power is that only massive increases in tides can produce energy and there are
very few places where this occurs. Moreover, the aquatic ecosystem and the shoreline
can be damaged by the changes in the tidal flow.
In the past, people used hot springs for bathing, cooking and heating. Geothermal
energy is based on the fact that the Earth is hotter below the surface. The hot water
which is stored in the Earth can be brought to the surface and used to drive turbines to
produce electricity or it can be piped through houses as heat. This energy is cheap
and has a low impact on the environment, but there are few sites where it can be
extracted at low cost.
Biomass is a renewable energy source deriving from plant material and animal waste.
When it is burnt, it releases its chemical energy as heat. Biomass fuels include forest
residues (such as dead trees, branches and tree stumps), straw, manure and even
municipal solid waste. Biomass energy is a natural process, it is carbon neutral and
has low initial costs. It used to be the main source of heating at home in the past and it
continues to be highly exploited in the developing world. The main disadvantage of
biomass is that it has a smaller potential than other energy sources and requires
excellent maintenance skills.
Type of energy
How it works
high initial costs
Wind energy
It is a natural
because it exploits
potential energy of
3. Match the words with their definitions.
1 array
2 kinetic
3 tide
4 hot spring
5 to pipe
6 manure
7 waste
8 maintenance
a spot where hot water comes up naturally from the ground
unwanted material left after using
a group of things arranged in a particular way
waste material from animals used as fertiliser
the process of keeping something in good condition by regularly checking it
f produced by motion
g to send a liquid or a gas through a tube
h the regular change in the level of the sea caused by gravitational attraction of the
moon and the sun
4. Read the text about the electrical distribution system and complete it with the
words in the box.
pole demand lower voltages consumers high-voltage power plants delivery
appliances network transformer
Electricity distribution is the final stage in the (1) of electricity to end users. In order
to be
able to use electric power for our daily activities, electricity must be transmitted from
(2) ____ to other areas where it can be distributed to different (3) ______ _
The electricity generated by power plants is increased or stepped up at substations
and distributed through
(4) transmission lines, in order to minimize energy losses and to economise on the
material needed for conductors. Transmission lines use voltages as high as 765,000
volts and they are usually
connected in a (5) . This means that if a station receives an unexpected
(6) for electric power, it can call on the other stations to help to meet the demand.
Then electrical power is converted from high voltage to (7) thanks to step-down
transformers which turn electricity into different power levels. Once it is sent to your
neighbourhood, another
small (8) mounted on a (9) converts the power to even lower levels to
be used at home. The final voltage is between 110 volts - for lights, TVs, and other
smaller appliances - and
240 volts for larger (10) _____ _ _.
5. Read the text again and match each sentence with its ending.
1 Power plants generate
2 Transmission lines are used
3 High voltages mean
4 Step-down transformers
5 Substations can help each other
6 The current transmitted by poles
convert electricity from high voltage levels to lower levels.
in case of an expected demand for electric power.
a reduction in energy losses during transmission.
power and distribute it to substations.
can be safely used in businesses and homes.
to distribute high-voltage electricity to a network of substations
6. What is your opinion on energy saving? What do you and your family usually
do to save energy? Take this test and discuss your answers in pairs.
1 I turn my desk lamp on only when it's dark. YesD No D
2 I try to open the fridge as little as possible. YesD No D
3 I don't use the lift to go down the stairs. Yes D No D
4 My parents take the bus to work instead of driving. Yes D No D
5 Our house temperature is below 20°C. Yes D No D
6 I always turn the light off when I leave a room . Yes D No D
7 I turn the TV off if I am not watching it. Yes D No D
8 We try not to use air condition ing unless it's very hot. YesD No D
9 We use rechargeable batteries. YesD NoD
10 We use energy-saving light bulbs. YesD NoD
Lesson 4
Ecological problems
1. Master the following words.
среда обитания
reserve, national park
истощение (ресурсов)
to contaminate, to pollute
ископаемое топливо
fossil fuel
удержание, сохранение
растительный мир
животный мир
to inhabit
Insert the following words into blankets..
environment noxious ecosystem retention underground environmentalists carbon
dioxide pond pollute
1. The purpose of environmental water pretension areas is to slow down the permeation
of water into the soil in order to
reduce harmful chemicals reaching the _______________ water and waterways.
The ____________________________________ have struggled for years to
save the moribund lake.
Even a muddy _________ contributes to the ______________
that affects the ______________________ .
Among the measures examined by the government are a
system for resale of the rights to emit ________________ substances
and the introduction of a tax on the burning of oil, coal, natural gas, and other fuels
which produce ___________________________________________ .
5. The children were warned not to swim in the _____________
pond because the water was ______________________ and a large alligator called it
3. Read and translate the text:
Waste management
Waste management is critical for human and environmental health. Without proper
waste management, people would just throw garbage in open dumps. Fortunately,
many places have better ways to handle waste. However, even the best facilities face
Liquid hazardous waste is often stored in surface impoundments.
However, these can leak and contaminate groundwater. Fumes may also add to air
pollution. A better solution is deep-well disposal. This method is permanent and
environmentally sound if managed properly.
Solid waste landfills are sites that handle municipal and industrial solid waste. A
composite liner is placed under the landfill. The intention is to prevent water
pollution. However, environmental agencies suggest that this is only a temporary
barrier. On top of the liners is a series of cells which have daily cover over them.
Lifts lead to multiple layers of cells.
Solid waste landfills are extremely common. But they are not without problems.
Many of them have reached or are close to disposal capacity. As the population
grows, this will become a bigger problem. In addition, landfills release flammable
toxic gases as waste decomposes. Methane recovery can be accomplished with a
series of pipes that suck the gas out. Meanwhile, underground carbon storage can
prevent CO2 from entering the atmosphere.
4. Replace the English words and word combinations by their synonyms.
Translate the sentences.
build-up spread out over contribute to derive from dispose of
1. Pollutants in the air are one of the causes of a wide range of heart and lung diseases.
2. A rise in the earth's temperature is supposed to be caused by the increase of polluting
3. Pollutants like this come mainly from the combustion of fuel in car engines.
1. Nuclear waste is often thrown away under the sea.
2. The oil gradually covered the surface of the water.
5. Translate the following terms into English:
1. Ареал — это пространство на поверхности нашей планеты, в пределах
которого распространен тот или иной вид (род, семейство и т.д.) животных или
растений. 2. Биосфера — часть атмосферы, населенной живыми существами. 3.
Биоценоз — совокупность растений, животных, микроорганизмов, населяющих
участок суши или водоема. Слово «биоценоз» произошло от греческих слов
«биос» — «жизнь» и «койнос» — «общий». Животные, растения и
микроорганизмы взаимодействуют не только между собой, но и с почвой, на
которой живут, атмосферным воздухом, влагой земли и воздуха, с
геологическими породами. 4. Биота — совокупность видов растений, животных
и микроорганизмов, объединенных общей областью распространения. 5.
Бионика — научное направление, возникшие на стыке биологии и техники.
Ученые занимаются изучением строения живых организмов для создания новых
приборов и механизмов.
5. Translate the following words and word combinations in writing.
возобновляемый __________________ , разлив нефти __________ ,
избавление от отходов _______________ , ослабление _________ ,
неразложившийся ______________ , безотходный _____________ ,
рапсовое масло __________
, водоем _____________ .
Lesson 5
Water Resources and Sustainable Water Management
1. Translate and master the following words and word combinations.
infiltrating into soils
transpiring from vegetation
flow of freshwaters
key variables
stream networks
phenomenological research
2. Read the article and render it according to a plan.
A plan for rendering.
1. The title of the article.
a) The article is headlined ....
b) The headline of the article I have read is
2. The author of the
article; where and when the
a) The author of the article
b) The article is written
c) It is (was) published
d) it is (was) printed
3. The main idea of the
a) The main idea of the article is ...
c) The article is devoted to ...
e) The article touches upon ...
f) The purpose of the article is to give the
g) The aim of the article is to provide the
reader with some facts/material/data on ...
4. The contents of the
article. Some facts, names,
a) The author starts by telling (the reader)
b) The author writes (states, stresses upon,
e) Further the author reports (says) that ...
f) The article goes on to say that ...
h) The author comes to the conclusion that
a) I find/found the article
topical=urgent (interesting, important, dull,
of no value, too hard to understand ...)
b) In my opinion the article is worth
reading because ....
5. Your opinion of/on
Water Resources and Sustainable Water Management
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition)
2015, Pages 437–442
Jim L. Wescoat Jr.
Water resources generally focus on freshwaters of the world, which include
precipitation falling as rain or snow, infiltrating into soils and groundwater aquifers,
running off into stream networks, evaporating from lakes and transpiring from
vegetation, and flowing back into the deltas and estuaries along the continental
margins. The geographic distribution and flow of freshwaters (analyzed through
water-budget studies) affect supplies available for human use, and associated
problems of surplus, scarcity, and pollution. Psychological and behavioral research
has focused on perception of these escalating water concerns about flood risks,
drought hazards, and decision-making, while phenomenological research has explored
deeper meanings of water experience. During the twentieth century, social scientific
research on water evolved from description of regional water problems (e.g., in the
Tennessee Valley Authority); to economic and institutional analyses of water rights,
water markets, and the ‘range of choice’ among water management alternatives; and,
more recently, to political and cultural investigations of water and related ecosystem
management problems. These developments contributed in the late twentieth century
toward ideals of sustainable and integrated water resources management, though those
conceptions are now being challenged and refined. Influential debates on social
aspects of water have involved Karl Wittfogel's arguments about ‘hydraulic
civilizations’ that drew together the key variables of environmental conditions, water
use technologies, economic patterns, property regimes, state organization, social
classes, and modes of social power. These ideas stimulated intense theoretical and
empirical debates, followed by applied research on sustainable water management in
many regions of the world, which argues for continuing attention to comparative
international research on water resources, including those of transnational and global
3. Choose any part of the text you like and translate it from English into Russian.
Part II. Characteristics of the Astrakhan region. / Описание
Астраханской области.
Lesson 1. The Relief of the Astrakhan Region. / Краткий обзор
Астраханской области.
