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Biological Plant Science
Unit 10 Review – Biological Engineering
10.1 Define Terms
Match the following terms with their BEST definition listed below:
A. Biological engineering
B. biotechnology
C. gene splicing
D. genetic engineering
E. genetically modified organism (GMO)
_____ 1. The management of biological systems for the benefit of humanity.
_____2. An advanced form of biotechnology; techniques involve gene slicing, replication, and
transfer of genes to other organisms.
_____3. The process of adding new genetic material within the DNA sequence of an organism.
_____4. Artificially altering the genetic makeup of an organism.
_____5. An organism that has been genetically engineered to achieve a desired trait.
Match the following terms with their BEST definition listed below:
A. E. coli
B. particle gun
C. transgenic plant
D. vector
E. restriction enzyme
F. gel electrophoresis
_____ 6. Material used to cut DNA.
_____7. A device used to insert new genetic material into an organism.
_____8. Bacteria that are commonly used to deliver new or altered genetic material in an organism.
_____9. An agent that transfers DNA into a cell.
_____10. Process used to sort DNA fragments.
_____11. A plant that has been genetically altered by artificial means.
Discuss the meaning and process of genetic engineering
12. Explain the process of extracting DNA from a donor plant:
13. Explain the process of cutting DNA:
14. Explain the process of sorting DNA fragments:
15. Explain the process of joining isolated DNA fragments with new DNA:
16. Explain the process of using E. coli to insert DNA into host cells:
Identify and investigate issues associated with genetic engineering
17. Rank the following landmark events associated with genetic engineering in chronological order:
_____ A. Watson and Crick identify the structure of DNA
_____B. an agricultural animal is cloned.
_____C. Gregor Mendel conducts research with peas.
_____D. the Flavr-Savr Tomato is introduced.
18. Identify at least two major advantages to genetic engineering:
19. Identify at least two major concerns with genetic engineering: