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Digestion & Excretory System Test Review
1. What are the 2 reasons we need food?
Nutrients /energy/builds materials
2. How do we measure the amount of energy in food?
3. What are the 6 primary nutrients that the body needs?
Water, Fats, Vitamins, Protein, Minerals, Carbohydrates
4. Why does our body need water?
70 % of our body is made up of water
5. What is the main function of carbohydrates?
Main source of energy for cells
a. What are the 2 types of carbohydrates that we consume?
Simple sugars-glucose
6. Why are fats a necessary part of the body even though they are the “bad guys” of
nutrition? Store energy
a. What are the 2 categories of fats and a difference between each?
Saturated-solid at room temp (butter)
unsaturated-liquid at room temp (oils)
7. Why are proteins an important part of a persons diet?
Provides body with material for growth & repair
8. How many amino acids are there? What are essential amino acids?
20 amino acids
8-amino acids that your body must get by eating foods
9. What are the 2 categories of vitamins?
Fat soluble Water soluble
10. What is the function of the digestive system?
Breakdown foods into smaller pieces
11. Where does digestion begin?
12. What is the job of the teeth in digestion?
Help tear/crush food into smaller pieces
13. What is the function of saliva?
Moisten food
a. What is the function of the enzyme amylase in your saliva?
Starts the breakdown of starches (carbohydrates)
14. What is bolus? Chewed clump of food
15. Explain how food can be passed through your esophagus even if you are standing on
your head.
Peristalsis-wavelike contracts force food down
16. What is the role of mucus and pepsin in the stomach?
Mucus helps chemically breakdown food
Pepsin begins the digestion of Protein
17. What is chyme?
Liquefied food
18. List two accessory organs of the digestive system.
Liver and Pancreas
19. Describe the important function of the pancreas.
Pancreas: secretes several digestive enzymes into the small intestine
Liver: produces bile, secretes bile, a greenish fluid that breaks fat globules into tiny fat
20. Where is bile produced and what is its function?
Liver-breaks down fats
21. What is the function of the small intestine in the digestive system?
Absorption of nutrients
22. What is the function of the villi?
Location inside the small intestine where nutrients are absorbed
23. What is the main function of the large intestine?
Absorption of water
24. What is Excretion?
Removal of waste by the body
25. What are the main organs of the excretory system?
26. What are the three main tubes that enter or leave the kidney?
Renal artery, Renal vein, ureter
27. Of the three main tubes listed in question # 26, which one carries the clean blood back
into blood circulation?
Renal vein
28. Of the three main tubes listed in question # 26, which one carries the urine to the
urinary bladder?
29. Of the three main tubes listen in question # 26, which one carries the blood carrying
wastes into the kidney’s nephrons?
Renal artery
30. What are the functional units of the kidney called?
31. List the 4 parts of the nephron and describe their functions.
Glomerulus-filtration occurs
Bowman’s Capsule-reabsorption occurs here
Loop of Henle-where the wastes are concentrated (urine) by the continued removal of
Collecting Duct-where the final result of filtration is done, Carries the wastes to the
32. What is the nitrogen-containing waste product found in urine?
33. Describe the process of filtration and reabsorption in the kidney?
Filtration-everything is taken out of the blood
Reabsorption-The process in which liquid is taken back into a blood vessel