1. Master the active vocabulary:
аккумулятивная и денудационная равнина
fracture['ƒrækt∫ə] - трещина
– колебательное движение
endogenous [ en'd dз
- эндогенный
exogenous [ ek's dз
- экзогенный
- выветривание
- эоловый
salt marsh - солончак
- отступление
crease [kri:s ] - старое русло реки
- котловина
- половодье; паводок
shoal [∫əul] – отмель
- выщелачивание
baire mounds - бэровские бугры
drained - осушенный
- рубидий
- цезий
- окрестности
web - паутина, сеть, система
sink hole - усадочная раковина, поглощающий колодец
surveyor - землемер; топограф, геодезист
meander [
'ændə ] - извилина
maze [
] - лабиринт
gully [
]- балка
effluent hollows - ложбины стока
economical activity – хозяйственная деятельность
2. Read and translate the text:
As you know, relief is a result of the interaction of internal and external
processes on the surface. The territory of the Astrakhan region is situated within the
limits of two platforms of different ages. The platforms are divided by tectonic
fractures to separate parts, which undergo oscillatory movements of insignificant
amplitude. It defines the formation of plain relief within the limits of the region. The
plain, formed under the influence of endogenous processes, is complicated with forms
of relief, which were generated because of exogenous factors: wind, fluid waters,
physical deflation and others.
On its appearance, the plain is light graded to the Caspian Sea. By the origin,
two types of plain can be singled out on the region's territory: accumulative and
denudation plain.
Accumulative plain of the region can be divided to sea, atmogenic and deltafloodland ones. Sea plain is a drained seabed after recession of the ancient sea; its
surface is introduced by mounds, ilmens, dried shallow gullies, creases, ravines, and
salt marshes. The most remarkable forms of this type of plain are mounds. They are
known as baire mounds as such forms of relief were first described by academician
K.M. Baire in 1856. Mounds are ancient barkhans, which were formed after the sea
recession but undergone considerable changes under the action of Caspian and Volga
waters. The particular relief form on the low areas of sea accumulative plain is salt
marshes. Their formation is explained by the sediments of the ancient sea, which are
characterized by high salinity, and, in the conditions of small rainfall production, they
had no time to desalt. The surface of the salt marshes is covered with thin salt crust.
The relief of atmogenic plains is formed mainly by the influence of wind. They
are widely spread in the south part of the region on both sides of Volga-Akhtuba
floodlands. The relief of atmogenic plain is introduced by mound - ridged fixed and
semi-fixed sands, barkhans, and synclinal folds of deflation. Delta-floodland plain is
situated in the Volga-Akhtuba floodland and in the Volga river delta. Floodland
occupies the area between Volga and Akhtuba, which is flooded in the period of
freshet by river waters. Going to the south the floodland is changed by the delta. The
sea edge of the flood land extends for 200 km. To the south, there is vast shallow
seashore - avandelta (the underwater part of delta). The surface of floodlands and
delta is cut by a large number of cannels, between which there are plain islands of
different areas. In their turn, the surface of the islands is complicated by a system of
eriks. The relief of the delta - floodland plain is very dynamic; annually it undergoes
definite changes: some channels disappear in the result of shallowing, the outline of
shores and islands changes, new shoals and islands appear.
Denudation plain is situated in the north - east part of the Astrakhan region, on
the territory of Lake Baskunchak. Covering an area of 12,000 ha, Lake Baskunchak is
the largest salt lake in all of Russia. More than 25 streams flow into the lake, the
largest of which is the saline Gorkaya Rechka, or 'Bitter Stream' in English. Many
minerals and mineral salts, including Epsom, Bishophyte, Astrakhanite, bromide,
iodide, rubidium, and cesium tint the salt formations a palette of varied colors,
ranging from pink in the south to light blue in the north.
In sharp contrast to the lowland lake, Mount Bolshoe Bogdo rises 149.6 meters
above sea level. The mountain and its environs were sharply carved by karst
processes, leaving a web of basins, ravines, sinkholes, rock pillars, and grottos.
Beneath the surface of the ground lie caves and narrow shafts, many of which have
yet to be explored.
The caves that have been explored, however, have dazzled their surveyors.
Surprise Cave opens with a vertical shaft 16 meters deep that drops into a large hall
with a small lake in its center. Crystal Cave extends nearly 100 meters in length and
30 meters in depth. Its name comes from the crystal gypsum found in its three halls.
Baskunchakskaya Cave, which was discovered in 1939, is the largest in the Caspian
region. An ancient stream once flowed through the rock, leaving characteristic
meanders and terraces. With three entrances leading down 30 meters, the cave is a
maze of rooms, galleries, narrow passages, and rock formations, and still has yet to be
explored fully. Indeed, though about 30 caves have been found around Lake
Baskunchak, scientists expect that many more exist that simply have yet to be
Moreover, many caves are still in the process of formation as water slowly
carves through underground rock. Though not as stunning as the caves of Mount
Bolshoe Bogdo or the painted salt crystals of Lake Baskunchak, the plains
surrounding these two natural features are also of interest to scientists. There are
many "microlandscapes" around Lake Baskunchak: steppes, desert, caves, and saltmarsh all have different features. Three small freshwater lakes provide drinking water
to animals year-round, though their water level varies sharply according to the amount
of precipitation. In dry years, they nearly disappear. Layers of salt rock and gypsum
lie beneath the soil.
The surface of the mountain is divided by effluent hollows, which are called
gullies. The water in the effluent hollows appears after snow melting, and rainfalls.
There is gypsum of low Permian times, which lies close to the surface on this type of
plain. It endures leaching and karst processes of the relief formation takes place.
Especially close to the surface gypsum occurs to the north - west of the lake.
At present, anthropological processes, defined by man activities, take an
important part in the relief formation. In the city of Astrakhan a great amount of
mounds is graded, eriks and ilmens are filled. There are buildings and roads on their
place. The territory of the sulfur and gas condensate deposit underwent significant
changes: gas processing plant, civic buildings, and industrial objects appeared on the
place of barkhan and mound - ridged sands. Piers are built for enclosing the grounds
from flood and it causes secondary salinity of the lands. Before engaging any area in
economical activity, a man should foresee and avoid negative consequences of his
3. Insert the missing words from the text:
1. The platforms are divided by tectonic ... to separate parts, which undergo ...
movements of insignificant....
2. Accumulative plain of the region can be divided to ... , ... and …ones.
3. The particular relief form on the low areas of sea … plain is … .
4. The relief of atmogenic plain is introduced by fixed and ... sands, ... and
synclinal folds of....
The surface of and delta is cut by a large number of..., between which
there are plain ... of different areas.
4. Translate the following words and word-combinations and make up sentences
with them using the text:
insignificant amplitude, to generate, sea recession, small rainfall production, synclinal
folds of deflation, freshet, shallowing, a palette of varied colors, vertical shaft, maze
of rooms, freshwater lake, year-round, effluent hollows, leaching and karst processes,
negative consequences, drained seabed, considerable changes, high salinity, outline,
absolute mark, anthropological processes, to foresee.
5. Translate into English:
1. Современный рельеф формируется в результате взаимодействия на
поверхность внутренних и внешних процессов.
2. Колебательные движения незначительной амплитуды платформ
определяют формирование равнинного рельефа в пределах области.
3. По происхождению на территории области можно выделить два типа
равнины: аккумулятивная и денудационная.
4. Бэровские бугры – это древние барханы, которые сформировались после
отступления моря, но претерпевшие изменения под воздействием каспийских и
волжских вод.
5. В условиях засушливого климата и малого количества осадков
образовались солончаки.
6. Ежегодно рельеф поименно-дельтовой равнины претерпевает определенные
изменения: некоторые водотоки исчезают в результате обмеления, изменяется
очертание берегов и островов, появляются новые отмели.
7. Поверхность горы расчленена ложбинами стока – балками.
8. Для того чтобы оградить земли от затопления строятся дамбы, что влечет
вторичное засоление земли.
9. На месте барханов и бугристо-грядовых песков строятся новые здания и
промышленные объекты.
10. Человек всегда должен предугадать и избежать негативных последствий
своего вмешательства.
6. Speak on the following:
 The characteristics of the accumulative plain of the Astrakhan region;
 Lake Baskunchak and mount Bolshoe Bogdo;
 Man’s influence on the relief formation.
7. Give summary of the text.
Lesson 2
The Grounds of the Astrakhan Region. / Земли Астраханской области.
1. Master the active vocabulary:
light - chestnut soils - светло - каштановые почвы
d rare - ксерофитный и разреженный
brown semi-desert soils - бурые полупустынные почвы
pastures - пастбища
- почвообразовательные породы
nutrients ['nju: ənts] - питательные вещества
phosphorus ['ƒ sƒ(ə)rəs ] - фосфор
potassium [pə'tæsjəm] - калий
Agriophyllum ['æ
əƒ əm ] - кумарчик
in - bed - прирусловая
alluvial [ ə'lu:vjəl ] soils - аллювиальные почвы
high waters - полые воды
uliginous [ ju(:)'
з əs] sediments - илистые отложения
nitrogen ['
ədзən ] - азот
soil-conservation actions - агромелиоративные мероприятия
desiccation [
'kе ∫(ə)n ]- обсыхание
2. Read and translate the text:
The Grounds of the Astrakhan Region.
The region is classified as semi-desert, receiving less than 30 cm of
precipitation annually. Summer temperatures rise above 25 degrees Centigrade,
falling in winter to nearly —10. A thin layer of snow usually covers the ground from
the end of December until early March. Eastern winds bring dust storms during dry
periods of spring and autumn, on average four days per year.
Soil cover of the region is formed with the help of the pedogenic factors:
underlying surface, relief, climatic conditions, and anthropological influence. The
underlying surface on this territory represents a powerful stratum of sedimentary
rocks. It is important to mention the significant role of repeated transgressions and
regressions of the Caspian Sea in the formation of the modern relief. That's why
native beds, on which the soil is formed, are sea, delta, lake, atmogenic, and alluvial
precipitations of quaternary times and of various mechanical staff. According to the
climatic conditions, the region is the most arid part of Europe with the traits of sharp
There are different types of grounds on the territory of the Astrakhan region. In
the northern parts, they are represented by the zone of light - chestnut soils, in the
south - by brown semi-desert soils, and in Volga- Akhtuba floodlands, delta, and sub steppes ilmens - by floodland soils. Intra-zonal soils - solonetz and salt marshes occur everywhere among all types of soils. Zonal light chestnut and brown soils relate
to the group of arid gypsum - calciferous soils. They are formed under the influence
of the same process of soil formation, which determined the appearance of similar
outward features. The main factors of soil formation for brown semi-desert and
chestnut soils are arid climate (especially high temperatures of vegetative period),
xerophyte, and rare character of vegetation.
