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Chapter 3: The Age of Reformation, c.1500-c.1750
Quiz questions:
1. The “________” Reformation is also known as anabaptism.
2. What is often referred to as Calvinism is more properly referred to as ________
3. The Lutheran and Reformed movements are sometimes known as the ________
4. ________ was the first woman to be named a “doctor of the church.”
5. The Council of Trent gave equal weight to Scripture and ________.
Multiple-choice questions:
1) The Swiss Reformation gave rise to
a. Lutheranism
b. Anabaptism
c. the Anglican Church
d. Calvinism
2) L uther’s famous “95 Theses” protested against
a. the doctrine of Mary’s immaculate conception
b. selling indulgences to raise money to build St. Peter’s Basilica
c. using church tradition to interpret Scripture
d. the Pope’s declaration of Luther as a heretic at the Diet of Worms
3) The term “anabaptist” literally means
a. rebaptizer
b. against baptism
c. new baptist
d. baptism by immersion
4) The following is not a characteristic of the Anabaptist movement:
a. insistence on baptism of adult believers rather than infants
b. common ownership of property
c. strict hierarchical authority
d. pacifism
Wiley-Blackwell 2010
5) The national English church achieved a compromise between Catholicism and
Protestantism under
a. Mary Tudor
b. Thomas Cranmer
c. Elizabeth I
d. Henry VIII
6) The process of “confessionalization” refers to
a. signed confessions forced from Protestants deemed to be heretics by the
Catholic Church
b. the development of systematic presentations of the new Protestant theologies
c. an insistence on relying on the truths of Scripture rather than church tradition
d. the Counter-Reformation within the Catholic Church
7) Lutherans and Calvinists, although similar in many respects, were divided mainly over
a. the doctrine of predestination
b. the practice of infant baptism
c. a belief in sola scriptura
d. the doctrine of the Trinity
8) The late 17th century movement that emphasized the importance of doctrine for
everyday life is
a. Anglicanism
b. Pietism
c. Puritanism
d. Jansenism
9) The term Zwinglian is especially associated with
a. the belief that the Eucharist is simply a memorial of Christ’s death
b. the revival of Augustine’s theology
c. the belief that the gospel had become captive to the church
d. infant baptism
10) The Institutes of the Christian Religion is the major work of
a. Martin Luther
b. Theodore Beza
c. Ulrich Zwingli
d. John Calvin
11) Theologian John Edwards played a key role in
a. the establishment of the church in Geneva
b. the Pietist movement
c. the Great Awakening
Wiley-Blackwell 2010
d. the Counter-Reformation
12) The second generation of reformers turned their attention to the question of
a. sola fide
b. predestination
c. the relationship of faith to science
d. the nature of the church
13) The first edition of Calvin’s Institutes was modeled on
a. Augustine’s City of God
b. Aquinas’s Summa theologiae
c. Luther’s “Lesser Catechism”
d. The Rule of St. Benedict
14) For most of the reformers, Scripture possessed supreme authority, whereas
secondary or derivative authority was accorded to
a. creeds
b. confessions
c. official church pronouncements
d. reason
15) In general, the Catholic Church considered Protestantism as a whole to be heterodox
a. it rejected the infallibility of the Pope’s teachings
b. it was innovative
c. it taught that interpretation of Scripture depended on the conscience of the
individual Christian
d. it relied too much on the teaching of secular philosophers like Aristotle
Wiley-Blackwell 2010