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APAH Reading Guide
Chapter 26
Name: ______________________________________
Directions – After reading pp. 267-285, explain the significance of the following terms.
1. A. Philip Randolph 2. Congress of Racial Equality –
3. Dwight D. Eisenhower –
4. Harry Truman –
5. Kormeatsu v. US –
6. Manhattan Project –
7. Office of Price Administration –
8. Rosie the Riveter –
Directions: Read pages 670 – 696 and answer the following questions using many details and examples
from the text.
1. What two American naval and air victories in mid-1942 stemmed the Japanese tide? What island victory
early in 1943 ended Japanese chances at an offensive toward the south?
2. Explain the difference between General Marshall's plan for European offensive with the British approach.
Which option did Roosevelt select?
3. What did the North African and Italian offensives accomplish? How did the Soviet Union regard these
4. Describe how the coming of World War II ended the Great Depression. What region of the nation
benefited most spectacularly?
5. How did the workforce expand to make up for the labor shortage due to the growth of the armed forces?
6. What gains did labor unions make during the war? What concessions did labor promise in return? How
effective was the agreement?
7. What efforts did the national government make to regulate production, labor, and prices during the war?
How effective were these actions?
8. How was World War II principally financed?
9. In what ways was World War II "a watershed for technological and scientific innovation"? How did
American mass-production capability complement the technical advances?
10. In what weaponry and related military techniques did the Anglo-American forces have distinct
technological advantages?
11. How did code breaking contribute to future computer technology?
12. What pressures led to the establishment of the Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC)??
13. What were the patterns of wartime migration and employment of African Americans? What tensions
14. Describe the role of blacks in the military. What tensions resulted?
15. Describe the contributions American Indians made to the war effort. What impact did the war have on
federal Indian policy?
16. How did the war effort affect Mexican Americans?
17. How were Japanese Americans treated during the war? What was done to atone for the treatment?
18. What impact did the war have on the legal and social status of Chinese Americans?
19. How were the women who filled war jobs treated? What obstacles did they face?
20. What was the impact of war on family life?
21. How did the war spark a wave of consumerism reminiscent of the 1920s? How did rationing affect
22. What was the most popular music of the war era? How did this new sound challenge racial taboos?
23. Compare and contrast the military's attitude toward heterosexual and homosexual activity. Why was the
treatment different?
24. What did President Roosevelt mean by the shift from "Dr. New Deal" to "Dr. Win-the-War"?
25. Describe the candidates and issues of the election of 1944. Why did Roosevelt win reelection?
26. Describe the steady progression of American forces through the islands of the Pacific, culminating at
Okinawa. What did this experience seem to presage about the planned invasion of Japan?
27. Why did the United States decide to use the atomic bomb against Japan? Was it a wise decision? What
have historians found?
28. Support or refute the following statement using appropriate historical evidence. The atomic bomb was
just another weapon in the Allied arsenal, used to defeat the atomic powers.
29. Historical Causation: List factors that increased American prosperity during WWII. What impact would
such prosperity have on people who had just endured the Great Depression? What anxiety may the war’s
conclusion cause?