Light chestnut soils are spread on the territory of right and left shores of VolgaAkhtuba valley in the northern part including Chernoyarskij and Akhtubinskij
regions. They occupy the most drained and raised places. Frequently this type of soils
is used as pastures and they are potentially fertile.
Brown semi-desert soils settle spotlike among light chestnut soils and they
expand their territory going from north to south. In the conditions of extremely hot
climate, the formation of brown soils is connected with chemical and mechanical staff
of pedogenic rocks. In terms of nutrients, brown semi-desert soils are rich in active
forms of phosphorus and potassium. In the middle and south territories of the region,
there are the areas, which are occupied with sand, the topsoil has not formed on it yet.
Agriophyllum and sandy oats are the first to settle on the dispersed sands.
As it was said, the floodland is divided into three parts: in - bed, elevated part;
central part and terraced part. That's why different types of alluvial soils are formed in
the flood land; they are young and less formed. The peculiarity of these soils is the
absence of clearly determined genetic horizons. In - bed elements of the flood land are
the most elevated points: ridges and hollow-undulate plains. Nutrients and light
mechanical staff are characteristic of these soils. In the central part of the flood land
alluvial - meadow type of soil is widely spread, such soils are very fertile. They are
formed in the conditions of annual flooding of the surface by high waters and
uliginous sediments. Terraced part is not so brightly expressed in Volga - Akhtuba
plain, it has been under the influence of climatic factors for a long time, and this type
of soil is close to the zonal brown soils. Delta occupies lower position, which causes
waterlogging, and formation of marsh soils. They are characterized by high moisture
of horizons and water-resistant vegetation prevails here - cattail and reed. Marsh soils
contain comparatively more nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium than the other types
of soils. They are used only after special soil-conservation actions.
Great variety of soils is marked on the territory of western ilmen - mound
plain. Here ilmen - marsh and ilmen - meadow types of soils are widely spread. They
are formed in the cause of periodical flooding of ilmens during spring and summer. In
some ilmens, in the conditions of weak inflow of the high waters, occur the
desiccation of their bottoms and the formation of salt marshes. The protection of soils
in our region is a primary task; it is connected with the economical activities of man:
the salinity of the soils increases, the pastures degrade, soil fertility decreases. All
these problems demand to be solved the sooner the better.
1. What types of grounds can be singled out on the territory of the Astrakhan region?
2. Where are light chestnut soils spread?
3. How can you characterize brown semi-desert soils?
4. What is the characteristic of alluvial soils of the Volga-Akhtuba flood land?
5. What are marsh soils rich in? What are they used for?
3. Translate the following words and word – combinations from the text into
Russian and make up sentences with them:
arid climate, drained and raised places, fertile, to settle spotlike, in terms of nutrients,
dispersed sands, annual, climatic factors, to be close to, water-resistant vegetation, in
the conditions of, chemical and mechanical staff, to be under the influence of,
comparatively, quaternary, a primary task, the sooner the better.
4. Translate into English:
1. Почвенный покров формируется с помощью основных почвообразующих
2. Необходимо отметить существенную роль неоднократных трансгрессий и
регрессий Каспийского моря в формировании рельефа Астраханской области.
3. Область это самая засушливая часть Европы с чертами резкой
4. Светло - каштановые и бурые почвы формируются под воздействием того
же процесса почвообразования, который определил возникновение схожих
внешних признаков.
5. Обычно светло-каштановые почвы используются под пастбища, и они
очень плодородны.
6. В отношении питательных веществ бурые полупустынные почвы богаты
фосфором и калием.
7. Аллювиально-луговой тип почв формируется в условиях ежегодного
затопления поверхности полыми водами и илистых наносов.
8. Дельта занимает более низкое положение, что влечет заболачивание земель
и формированию солончаков.
9. Болотистые
агромелиоративных мероприятий.
10. Охрана почвенного покрова в нашей области является первоочередной
Give brief characteristics of the types of soils, which are spread on the territory
of the Astrakhan region.
Lesson 3
Environmental Problems of the Astrakhan Region. / Экологические проблемы
Астраханской области.
1. Master the active vocabulary:
- кормовые объекты
- самоочищение
flowage [ 'ƒl uədз ]- проточность
- колебание уровня
adjustment [ə'dзΛstmənt ] - зарегулирование; flow adjustment - зарегулирование
- заболачивание
- процессы опустынивания
- мелиорация земель; рекультивация почв
- орошаемые земли
- затопление; подтопление
filtration fields of treating collecting system - поля фильтрации канализационных
очистных сооружений
engineering services - инженерные коммуникации
- выбросы загрязняющих веществ
forest plantations – лесопосадки
- неблагоразумный, неосмотрительный, неосторожный
- зарастание
2. Read and translate the text:
Environmental Problems of the Astrakhan Region.
The consequences of the environmental problems for the society can be
roughly divided into two categories - direct and indirect. Direct consequences are
expressed in loss of biological resources (trade species and their forage reserves).
Indirect consequences represent loss of abilities in ecosystems to autopurification,
loss of their balance and gradual transition in a new state. It causes the disappearance
of aesthetic value of landscapes and less comfortable conditions for the population.
Within several decades on the background of changes in the flowage of the
river Volga and fluctuations of level of the Caspian Sea, the events connected with
intensive, frequently imprudent, and unbalanced man's activities take place in the
Astrakhan region. It sufficiently revealed in Volga's flow adjustment, which caused
rearrangement of ecosystems in lower reaches of the river. Along with these processes
occurred the pollution of Volga's and Caspian waters. Volga's reservoirs became
accumulators for polluted sea-floor sediments, which on the one hand decreased the
pollution of delta and the Caspian Sea but on the other hand became the basis of the
significant ecological problems. Last decades the ecosystem of the Caspian Sea
underwent serious changes. More over emergency ecological situation happened in
the north coast of the Caspian Sea and in the Volga delta. The processes of
waterlogging and overgrowing of Volga floodland and delta with bushes continue to
take place. The most important and dangerous problem for the society is the intensive
processes of desertification.
Describing the ecological problems of the Astrakhan region, we cannot but
mention ecological state of the Caspian Sea. There are the largest deposits of gas
resources, gas condensate, and oil in the Earth's interior under the seacoast and
seashelf. Astrakhan people are proud of the unique sulfur and gas condensate field but
they are worried about the ecological situation. Mining and exploitation of this raw
stock pollute the air, water, and ground with gaseous, liquid, and solid waste.
Moreover, the level of the Caspian Sea is rising and the consequences of the rising are
determined by unreasonable methods for land reclamation near the sea. The fact is
that the sea level is changing cyclically: the sea is "breathing". When the sea level was
decreasing in the middle of the XX century people built permanent constructions on
free of sea lands. Thus, the rising of the sea level in the Astrakhan region influence
intensively on four of eleven administrative areas, making sanitary - epidemiologic
and social situation more difficult. Under the influence of rising of the sea, the level
of highly mineralized subterranean waters increases. This causes the processes of
secondary salinity, the vegetation perishes, irrigated lands are inhabited, and
agricultural holdings loose their value. In order to prevent impoundment backing is
constructed in the delta watercourses leading to the intensive fall of the banks on
which settlements are situated. The rising of the subterranean waters level also brings
to the sinking of the filtration fields of treating collecting system, cattle farms, and
objects of gas-extraction and petroleum production and to the intensive corrosion of
buried engineering services.
The destruction of nature in our region gradually led to the loss of the most
essential element of existence, a healthy biological habitat. By now the pollution and
poisoning of the soil, water and air have reached the critical level. Environmental
pollution has become a significant obstacle to the economic growth in the region. The
discharge of dust and gas into the atmosphere from the gas-processing plant returns in
the form of "acid rains" and effects crop, the quality of the air and the amount of fish
all over the territory of the region.
In recent years, Center of hydrometeorology and Committee of ecology and
natural recourses carry out the systematic control of the air clearness. The source of
the air pollution in Astrakhan is motor transport. Astrakhan Thermal power station
(TPS), boiler-houses, paper mill, slaughtering, and meat processing plant also pollute
the air but the major source of the air pollution in our region is gas-condensate plant
in Aksaraisk. The work is done to decrease the pollutant emissions in the air.
Qualitative staff of the air depends on the degree of planting of the territory, that’s
why it is necessary to increase forest plantations, lay out new parks. Everyone must
plant a tree and preserve the vegetation of our region.
3. Give the English equivalents to the following word - combinations from the
text and reproduce the situation where they are used:
Биологические ресурсы, утеря способности; эстетическая ценность
ландшафтов; накопитель загрязненных донных отложений; колебания уровня
моря; кризисная экологическая ситуация; недра земли; добыча и переработка
сырья; загрязнение газообразными, жидкими и твердыми отходами
производства; санитарно - эпидемиологическая ситуация; минерализованные
грунтовые воды; сельскохозяйственные угодья; коррозия инженерных
коммуникаций; здоровая биологическая среда обитания; качественный состав
воздуха; увеличивать лесопосадки.
4. Finish the sentences:
1. Indirect consequences represent....
2. Volga's reservoirs became accumulators for ....
3. The most important and dangerous problem for the society is ....
4. Mining and exploitation of the raw stock ....
5. The rising of the sea level in the Astrakhan region influence intensively on ....
6. In order to prevent impoundment....
7. The major source of the air pollution in our region is ....
8. Qualitative staff of the air depends on ....
9. Astrakhan people are proud of....
10. The rising of the subterranean waters level brings to ....
11. The destruction of nature in our region gradually led to ....
Speak on the following:
Changes in the flowage of the river Volga and fluctuations of level of the Caspian
Ecological state of the Caspian Sea;
The sources of the air pollution in our region;
The consequences of the air and water pollution in the region;
What must be done to prevent the environmental pollution in the region?
