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Grade 9 Science
Unit 2: Reproduction
At the end of this unit, students will be expected to:
1. Recognize that the nucleus of a cell contains genetic information and determines cellular processes.
2. Define traits.
3. Define heredity.
4. Explain the role of the nucleus and its contents in determining traits and controlling cell division.
5. Explain the importance of using the terms gene and chromosome properly.
6. Define gene.
7. Describe chromosomes as being composed of numerous genes.
8. Provide examples of how the knowledge of cellular functions has resulted in the development of
9. Discuss factors that may lead to changes in a cell’s genetic information.
10. Define mutation.
11. Define mutagen.
12. Give examples of mutations caused by:
Human activity
13. Determine and graph the theoretical population growth rate of cells and interpolate and extrapolate
the cell population from the graph.
14. Illustrate and describe the basic processes of cell division, including what happens to the cell
membrane and the contents of the nucleus.
15. Define mitosis.
16. State and briefly describe the four phases of mitosis followed by cytokinesis. Include:
17. Select and integrate information from various print and electronic sources to examine chromosomes
Observe, identify, and describe a cell nucleus undergoing division.
Observe, identify, and describe chromosomes in each stage of mitosis.
18. Distinguish between sexual and asexual reproduction in representative organisms.
19. Explain methods of asexual reproducti9on using an example. Include:
Binary fission
Vegetative reproduction
Spore formation
20. Use tools and apparatus safely and accurately to investigate the growth of yeast cells under positive
and negative environmental conditions.
21. Illustrate and describe the basic processes of cell division, including what happens to the cell
membrane and the contents of the nucleus.
State and briefly describe the eight phases of meiosis.
Define haploid.
Define diploid.
22. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis. Include:
Types of cells.
Number of daughter cells produced.
Amount of genetic material in each daughter cell.
Their respective roles in asexual and sexual reproduction.
23. Distinguish between sexual and asexual reproduction in representative organisms.
24. Explain how various organisms reproduce sexually. Include:
Flowering plants
(a) Incomplete metamorphosis
(b) Complete metamorphosis
25. Compare and contrast complete and incomplete metamorphosis.
26. Compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction in terms of their advantages and
disadvantages. Include:
Amount of energy required
Parental care
Genetic variety in offspring
27. Identify major shifts in scientific understanding of genetics. Include:
Mendel’s experiments
Watson and Crick
Human genome project
Genetic engineering
28. Provide examples of genetic conditions that cannot be cured using scientific and technological
knowledge at the present time. Include:
Down syndrome
Cystic fibrosis
Alderdice syndrome