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1. What role do chromosomes play when a cell makes proteins?
A. They destroy the proteins when they are not functional.
B. They contain the information to make the proteins.
C. They transport the proteins out of the cell.
D. They provide a place for the proteins to be made.
2. Which of the following are threadlike linear strands of DNA and proteins that carry the genes
and functions in the transmission of hereditary information for living organisms?
A. chlorophyll
B. chromosomes
C. cells
D. mutations
3. Which of the following is true of the daughter cells produced during asexual reproduction?
The genetic information in parent cells is completely different from that of the daughter
A. cells.
The genetic information in parent cells is removed completely and given to daughter cells.
The genetic information in parent cells is copied exactly and passed to daughter cells.
The genetic information in parent cells is altered significantly and passed to daughter cells.
4. Which of the following is an advantage of asexual reproduction?
A. It increases genetic diversity.
B. No mate is required.
C. More energy is required.
D. More time is required.
5. If two organisms reproduce asexually, then they will be able to produce offspring _______
two organisms that reproduce sexually.
A. exactly half as fast as
B. more slowly than
C. at the same rate as
D. more quickly than
6. Cardinals reproduce sexually. Many types of fungi can reproduce asexually by producing
A fungus does not need to _______ to reproduce, but a cardinal does.
A. expend energy
B. reach maturity
C. find a mate
D. find food
7. Asexual reproduction involves
two parents and results in offspring that are identical to one parent.
only one parent and results in offspring that are very different from the parent.
only one parent and results in offspring that are identical to the parent.
two parents and results in offspring that are different from both parents.
8. What gets passed from one cell to another in sexual reproduction?
A. chromosomes
B. pairs of DNA bases
C. individual genes
D. individual bases of DNA
9. Genes are located
A. in inherited traits.
B. only in sex cells.
C. only in chromosomes.
D. in cytoplasm.
10. Where are the chromosomes of most organisms located?
A. enclosed within the nucleus of the cell
B. floating freely inside of an organism's blood stream
C. floating freely outside of the nucleus of the cell
D. enclosed within a vacuole of the cell
The picture above shows a father and son. Both have dark hair and eyes, and both are tall.
What scientific concept do the similarities illustrate?
A. energy transfer
B. cell functions
C. heredity
D. molecular structure
12. The offspring of a sexually-reproducing organism receives
A. an exact copy of each parent's genetic material.
B. an exact copy of one parent's genetic material.
C. half of its genetic material from each parent.
D. genetic material that is not related to either parent.
13. Many sponges can reproduce asexually. Ladybugs, on the other hand, reproduce sexually.
When small bits of a sponge are broken off—often by currents or by predators—they can float to
new regions and regenerate as new sponges. A ladybug must find a mate before it can reproduce.
One disadvantage of the sponge's method of reproduction is that
its offspring have greater genetic diversity.
it must devote a greater portion of its life cycle to reproduction.
it requires more energy.
its offspring have little genetic diversity.
14. Which of the following types of reproduction is most likely to result in a rapid growth in
A. neither asexual reproduction nor sexual reproduction
B. sexual reproduction
C. asexual reproduction
D. asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction
15. Janet is studying a population of genetically-identical individuals. Janet can conclude that
these organisms
A. reproduce asexually.
B. are multi-cellular.
C. do not reproduce.
D. reproduce sexually.
16. Which of the following is an advantage of sexual reproduction?
A. No mate is required.
B. It increases genetic variety.
C. Less energy is required.
D. Less time is required.
17. An organism's body is constructed using the information contained in
A. memory.
B. genes.
C. inherited traits.
D. proteins.
18. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Chromosomes make up genes.
B. Chromosomes make up proteins.
C. Genes make up chromosomes.
D. Genes make up cells.
19. A potato plant can reproduce asexually so that one potato can often give rise to many other
potatoes. Strawberry plants can reproduce sexually.
A potato plant puts a large amount of its energy into growing a tuber, which is the part that
humans eat. The tuber can grow large and provide energy for the plant during the winter, or it
can be used to grow new potato plants. A strawberry plant, on the other hand, puts much of its
energy into growing flowers to attract insects that aid in pollination. After fertilization, the
strawberry plant must then also grow seeds as well as fruit to attract animals that disperse the
Based on this information, the asexually reproducing potato plant most likely devotes _______ to
reproduction than the sexually reproducing strawberry plant.
A. fewer spores
B. more seeds
C. less energy
D. more energy
20. In the 1800s, the Austrian monk Gregor Mendel used pea plants to study patterns of heredity.
He observed that traits were inherited in certain, repeating ratios. Which of the following
hypotheses did Mendel form as a result of his observations?
A. Organisms only inherit one copy of a gene for each trait.
B. Organisms always display the same traits displayed by its parents.
C. Organisms can inherit up to four copies of a gene for each trait.
D. Organisms inherit two copies of a gene for each trait, one from each parent.
21. Which of the following is a method of reproduction that generally occurs very rapidly?
A. asexual
B. sexual
C. germination
D. hybridizing
22. Mammals reproduce through a process called sexual reproduction. During this process,
which involves two parents,
a female egg cell combines with a male sperm cell to make an offspring that is different
A. from both parents.
a female egg cell and a male sperm cell each develop separately into an offspring that is
B. different from both parents.
a female egg cell combines with a male sperm cell to make an offspring that is identical to
C. one of the parents.
a female egg cell and a male sperm cell each develop separately into an offspring that is
D. identical to its parent.
Look at the cell pictured above. Which structure controls the processes of the cell?
A. structure W
B. structure Y
C. structure X
D. structure Z
24. Which of the following is an advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?
I. Sexual reproduction is more rapid and less complicated.
II. Sexual reproduction results in more diversity.
III. Sexual reproduction requires only one parent.
IV. Sexual reproduction produces more offspring.
A. I, III, and IV only
B. IV only
C. II only
D. I, II, III, and IV
25. Asexual organisms, as compared to sexual organisms, tend to be smaller, have shorter life
spans, and produce little or no genetic variability between generations. This makes it harder for
an individual asexual organism to survive and reproduce. What is one advantage that asexual
organisms have that helps them to overcome these disadvantages?
A. They have higher reproductive rates.
B. They use energy more efficiently.
C. They never need to sleep.
D. They are able to find food easier.
26. Zainab is in science class, and he is studying an organism that reproduces sexually. The
genetic material of the organism
A. is identical to its own genetic material.
B. will be passed to its offspring without any changes.
C. is a blend of the genetic material of its parents.
D. all of these
27. Heredity is defined as
the passage of genetic instructions from one generation to the next generation.
the adaptations of an organism to its environment.
the ability to reproduce within an organism.
the process of species becoming more complex over many generations.
28. Select the choice that best completes the following sentence:
Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically _______ to the parent.
A. opposite
B. similar
C. unrelated
D. identical
29. What was the significance of the discovery of the structure of DNA?
A. It explained how DNA could copy itself.
B. It proved that DNA was the molecule that carried genetic information.
C. It explained how chromosomes were inherited.
D. It explained how dominant and recessive genes worked.
30. Which of the following is an example of sexual reproduction?
I. A bacterium replicates its DNA and divides into two daughter cells in a process called
binary fission.
II. A yeast offspring grows out of the body of its parent in a process called budding.
III. A pollen grain from one flower fertilizes another flower, resulting in the development of a
new seed.
IV. A piece of a starfish is detached and grows into a new starfish in a process called
A. I, II, and III only
B. II and III only
C. III only
D. I, II, and IV only
tion are all types of asexual reproduction.