Read the dialogue and answer the question. Do you consider that the
environmental situation is dangerous nowadays? Give your reasons.
- Everybody knows that the environmental situation in our world leaves
much to be desired. Every man and especially governors are conscious about it, but
everything doesn’t go further than words… Pollution is what happens when things
we eat, the place we leave and the air around us are made dirty and unhealthy by
machines and factories.
- Yes, it is a real problem and people finally must face it up. The results of
the pollution can be seen everyday and everywhere. Only European countries send
about 20 million tones of sulfur into the air every year, but more over it pollutes not
only Europe but also the other nearby countries. It’s the fact that each nation in
Europe produces thousands tones of poison and then sends it abroad and it seems that
nobody wants to do something about it, nobody wants to notice it.
- You have hit straight into the point. We can’t breathe fresh air because it is
polluted by factories and industrials. Nature tried its best to provide people with fresh
air by creating trees and bushes, the greenery, but instead of being thankful for that
men cut woodlands in great quantity.
- I’m sorry to say but I can’t help but agree with your words. I have strong
desire for you being wrong, but the situation is that men abuse Nature by conscious
destroying of the biological balance in the world. I’m sorry to admit that man sees
only a collection of trees but not the source of fresh air and ecologically pure area for
people’s life and health.
- I can only add to your words that if people once look around, they will see
that Nature has created everything necessary for them. Our mission on the Earth is not
only to use Nature but also to serve it for our children. We do only half of the job –
we use nature, but we don’t give anything in exchange, vice versa we pollute the air
we breathe, the water we drink, like a suicide who holds a heavy weight above his
head, the cord of which is slowly toasting by a candle.
- It’s a very good metaphor, I can add that nowadays-ecological situation is
really dangerous and may cause a disaster. For example if the airlines operate a large
number of supersonic airplanes, their engines may inject so much water vapour into
the upper atmosphere that it might change the climate of the whole world, with very
serious results. Plants and factories pollute rivers and lakes, which causes the
depletion of water resources and disruption of water cycle. A man himself pollutes the
Nature and as a result he can’t use it any more. It’s like a vicious circle.
- You are right but somebody must discontinue this circle and the only
thing people can do in this situation is to stop talking about how polluted is our planet
and begin to restore the Nature and give her decide for herself what is good for people
and what is bad. As it is said “Nature knows better”. We only must follow her rules.
Retell the text and give your own opinion on the environmental problems of the
Astrakhan region.
Lesson 4
Characteristics of the Volga River. / Описание реки Волга.
Master the active vocabulary.
regime of recharge - режим питания (реки)
Spring-summer tide - весенне-летнее половодье
drainage network - гидрографическая сеть
detrimental impurities - вредные примеси
treating facilities - очистные сооружения
catchment basin - водосбор, (водосборный) бассейн
Read the text and define the meaning of new words. Translate the text.
moderate climate – умеренный климат
forest-steppes – лесостепи
semi – deserts – полупустыня
spring snow melting – весенние таяние снега
the flood – наводнение
subterranean recharge – подземные подзарядки (подпитки)
Polluted waters – загрязненные воды
reservoirs cascade – каскад водохранилищ
maximum concentration limit – ПДК (предельная допустимая концентрация)
regime of recharge - режим питания (реки)
Spring-summer tide - весенне-летнее половодье
drainage network - гидрографическая сеть
detrimental impurities - вредные примеси
treating facilities - очистные сооружения
catchment basin - водосбор, (водосборный) бассейн
Task I. Read text II and ask 10 questions of different types.
Characteristics of the Volga River.
The Volga River - the longest river in Europe - is the national pride of Russia;
its length is about 3530 km. Its storage basin is of some 1,360,000 square km. It is
situated within the limits of the East - European plain in the moderate climate. In
upper and medium currents, the climate is characterized by sufficient damping, which
corresponds to the zone of mixed and coniferous forests and forest-steppes, in the
lower current damping is poor and the zones of steppes and semi - deserts prevail
here. Assignment of the Volga basin to the temperate climatic zone determines its
regime of recharge due to the spring snow melting; rain and subterranean recharge
plays insignificant role. Spring-summer tide is typical for Volga but the river's flow
adjustment caused the reduction of the flood level, changed the density of its rising
and decreasing. At present Volga along its distance presents the chain of large seas reservoirs, turning into each other. To the north of Astrakhan, the Volga branches
forming vast delta, the largest arms are Buzan, Bakhtemir, Old Volga, Kizan, Bolda,
Buzan, and Kigach. The arms along all their way to the Caspian Sea branch into
numerous canals and eriks. The least represent the basic of the drainage network. The
ecological state of the Volga River is very dangerous. The lower reaches of the river
concentrate all harmful substances, which flow from all over the catchment basin.
Volga waters contain heavy metals, oil products, toxic chemicals, cleansing agents
and other detrimental impurities higher than maximum concentration limit. Polluted
waters and little flowage because of reservoirs cascade ability, abrupt season and dayto-day fluctuations of the level of regulated river increased the sickness rate and death
of fish. In recent years, the control of the enterprises, which drop detrimental
impurities into the water, has been exasperated, new treating facilities are built on
higher technological level. Everything possible must be done to avoid the
disappearance of the Great Russian River Volga.
Lesson 5
Characteristics of the Caspian Sea. / Описание Каспийского моря.
1. Master the following words.
hydrological regime - гидрологический режим
physiographic factors - физико-географические признаки
bottom contour - рельеф дна
seawind - моряна (ветер дующий с моря)
drift current - дрейфовое течение
2. Put down the Russian for:
particular mineralization
to be rich in ions of calcium and sulfates
the Caspian shelf zone
physiographic factors
drift currents
geologic exploration works
3. Translate the following questions.
Why canals are built in the northern part of the Caspian sea?
How the waters of the Caspian sea can be characterized?
Why it is not recommended to carry out the geologic exploration in the Caspian shelf
Was it also in this period that the first menus and table manners were established?
4. Read the text. Find the answers to the questions given above.
Characteristics of the Caspian Sea.
The Caspian Sea is the largest lake in the world and it is called sea for its large
size. Its area, without islands, is about 368 000 square km. Maximum depth is marked
in the southern part and is about 1025 m. According to physiographic factors and
peculiarities of hydrological regime, the Caspian Sea is divided into northern, middle,
and southern parts. Northern part of the water area is situated in immediate proximity
to the Astrakhan region. Bottom contour of the North of the Caspian Sea represents
shallow accumulative plain complicated by delta and number of islands. This part of
the sea basin is rather shallow and rarely has depth more than 4 m. That's why canals
are built for navigation and fish passing. In 1874 the Volga - Caspian canal was built
which, along with arm Bakhtemir, is called the Major Bank. The canal is not only the
transport pathway for the ships of 'sea - river' type but also a road for fish coming for
spawning in the fresh waters.
Wind plays an important role in the hydrological regime of the shallow
northern part of the sea. The average wind speed during the year is about 3-7 m/sec.
On the border with mainland occur local winds: seawind and breeze. Winds blowing
above the sea cause drift currents. The waters of the Caspian Sea are characterized by
the particular mineralization. In the comparison with ocean waters, they are weak in
the content of ions of sodium and chlorine, but at the same time are rich in ions of
calcium and sulfates. It is explained by the restraint of the basin and the influence of
large river course.
The flora and fauna of the Caspian Sea vary greatly. Here we can found the
inhabitants either of fresh water or of salt-water basins. In the Caspian shelf zone is
considered the presence of hydrocarbon minerals but their prospecting and extraction
can make the ecological situation worse in this region. That's why it is not
recommended to carry out the geologic exploration works before the creation of more
advanced technologies. More over many perspective areas of oil and gas deposits are
found on the lands of the Astrakhan region.
Part III. Self study units. / Раздел для самостоятельной работы.
Lesson 1
Read and translate the text.
Chemistry and Environment Pollution
Man should carefully study the impact of his activity on the surrounding nature. The
ecological problem is not simply the environmental pollution problem, but the
problem of turning man's uncontrolled impact on nature into a purposeful and planned
interaction with the latter.
Some scientists say that human civilization will perish as a result of environmental
pollution and depletion of non-renewable natural resources.
The rational utilization of resources and the conservation of nature are a matter of
state policy in many countries. All the problems concerning the interaction of man
and nature are now of international importance.
The pollution of the Ocean by one particular country affects fishing in the other
countries. The Chernobyl disaster was felt in Belorussia, Tula region and even in
Scandinavia. So many ecological problems are global problems and can be solved by
efforts of all countries.
The ecological problem is one of the pressing problems of our days. It is closely
linked to the problems of economic growth, progress in science and technology,
natural resources, energy and food supply. An increasing influence on nature and the
application of new technological processes may cause catastrophic results.
The accumulation of C02 in the atmosphere, as well as of aerosols, has increased
globally by 20%. The formation of C02 layer around the Earth may transform our blue
planet into enormous greenhouse and may cause an increase in temperature and raise
the level of water in the oceans. The pollution of the environment through chemical,
physical and biological agents, together with eases in ionizing radiation produce
mutagenic influence and cause genetic defects.
A modern economy is impossible without the concentration of chemicals. We may
say that life without chemistry is impossible at present. On the one hand, chemical
industry is making life easier, more comfortable, on the other, it is associated by many
people with the environmental pollution. For instance, modern agriculture needs
fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides. These chemicals help solve the problem of feeding
the population on the Earth. But at the same time these chemicals may destroy the
flora and fauna. They yield new types of waste products that pollute air, water and
One kilogram of polymer constructional material can replace 4 to 5 kg of ferrous
metals, the production of one ton of plastic parts requires 2 to 3 times less energy than
for the production of metal parts. Such features of polymers as long durability and
resistance to high temperature are needed for the structural materials. But the same
qualities may make plastics the cause of fatal pollution. Plastics contribute to our
waste disposal problem, because they are non-degradable and remain undecomposed
indefinitely. Of all domestic wastes the greatest trouble is given by plastics. They
cannot be burned, they only melt and release a smoke which poisons the air. Higher
concentrations of heavy metals in the soil pollute it, result in disappearing some
species of plants and animals. So chemistry should work out environmentally safe
chemical products, low-waste or waste-free technology, water-saving methods, new
recycling processes, and create new ways for waste utilization. Some waste can be
treated by microbes, because some microbes may be considered as a chemical plant.
