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Test Review Packet: World War II
Section 1: World War II Begins
What is Fascism? Why did it occur in European countries after WWI?
What is totalitarianism?
Who was Winston Churchill?
Appeasement: What is it? Who was appeasing who?
Allied Powers:
Blitzkrieg: what kind of war is this? How did Germany use it?
United States Neutrality:
Explain “cash and carry”
Lend-Lease Act:
Atlantic Charter: What did this agreement say?
What were the Neutrality Acts?
Why did the United States try to stay out of World War II? (What is isolationism)?
What was a benefit of entering the war?
Pearl Harbor:
The basics: what is the exact date? What happened (who attacked where)?
What was the big result of Pearl Harbor? What did President Roosevelt call this day?
Which theater of war did Roosevelt and Churchill agree would be the top priority?
Section 2: Mobilizing for War:
Selective Training and Service Act: what is it? Who had to register?
How did the US government raise money to pay for WW II?
Who took over jobs when men went off to war?
Give examples of how industry switched from manufacturing consumer goods to military needs.
War Production Board: What was their purpose?
How did WW II help American farmers?
How/Why did women have the opportunity to work during World War II?
How were African-Americans discriminated against in the U.S. military?
Why did the U.S. government bring Mexicans into the country during the war?
What is rationing? Give examples.
What were Zoot-Suit Riots?
Japanese American internment: why did it happen? How were U.S. citizens affected? How were these people
repaid? Where did the Japanese-American internment camps exist?
How did the Supreme Court react to the Japanese-American internment?
Section 3: The War in North Africa and Europe:
Where did we attack before Europe? What part of Europe did we move to after defeating the Afrika Korps?
Where did President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill attack first?
D-Day: The basics: what is the exact date? What was the purpose? Where was it? Who was in charge of all of
the Allied forces?
Section 4: War in the Pacific:
Who is Admiral Chester Nimitz?
Bataan Death March: Who was there? What happened?
Battle of Midway: What was the result?
What major breakthrough helped us to learn about and win the Battle of Midway and the Battle of Coral Sea?
Island-hopping: what is the strategy? How did it help to win the war?
Kamikaze: What country used this tactic? What is the tactic?
What were the last two islands we captured very close to Japan? What do the deaths on the island beginning
with an “O” tell us about the Japanese forces?
Section 5: Final Victory and Consequences:
Victory in Europe: what is the exact date?
Victory in the Pacific: what weapon was used to “end the war?”
Where was the atomic bomb developed in the United States?
Why did President Truman decide to drop the atomic bomb?
What was the name of the plane that delivered the atomic bomb to Hiroshima?
What two cities were the atomic weapons used on? On what dates?
What is the date of V-J Day?
What effect did the war have on the economy? Why/How?
What was the Holocaust? Why did it happen? How many people died?