This is a new trend in technology.
Not long ago scientists have grown microbes which convert polychlorvinyl film
into carbon, that is, destroy the plastic. Some plastics may be exposed to UV
radiation. The polymer chains that form plastics do not normally break when exposed
to UV light. If light-sensitive linking molecules are inserted, the polymer chains unzip
in sunlight and the plastic disintegrates.
The most promising way to solve the problem of clean air is to improve
technology, because the cleaning systems are complex and costly. In conclusion, it
may be summarized that environmental protection is a solution of waste disposal
problems and educational activity among people.
Алимов В.В., Артемьева Ю.В. Общественно-политический перевод
Lesson 2
1. Read and translate the text:
Ecological problems
Worldwide, the problem of pollution has grown. More and more factories, cars
and trucks add their bad breath to the air. Cars arc the world's biggest air polluters.
But the battle against air pollution is also growing. Scientists are looking for ways to
make factories and cars run cleaner. Little by little we're getting more energy from the
sun and the wind. This energy is clean and renewable. Some tractors and cars use fuel
made from soybeans or rapeseed oil.
When we use natural fuel, chemicals called sulfates puff out of coal-burning factories
around the world. When they mix with clouds, acid rain falls and harms lakes, rivers
and plants — and the creatures that need them. Also, the wind blows the air around.
So, sulfates from one place fall as acid rain many miles away. Often, companies dump
chemical wastes into water, so we have to clean ponds, lakes, rivers and other bodies
of water.
Farmers often spray chemicals on crops to protect them against pests. These
chemicals are called pesticides. Scientists have found that pesticides often end up in
our food. They can cause health problems — especially for children.
Lately, oil spills from ships have been messing up the ocean. Luckily, nature has
ways of cleaning up some of the oil.
The Sun evaporates the lighter parts of oil — it changes about one-third of the oil
into gas. The gas rises out of the water and spreads out into the air. The thicker,
harder-to-get-rid-of parts of the oil stay in the water. Next, some of the thick heavy oil
sticks to sand, shells or other sediment.
The weight of the oil causes the sediment to shrink. In this way, some heavy oil is
dropped to the bottom of the ocean, where it may be less harmful.
Microbes take care of the rest. They eat oil quickest when it is spread thinly across
the water's surface. Some spills are too big for nature alone. Then people have to pitch
in. They put booms or floating barriers to keep the oil from spreading; skim oil away
or filter it out of the water. Sometimes people add chemicals to break the oil up.
The number of oxygen-starved «dead zones» in the world's seas and oceans has risen
more than a third in the past several years because of fertilizer, sewage, animal waste
and fossil-fuel burning, United Nations experts said Thursday.
The damage is caused by explosive blooms of tiny plants known as phytoplankton,
which die and sink to the bottom, and then are eaten by bacteria which use up the
oxygen in the water. Those blossoms are triggered by too many nutrients, particularly
phosphorous and nitrogen.
Oxygen starvation robs the seas and oceans of many fish, oysters, sea grass beds
and other marine life, and the number of such dead zones has grown every decade
since the 1970s. All the dead zones pose a danger to global fish stocks, which many
marine scientists say are increasingly hammered by overfishing and pollution.
2. Define the main idea of the text «Ecological problems».
Lesson 3
1. Put down the English for:
Топлива — группа горючих веществ, основу которых составляет
углерод. Назначение топлив — получить при сжигании тепловую энергию.
Понятие «топливо» — более широкое, чем понятие «горючие ископаемые».
Помимо каменного и бурого угля, нефти, природного газа, торфа, горючих
сланцев и природных битумов к топливам относится также и древесина.
Природный газ — одно из важнейших горючих ископаемых. Почти на
90% он состоит из метана и других углеводородов, а также из азота и
углекислого газа, паров воды и инертных газов. Часть мировых запасов
сосредоточена в виде газовых гидратов, внешне напоминающих спрессованный
2. Read and translate the text.
To solve the problem of managing water systems and minimizing the
associated environmental impacts from a life-cycle perspective, optimization models
need to be integrated into an LCA framework. Previously, quantification of life-cycle
environmental impacts was incorporated into many optimization models. For
instance, Bonnin et al. (2015) established an effective management system for copper
scrap recycling through hybrid LCA and multi-objective optimization approaches.
Jing et al. (2012) developed a multi-objective optimization model for reflecting lifecycle environmental impacts for a cooling, heating and power generation system
within a building. Gebreslassie et al. (2012) proposed a bi-objective non-linear
optimization model with the consideration of life-cycle global warming potential for
the cooling sector. Vadenbo et al., 2014a and Vadenbo et al., 2014b introduced a
unified framework for waste and resources management in industrial systems through
combining multi-objective programming model with life cycle assessment
approaches. Specifically, most of the related research considered economic
performance as the objective function and did not comprehensively address
environmental impacts of relevant products and services within a UWAS (Wang et
al., 2013). However, few studies on optimization management were conducted from a
life-cycle perspective and could address uncertainties in a UWAS (e.g., water
availabilities under multiple precipitation probability levels, and water demand under
varying conditions) (van Zelm and Huijbregts, 2013 and Wiedmann et al., 2011).
Lesson 4
Why is the sea salty?
1. 1. Master the active vocabulary:
2. Translate the following words and word combinations in writing.
угольная кислота
поваренная соль
прогретая водная поверхность
диатомовая водоросль
3. Read and translate the text.
Why is the sea salty?
If all the salt in the sea were spread evenly over the land, it would form a layer
more than 500 feet thick. Where does all that salt come from, especially considering
that countless freshwater streams and rivers empty into the oceans? Scientists have
discovered a number of sources.
One source is the ground beneath our feet. As rainwater seeps through soil and rocks,
it dissolves tiny amounts of minerals, including salts and their chemical constituents,
and carries them out to sea by means of streams and rivers. This process is called
weathering. Of course, the concentration of salt in freshwater is very low, so we
cannot taste it.
Another source is salt-forming minerals in the earth's crust beneath the oceans.
Water penetrates the seafloor through cracks, gets superheated, and returns to the
surface with its cargo of dissolved minerals. Hydrothermal vents — some forming
deep-sea geysers — disgorge the resulting chemical soup into the sea.
In a reverse process that has a similar end result, undersea volcanoes eject large
amounts of hot rock into the oceans, where the rock releases chemicals into the water.
An additional source of minerals is the wind, which carries particles from land out to
sea. All these processes make seawater a solution of practically every element known.
The major salt component, however, is sodium chloride — common table salt. It
makes up 85 percent of the dissolved salts and is the primary reason why seawater
tastes salty.
What Keeps Salt Levels Stable?
Salts are concentrated in the sea because the water that evaporates from the ocean
is almost pure. The minerals are left behind. At the same time, more minerals
continue to enter the oceans; yet, the salt level remains stable at about 35 parts per
thousand of seawater. Evidently, then, salts and other minerals are being added and
removed at about the same rate. This raises the question, Where do the salts go?
Many salt components are absorbed into the bodies of living organisms. For
instance, coral polyps, mollusks, and crustaceans harvest calcium, a salt component,
for their shells and skeletons. Microscopic algas called diatoms extract silica. Bacteria
and other organisms consume dissolved organic matter. When these organisms die or
are eaten, the salts and minerals in their bodies eventually settle to the seafloor as
dead matter.
Many salts not removed by biochemical processes are disposed of in other ways.
For example, clay and other terrestrial materials that find their way into the oceans by
means of rivers, land runoff, and volcanic fallout may bind certain salts and carry
them down to the seafloor. Some salts also bind to rock. Thus, through a number of
processes, much of the salt ends up being added to the seafloor.
Many researchers believe that geophysical processes complete the cycle, albeit
over aeons of time. The earth's crust is made up of gigantic plates. Some of these meet
at subduction (субдукция, пододвигание тектонических плит) zones, where one
plate plunges beneath its neighbor and sinks into the hot mantle. Usually, the denser
oceanic plate sinks beneath its lighter continental neighbor, at the same time carrying
its cargo of salty sediments with it like a great conveyor belt. In this way much of the
earth's crust slowly gets recycled. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and rift zones are three
manifestations of this process.
Amazing Stability
Ocean salinity varies from place to place and sometimes from season to season.
Overall, though, ocean salinity is very stable. Much of the carbon dioxide that humans
are adding to the atmosphere ends up in the oceans, where it reacts with water to form
carbonic acid. So human activity may be slowly acidifying the oceans.
SE. 2007. № 9
4. Put down the Russian for:
sea level ____________________ , to round ______________
cyclone ____________________ , never sleeps _____________ ,
fool moon _________________ , new moon ________________ __,
big/spring tide ________________________ , skeleton ___________ ,
foot of the wave _______________ , wave crest/ ridge __________ .
Lesson 5
1. Master the following words and word combinations.
soil organic matter (SOM)
mollic horizon
coarse silt fractions
2. Read the words and word combinations and put down their Russian
virgin steppe
post-agrogenic chernozems
3. Read the article and render it according to a plan.
Volume 162, Issues 1–2, 15 April 2011, Pages 196–206
Olga Kalininaa, , ,
S.-E. Krausea,
S.V. Goryachkinb,
N.A. Karavaevab,
D.I. Lyurib,
Luise Giania
Self-restoration of post-agrogenic chernozems of Russia: Soil development,
carbon stocks, and dynamics of carbon pools
This chronosequential study focuses on the vegetation succession, pedogenesis,
carbon stocks, and functionally different carbon pools of post-agrogenic chernozems
under self-restoration in the forest steppe zone of the European part of Russia. The
sites investigated were comparable in terms of climate, soil texture, and land-use
history, but differed in their duration of agricultural abandonment, covering 8, 19, 37,
and 59 years of self-restoration. During self-restoration, the vegetation showed
development towards virgin steppe and the soils towards natural chernozem.
Pedogenesis resulted in the formation of a fine granular structure and loss of
ploughing features. Organic carbon (OC) content increased from 38.9 g kg− 1 to 54.5 g
kg− 1 in the upper 10 cm of topsoil. Increasing C contents did not reach the OC level
of the natural chernozem, showing 78.9 g kg− 1. Nitrogen contents and cation
exchange capacity (CEC) values increased, showing significant positive correlations
with soil organic carbon (SOC) content and resulting in chronosequential constant
Corg/N ratios. The SOC accumulation rate for the 59 years of self-restoration was
about 52 g m− 2 y− 1 for the mean of the upper 0.2 m and 103 g m− 2 y− 1 in the upper
0.5 m. Thus, carbon stocks increased to 91% of the natural chernozem. Functionally
different SOC pools showed their quantitative alterations during self-restoration. The
OC of the clay fraction (% of soil) increased in line with the recovery of total SOC at
soil depths 0–0.5 m from 1.49% to 2.17% on average. The OC of the density fraction
< 1.8 g cm− 3 (free particulate organic matter (POM) and occluded POM) and OC
from sand and coarse silt fractions increased only in the upper 10 cm of topsoil. After
59 years of self-restoration, the rate of occluded POM (19.8% of SOC) still did not
match the level of the natural chernozem (26.3% of SOC). The results of the study
show an increasing SOC sink during the self-restoration of chernozems but no full
restoration within the investigated time scale of 59 years.
Until recently, extensive areas of arable land had been abandoned in many countries
worldwide (Lyuri et al., 2006, Lyuri et al., 2008, Lyuri et al., 2010 and Ramankutty,
2006). Predominantly caused by economic crises, most such abandonment occurred in
Russia, totaling 58 Mha between the years of 1961 and 2007 and over 48 Mha
between 1990 and 2007 (Agriculture of Russia, 1995, Agriculture of Russia, 2000,
Agriculture of Russia, 2002, Agriculture of Russia, 2004, Agriculture of Russia, 2007,
Lyuri et al., 2010 and Similar data have been calculated by
others (Henebry, 2009 and Vuichard et al., 2008). As a consequence, the soils of these
abandoned sites have undergone a process of self-restoration without any direct
human impact. During 1961–2007, about 19.5 Mha of chernozems were abandoned in
the steppe part of the forest steppe zone of European Russia (Lyuri et al., 2010).
Preliminary studies of post-agrogenic chernozems undergoing self-restoration of the
forest steppe zone of Russia indicated that such soils, as well as the vegetation, were
developing towards their natural composition (Lyuri et al., 2008). As measured to
date, the soil alterations were much less intensive than those found for podzols under
self-restoration (Kalinina et al., 2009).
The soil characteristic of chernozems that is mostly affected by land use change is soil
organic matter (SOM) (Guo and Gifford, 2002, Kogut, 1998 and Mikhailova and
Post, 2006). This has a global impact because chernozems have the largest C stock
among mineral soils and therefore represent an important part of the global carbon
cycle (Afanaseva, 1966; Mikhailova and Post, 2006). Cultivation of chernozems over
the last 100–200 years has caused large losses of soil carbon, ranging from 20% to
30% of the initial C stock (Kogut, 1998 and Mikhailova and Post, 2006). In contrast,
self-restoration of post-agrogenic chernozems of the forest steppe zone in the
European part of Russia showed increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) stores (Lyuri et
al., 2006). Guo and Gifford (2002) reviewed data of 74 publications and reported an
increase of SOC stores by 19% following change in land use from crop to pasture.
Post and Kwon (2000) reported a mean accumulation rate of 33.2 g C m− 2 y− 1 after
conversion of cropland to grassland. Focusing on the upper 0.1–0.2 m, some studies
showed the mean SOC accumulation rate to be in the range of 30 to 80 g C m− 2 y− 1
with the highest accumulation rates at the beginning of self-restoration (Lopes de
Gerenyu et al., 2008, McLauchlan et al., 2006 and Mensah et al., 2003).Thus,
bioturbation, the most characteristic process for chernozems, did not promptly cause a
redistribution of SOC over the whole mollic horizon. Although differences in the
SOC accumulation rates are reported, depending on the kind and duration of
cultivation, crop history, climate zone, grass species, time of self-restoration, and on
the measured soil depth (Guo and Gifford, 2002 and Post and Kwon, 2000), no
investigation has shown an increase of SOC content to the natural level during the
self-restoration process.
Since every land-use change causes a disturbance of the long-term adjusted balance of
soil organic matter supply and mineralization, self-restoration does not only affect
carbon sequestration but also influences active and passive carbon pools, as shown for
podzols (Kalinina et al., 2010). Changes of chernozems are expected to be found in
free particulate organic matter (POM) of the topsoil because of the higher root
biomass production by native grassland species and also in SOM occluded in
aggregates because of the rapid formation of the fine granular structure after
perennial-grassland establishment (Jastrow, 1996 and Lyuri et al., 2006). Since SOM
dynamics are influenced by both the level of aggregation and aggregate turnover (i.e.,
rate of formation and degradation of aggregates) (Six et al., 1998), maximum
restoration of occluded organic matter (OM) is expected when a new balance of
residues input, humification, and mineralization is achieved with a stable aggregate
turnover. This results also in POM conversion to mineral-associated organic carbon
(OC) in aggregates (Tisdall and Oades, 1982 and Six et al., 2004). About 40%–50%
of SOC in chernozems is highly resilient and is unaffected by cultivation according to
Kogut (1998) and Torn et al. (2002). However, chronosequential studies have
reported an increase of the passive OC pool during soil self-restoration (Jastrow,
1996, Lopes de Gerenyu et al., 2008 and McLauchlan et al., 2006). More
investigations are therefore required to solve these contradictory findings.
Until now, it was not clear how fast and to what extent these changes in vegetation
and soil properties of the forest steppe zone of Russia would occur. To help fill this
knowledge gap, we studied the succession of vegetation, soil profile morphology, and
other soil properties of post-agrogenic chernozems under self-restoration. In
combination with this pedogenic approach, a second approach focused on functionally
different carbon pools and their properties to obtain additional information on C
dynamics and alterations of chernozem under self-restoration.
5. Read and translate the text.
The global community has recognized the importance of forests for
biodiversity, and has prioritized the preservation of forest biodiversity and ecosystem
functions through multiple multilateral agreements and processes such as the
Convention on Biodiversity’s Aichi Targets and the Millennium Development Goals.
The Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) provides one mechanism for
tracking progress toward such goals in three particular areas: primary forest area,
protected forest areas, and areas designated for the conservation of biodiversity. In
this paper, we quantify current area and trends in forest areas designated for the
conservation of biodiversity, protected forest areas, and primary forests by country
and biome; and examine the association between total forest area and measures of
protection, per-capita income, and population. The overall findings suggest that
countries are increasingly protecting forests of ecological significance at the global
scale (7.7% of forests were protected in 1990 rising to 16.3% in 2015), with a strong
upward trend in protected areas in the tropical domain (from 12% in 1990 to 26.3% in
2015). However, primary forest area has declined by 2.5% globally and by 10% in the
tropics over the period 1990–2015 (using data for countries that reported in all years).
Given that many species in the tropics are endemic to primary forests, losses in that
climatic domain continue to be of concern, although the rate of decline appears to be
slowing. Using multiple regression analysis, we find that a 1% increase in protected
area or area designated for biodiversity conservation within a country is associated
with an increase in total forest area in that country of about 0.03% (p < 0.05). A 1%
within-country increase in population density and per capita GDP are associated with
a decrease in forest area of about 0.2% (p < 0.01) and an increase in forest area of
about 0.08% (p < 0.05) respectively. Our findings also indicate that, since FRA is
used as one mechanism for tracking progress toward goals like the AICHI
Biodiversity Targets, country correspondents may require additional assistance
toward reporting on primary forest, protected forest, and biodiversity conservation
Lesson 6
1. Read the article and render it according to a plan.
Post-agrogenic development of vegetation, soils, and carbon stocks under selfrestoration in different climatic zones of European Russia
Olga Kalinina, S.V. Goryachkin, D.I. Lyuri, Luise Giani
Catena 129 (2015) 18–29
Worldwide crop abandonment comprised about 2,197,000 km−2 in recent decades.
The reasons are different depending on country and historical time and include
intensification of farming and increase of production, wars, and ecological and
economic crises. Russia is at the top of the list of countries with abandonments of
arable lands. About 706,000 km−2 of arable lands were abandoned from 1887 to
2007; 562,000 km−2 abandonments occurred in the European part of Russia.
Although a wide range of climatic zones of Russia were affected, most abandoned
sites were documented in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions for
farming. For instance, about 50% of all abandoned areas were documented in the
taiga, affecting Podzols and Albeluvisols, and 27% were found in the semi-arid steppe
dominance of Solonetzes and Calcisols. Nevertheless, also agriculturally favorable
landscapes were impaired with 14% of all abandoned sites being found in the semihumid steppe, comprising Chernozems. Actually, abandonment increased in the taiga,
while it stopped in the steppe areas in 2003. About 91% of abandoned arable land in
Russia has undergone self-restoration. Self-restoration is a process which describes
the alteration of formerly agricultural or post-agrogenic soils without any direct
human impact. A chronosequential approach with distinct periods of abandonment is
a promising tool to study this process.
Previous studies of post-agrogenic soils undergoing self-restoration indicated
developments towards a natural composition of vegetation as well as of soils. The
process of soil self-restoration means recovery of morphology, aggregation, and
chemistry. However, its intensity and duration depend on environmental conditions,
soil genesis, land use history including interferences in profile organization and
existence of wild plant seeds nearby.
An increase of total soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations and SOC stocks has
been documented after a change of land use from cropland to grassland or forest.
Post-agrogenic soils under selfrestoration also showed an increase in SOC stocks.
Recent studies estimated a net carbon (C) sink of approximately 470 Tg C for postagrogenic soils of European Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine from 1990 to 2009 or 870
Tg C for the entire Russian territory during the same period. However, the patterns of
SOC sequestration are different depending on both initial SOC stocks before selfrestoration and environmental conditions (litter quality, soil temperature, moisture,
and the decomposer compositions). As a result, agricultural use with long-term
manuring of naturally humus-poor soils of the Russian taiga (Podzols and
Albeluvisols) caused the formation of the humus-rich arable soils; sometimes
producing thick Ah horizons. As opposed to this, cultivation of the high-productivity
soils of deciduous forest zone, semi-humid steppe and semi-arid steppe, usually tilled
without fertilization, has resulted in large losses of soil carbon which reached 40% of
the natural SOC stock.
After conversion of cropland to grassland or forest, an increase of active and passive
carbon pools has been reported. However, SOC sequestration patterns were different
within the active and passive pools due to alterations in soil aggregation, quantity and
quality of plant residues, above/below-ground inputs, and composition of destructors.
The active carbon pool was found to be mostly affected by land use change. A
preferential SOC sequestration is likely within the fraction of free particulate organic
matter (POM) as a result of increasing input of plant residues after forest or grassland
establishment during self-restoration. The same is true for the fraction of occluded
POM due to the fact that changes of the occluded POM contribution reflected a
regeneration of the soil structure. However, the dynamics of SOC sequestration within
the two sensitive fractions were different depending on the climate zone.
The objective of this study was to provide a general concept of postagrogenic selfrestoration based on a comparative analysis of our previous studies which were
conducted in different climatic zones of European Russia. This was achieved by
reviewing studies of Kalinina, which focused on the different climate zones
separately. Firstly, the temporal development of the vegetation and soil properties was
regarded. Secondly, the carbon sink or loss of post-agrogenic soils was estimated.
Thirdly, the changes of SOC sequestration pattern within the active and passive
carbon pools after conversion of arable soils to native sites were discussed…
Lesson 7
Марина Селиверстова: В европейской части России ожидается
Read the article in Russian and render it in English.
Ольга Бухарова
22.04.2015, 20:25
В европейской части России в этом году ожидается маловодье.
Росводресурсы готовят доклад, где будет собрана вся информация, к чему
предстоит готовиться энергетикам, аграриям, какие проблемы могут возникнуть
при судоходстве. Как в этом году будет проходить половодье и каким регионам
нужно быть во всеоружии, "РГ" решила выяснить у руководителя Федерального
агентства водных ресурсов Марины Селиверстовой.
Марина Валерьевна, в каких регионах нас ожидает засуха?
Марина Селиверстова: В районе Волжско-Камского, АнгароЕнисейского бассейна, в бассейне Дона могут возникнуть сложности с
обеспечением необходимого уровня воды в водохранилищах, что, как
следствие, создаст трудности работе водного транспорта, мелиорации, ЖКХ.
Маловодье начинается не вдруг, это длительный по времени процесс.
Начинающийся с атмосферной засухи, то есть изменения содержания влаги в
воздухе, затем сокращается количество влаги последовательно во все более
глубоких слоях почвы, что приводит к сокращению притока в водные объекты.
В названных регионах все эти приметы уже проявляются не первый год, о чем
ярко свидетельствуют уже начавшиеся пожары.
Вы наверняка заметили, что уже который год практически отсутствует
переход от зимы к лету. Нет настоящей весны со всеми ее неизменными
атрибутами: постепенным изменением температур, таянием снега, дождями. А
ведь именно в это время формируются основные водные запасы на предстоящее
Марина Селиверстова: По крайней мере, в европейской части России
осадки, которые бы существенно изменили обстановку, нас не ждут. Согласно
имеющемуся прогнозу Росгидромета, практически везде идет наступление
положительных температур. Но достаточных осадков нет.
Если мало снега, то и проблем с весенним половодьем может не
Марина Селиверстова: Очень важно понимать, какие снегозапасы
сформировались в течение зимы на соответствующих территориях, и какие
температурные условия весной нас ожидают.
Анализ данных Росгидромета об условиях формирования половодья в
этом году свидетельствует, что предпосылок для развития высокого половодья
на реках не наблюдается. Запасы воды в снеге на территории европейской и
азиатской частей страны близки к среднемноголетним значениям, промерзание
почвы меньше обычного, февральские оттепели 2015 года способствовали
постепенному таянию снежного покрова, особенно на территории СевероЗападного и Центрального федеральных округов.
Вообще зима была малоснежной в центрально-европейской части
страны, поэтому сегодня мы наблюдаем, что на Северо-Западе половодье
развивается в очень сглаженном формате. И отметки горизонта уровня вод
достаточно низкие, в связи с этим не ожидается каких-то серьезных разливов
рек в Центрально-Европейской и Северо-Западной территориях России.
Будут сложности на северных реках: Пинега, Двина, Сухона, Северная
Двина, где всегда тяжело проходит вскрытие рек. Среди опасных участков Котлас, Великий Устюг. Связано это с тем, что перечисленные реки текут с юга
на север. На них уже начались ледокольные и ледорезные работы. Механически
разрушаем ледовый покров, чтобы открыть свободный выход к Белому морю и
далее в Ледовитый океан. Эти превентивные мероприятия выполняются на
реках Архангельской и Вологодской областях.
Как будут вести себя реки за Уралом?
Марина Селиверстова: На азиатской части страны наиболее высокие
максимумы половодья, местами выше нормы, ожидаются на Ишиме, Тоболе,
Таре, Иртыше до устья Тобола и реках их бассейнов, на реках северо-запада
Новосибирской области, на Нижней Тунгуске. Серьезная ситуация из-за
снегонакопления может сложиться в Горном Алтае, на отдельных участках рек
Алтайского края: Бирюса, Киренга, Лена. Проблемы могут также возникнуть в
бассейне Оби - это участки от Томи до Молчаново, в верховьях Томи. Основной
водный регулятор на реке Обь - Новосибирское водохранилище, которое
аккумулирует практически весь тот объем притока, который может быть
сформирован весенним половодьем на верхних участках реки. Сегодня он готов
к половодью.
На территории Якутии реки еще спят, там температуры пока
отрицательные. Но активные работы сейчас развернуты по оценке технического
состояния гидротехнических сооружений, которые обеспечивают пропуск
весеннего половодья, выполняются необходимые превентивные мероприятия,
связанные с разрушением льда. Именно в этих местах из-за особенностей
гидрографии русел этих рек каждый год возникают заторы. Поэтому там сейчас
выполняются работы, связанные с организацией безаварийного пропуска
ледохода, будут выполнены работы по разрушению льда. Все необходимые
меры, связанные с минимизацией вредного воздействия, уже предпринимаются.
Но это лишь предварительная оценка ситуации с половодьем, которая
быстро меняется и, прежде всего, из-за температурных режимов. Для нас очень
важно, учитывая накопленные там достаточно большие запасы снега, отследить
динамику температурного режима, ведь при переходе среднесуточных
температур через ноль наступит устойчивая половодная фаза.
На территории Дальневосточного федерального округа начались
первые разливы рек. Были зафиксированы подъемы уровней на небольших
реках Спасовка, Кулешовка, Бикин, что связано со значительными
снегозапасами на этой территории - более 150 процентов от нормы. Но
подтопления носят локальный характер.
До конца апреля ситуация на реках сохранится в пределах нормы?
Марина Селиверстова: Да, пока никаких сложных гидрологических
событий не наблюдается. В среднем запасы, если в целом их оценивать по РФ,
только на отдельных участках превышают среднемноголетние значения - в
Приморском и Алтайском краях. Все будет зависеть от того, насколько дружная
будет весна.
Это лишь предварительная оценка ситуации с половодьем, которая
быстро меняется и, прежде всего, из-за температурных режимов. Для нас очень
важно отследить динамику температурного режима, ведь при переходе
среднесуточных температур через ноль наступит устойчивая половодная фаза.
Choose any part of the text you like and translate it from Russian into English.
Lesson 8
1. Read and translate the following text into English. What is the number 50 is
used for?
Газета «Российские недра» - выпуск № 2 (146) 10 февраля 2013 г. «Есть
Министерство природных ресурсов и экологии РФ подготовило
Федеральную целевую программу «Развитие водохозяйственного
комплекса РФ в 2012–2020 годах», на реализацию которой выделена
рекордная сумма – всего почти 500 млрд. рублей. Что удастся решить с
помощью новой Программы, какие изменения ждут регионы в ближайшее
время? Об этом «РН» рассказала руководитель Федерального агентства
водных ресурсов Марина Селиверстова.
– Программа большая, рассчитана по 2020 годы. На ее реализацию
из федерального бюджета предполагается выделить 291,8 млрд. рублей.
Причем этот объем федеральных денег должен корреспондироваться
примерно с таким же объемом средств из других источников: бюджетов
субъектов Российской Федерации, средств инвесторов.
Для участия в ФЦП субъекты РФ разработали собственные
региональные программы, отвечающие целям и задачам федеральной целевой
программы. С 2013 года мы должны выйти на «проектную мощность» решения
водохозяйственных задач.
– Марина Валерьевна, каковы доли федерального и регионального
финансового участия в Программе?
– При решении вопроса о размере финансовой помощи федерального
бюджета субъектам РФ будет применяться критерий уровня бюджетной
обеспеченности конкретного субъекта Российской Федерации. Напомню, что
раньше соотношение объемов финансового участия федерального и
регионального бюджетов не было закреплено законодательно, поэтому
обязательства субъектов варьировались в диапазоне от 10 до 30 процентов.
Теперь эти соотношения определяет четкая формула. Это позволит сделать
корректный расчет, исходя из финансовых возможностей конкретного региона
при принятии им решения о строительстве водохозяйственного объекта на
своей территории.
Сегодня это соотношение уже закреплено соответствующим актом
Минприроды и составляет от 5 до 50 процентов с учётом коэффициента
бюджетной обеспеченности соответствующего региона…
Lesson 9
Read and translate the following text.
The tides
Every day the tide comes in and goes out twice, or, as we sometimes say, it rises
and falls. The cause of this rising and falling is the attraction of the sun and moon on
the oceans of the world. The inland seas, being smaller masses of water, are not much
influenced by this attraction, so that the Mediterranean Sea is almost tideless. But in
many parts of the world, for example round the coasts of England, the water rises
several feet between low tide and high tide. The tides go up the rivers and are
therefore of great help to ships. These tidal rivers, as they are called, which flow
across low land before they reach the sea, are usually very important waterways.
Sometimes we hear of a «tidal wave», a great wave which comes up on the land
far beyond high-water mark, destroying everything on its path. Such waves, however,
are not caused by the tides, but by earthquakes somewhere under the sea.
Lesson 10
1. Read and translate the following text.
Freshwater is fundamental for maintaining environmental sustainability of human
communities. Recently, water demand by municipal, industrial, and agricultural users
is continuously increasing across the world due to economic expansion and
population explosion. Thus, it is a challenging issue within a water allocation system
(WAS) to effectively utilize water resources for satisfying multiple targets without
causing too much environmental stress for natural water bodies and the related
ecosystems. Potential conflicts can then arise from increasing demand for limited
water resources. Particularly, in many cities across the world, high reliance on
freshwater and rapid population growth has resulted in severe water tension in urban
water allocation systems (UWAS). However, many processes and factors need to be
comprehensively considered within a UWAS, such as water supply options, water
source protection measures, infrastructure capital and operational costs as well as
interactions within water-energy nexus systems. The systems which consume
intensive energy constantly cause many environmental impacts. These processes and
factors are simultaneously fraught with a variety of uncertainties (e.g., uncertain
impacts of water withdraw upon the environment, vague judgments of managers upon
water price, and the stochastic distribution of precipitation that is closely related to
water availability). This leads to multi-level complexities for relevant decisionmaking and is posing a major challenge to decision makers. Effective methods are
thus desired for helping facilitate impact assessment and decision making of water
related activities within UWAS.
2. Read the text and correct the given translation.
Conventionally, many system analysis Традиционно, много системных
methods were developed for supporting аналитических
urban water resources management, развиты для поддержки городского
such as life cycle analysis (LCA), управления водными ресурсами,
operational research, and system такого как анализ жизненного цикла
dynamics (SD) modeling. Among them, (LCA),
LCA was widely used to evaluate water исследование
footprints and the corresponding системной динамики (SD). Среди них
environmental performances for many LCA широко использовался, чтобы
water-related activities, such as water оценить
and соответствующие
действия для многих связанных с
According to ISO (2006), LCA can be водой действий, таких как водное
used for systematic evaluation of two or извлечение,
more products and processes/services in потребление.
terms of their economic and По данным ISO (2006), LCA может
environmental implications. A number использоваться для систематической
of researchers assessed environmental оценки двух или больше продуктов и
performances of multiple water-related процессов/услуг с точки зрения их
activities based on the method of life- экономических и экологических
cycle analysis. For example, Lim and последствий. Много исследователей
Park (2007) analyzed environmental оценили экологические исполнения
impacts and economic costs of a water многократных связанных с водой
network system through life-cycle действий, основанных на методе
assessment. Zhang and Anadon (2013) анализа
evaluated environmental impacts of Например, Лим и Парк (2007)
water extraction and consumption, and проанализированные воздействия на
wastewater discharge in the energy окружающую среду и экономические
sector of China through a hybrid input– затраты на водную сетевую систему
output model and multiple LCA tools. через оценку жизненного цикла.
Hendrickson and Horvath (2014) Чжан и Анэдон (2013) оцененные
analyzed emissions and reductions of воздействия на окружающую среду
greenhouse gases (GHG) in current and водного извлечения и потребления и
future water distribution systems for сточных вод освобождаются от
California and Texas, United States. обязательств
environmental секторе Китая через гибридную
management in compound social- модель
economic-engineering systems, the
scope of LCA was broadened from an
developed a LCA-based multilevel
design model to analyze social and
product technologies and services,
within an urban social system.
proposed life cycle sustainability
analysis, which can be performed
efficiently at both product- and
economy-wide levels. However, there is
a challenge that makes LCA ineffective
in some studies. At the stage of postLCA, the evaluation results of
environmental impacts cannot be
directly used for tackling the practical
problem of water-resource management
and environmental-impact control.
многократные инструменты LCA.
(парниковый газ) в текущих и
распределения для Калифорнии и
контроль в составных социальноэкономически-технических системах,
объем LCA был расширен от
Например, развитый основанная на
дизайна, чтобы проанализировать
социальный и технологии продукта и
услуги, в пределах городской
социальной системы. предложенный
анализ устойчивости жизненного
выполнен эффективно и в продукте и в уровнях всей экономики. Однако
есть проблема, которая делает LCA
исследованиях. На стадии post-LCA
результаты оценки воздействий на
окружающую среду не
непосредственно использоваться для
занятия практической проблемой
управления водного ресурса и
окружающую среду.
3. Make 10 questions covering above mentioned texts.
A plan for rendering.
1. The title of the article.
a) The article is headlined ....
b) The headline of the article I have read is
2. The author of the
article; where and when the
a) The author of the article is ...
article was published.
b) The article is written by ...
c) It is (was) published in ...
d) it is (was) printed in ...
3. The main idea of the
a) The main idea of the article is ...
b) The article is about ...
c) The article is devoted to ...
d) The article deals with ...
e) The article touches upon ...
f) The purpose of the article is to give the
reader some information on ...
g) The aim of the article is to provide the
reader with some facts/material/data on ...
4. The contents of the
article. Some facts, names,
a) The author starts by telling (the reader)
(about, that ...)
b) The author writes (states, stresses upon,
thinks, points out) that ...
c) The article describes ...
d) According to the text ...
e) Further the author reports (says) that ...
f) The article goes on to say that ...
g) In conclusion ...
h) The author comes to the conclusion that
5. Your opinion of/on
the article.
a) I find/found the article topical=urgent
(interesting, important, dull, of no value,
too hard to understand ...) because ....
b) In my opinion the article is worth
reading because ....
~ of human
conservation ~
cultivated ~
cutting ~
driftless ~
dumping ~
fragile ~
infested ~
impact ~
water-deficient ~
wildlife ~
marin ~
~ terrestial
Bloom water
Book Red Data
deterioration ~
forest ~
game ~
land ~
recreation ~
water ~
garbage ~
refuse ~
Carbon dioxide
Территория, район, ареал
~ проживания и жизнедеятельности человека
~ охраняемая
~ пахотная
~ не эродируемая
~ сброса отходов
~ с легко уязвимой
пораженный ~
~ подверженная воздействию на окружающую
природную Среду
~ засушливая
морская ~
~ cуши
«Цветение» воды
Красная книга
~ ухудшения качества среды обитания
~ лесной
~ ресурсов дичи
~ земельный кадастр
~ рекреационных ресурсов
~ водный
~ для пищевых отходов
~ для твердых отходов
Болото, пруд
Углекислый газ, углекислота
Канцерогенное вещество
environmental ~
disaster ~
ecological ~
erosion ~
structural ~
demolition ~
logging ~
organic ~
eolian ~
pluvial ~
water ~
~ of climate
soil ~
abiotic ~
antropogenic ~
aquatic ~
closed ecological~
cultural ~
difficult ~
freshwater ~
MAC (maximum
~ экологические
~ от стихийного бедствия
~ экологический
~ от эрозии земель
~ структуре (почвы)
Остатки (отходы)
~ городские
~ древесины
~ органические
~ ветровая
~ дождевая
смыв почвы
Истощение (ресурсов)
Обезвоживание, опустынивание
аридизация климата
почвенный дренаж
Окружающая среда
~ неживая
~ антропогенная
~ водная
~ замкнутая экологическая
~ культурная
~ неблагоприятная
~ пресноводная
Сброс в отвал
Результаты исследования
Измеритель жесткости воды
MAL (maximum
lime air~
WHO (Wold
ПДК (предельно допустимая концентрация)
ПДУ (предельно допустимый уровень)
~ ресурсами водосбора
~ рациональным
Отходы производства
Ил, болото
Просачивание, фильтрование
Источник загрязнения
~продуктами сгорания
перегрузка зрительного восприятия
~известковой пылью
Пар, туман
Гидротехническое сооружение
Всемирная Организация Здравоохранения
Conclusion / Заключение
В первой и второй частях данного учебного пособия представлены
отдельные уроки, содержащие тексты технической направленности,
упражнения к ним, направленные на активизацию и закрепление
терминологической лексики. Для закрепления навыков устной речи по
специальности тексты снабжены системой различных упражнений,
разработанных автором с учетом специфики курса, задания подобраны для
различных уровней владения иностранным языком.
Третья часть пособия рекомендована для самостоятельного обучения.
Тексты для дополнительного чтения (Additional Reading) в четвертой части
служат для закрепления навыков перевода технической литературы,
расширения профессионального кругозора студентов, а также носят
воспитательный характер.
Работа с пособием предполагает аудиторные групповые занятия под
руководством преподавателя, обязательную самостоятельную работу студента,
выполняемую во внеаудиторное время, индивидуальную самостоятельную
работу студента под руководством преподавателя
Используемая литература:
природопользователей (English for nature managers): Пособие для студентов
экологических и географических факультетов университетов. – Белгород: Издво БелГУ, 2002. – 55с.
Луговая А.Л. Английский для студентов энергетических
специальностей: Учеб. пособие/А.Л. Луговая. – 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.:
Высш.шк., 2005. – 150 с.
Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский словарь.
Рештовская О. А. Методическое пособие по разговорной теме:
"Geological and ecological situation of the Astrakhan region" для студентов 2 курса
Химико-технологического факультета. — Астрахань: АГТУ, 2006. — 36 с.
Филюшкина Л.Т., Фролова М.П. Сборник упражнений к учебнику
английского языка авторов Н.А.Бонк, Н.А.Котий, Л.Г.Лукьяновой: Учебное
пособие. – М.: Междунар. отношения. 1995. – 160 с.
Бухарова Ольга Марина Селиверстова: В европейской части
ресурс (дата обращения 25.02.2016г.)
Вирджиния Эванс, Дженни Дули, Кенни Роджерс. Environmental
Engineering. УМК «Environmental Engineering»: учебник. Изд-во: Express
Publishing, 2013 (Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Kenneth Rodgers Environmental
Engineering / Career Paths: “Express Publishing”, 2013).
Вирджиния Эванс, Дженни Дули, Д. Елен Блум Environmental
Science. УМК « Environmental Science»: учебник. Изд-во: Express Publishing,
2014 (Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Dr. Ellen Blum/ Environmental Science, Career
Paths: “Express Publishing”, 2014).
Vince M. Macmillan English Grammar in Context. With CD ROM.
Macmillan Publishers Limited. Oxford. 2012.