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Humanities Rome Test
Multiple Choice:
1) As a result of 207 years of Pax Romana, the Roman Empire ____.
a) Experienced continuing hostilities among neighboring regions.
b) Survived invasions from barbarian tribes.
c) Shrank in size and wealth.
d) Experienced peace and prosperity.
2) Which emperor accepted Christianity for himself, as well as the whole Roman Empire?
a) Hadrian
c) Constantine
b) Vespasian
d) Diocletian
3) Why did a group of senators murder Julius Caesar?
a) Because he was extremely unpopular with the Roman people.
b) To dismantle the Republic and return governing power to the monarchy.
c) Because he was waging a civil war.
d) To prevent him from destroying the Roman Republic.
4) Which emperor moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople?
a) Diocletian
c) Vespasian
b) Julius Caesar
d) Constantine
5) Which current government is similar to the Roman Republic?
a) Russia
c) United States
b) North Korea
d) China
6) What was Rome’s first major road measuring 132 miles?
a) Cloaca Maxima
c) Pantheon
b) Via Appia
d) Hadrian’s Road
7) What emperor built the Domus Aurea?
a) Hadrian
b) Vespasian
c) Nero
d) Augustus
8) The Cloaca Maxima was Rome’s
a) Water System
b) Sewer System
c) Entertainment Facility
d) Bath Complex
9) .Male citizens were often required to serve in what field?
a) Army
c) Construction
b) Waste Management
d) Education
10) Which of the following represents the fall of Rome?
a) Black Death
c) Too much money
b) Attacked by German Tribes
d) Massive Earthquakes
11) Eventually the Roman Empire became what?
a) Byzantine Empire
b) Incas
c) Greek Empire II
d) Romania
12) The Hypogeum is found in what Roman structure?
a) Pantheon
b) Colosseum
c) Domus Aurea
d) Trajan’s Forum
13) In Roman mythology who raised Romulus and Remus?
a) The Pope
c) Jesus Christ
b) Saturn
d) A She Wolf
14) What Roman structure was gutted by a fire in 217 AD under the rule of Caracalla?
a) Colosseum
c) Trajan’s Forum
b) Circus Maximus
d) Trajan’s Market
15) Roman audiences enjoyed public entertainment
a) In the Forum on Capitoline Hill.
b) In temples and at the Forum.
c) On the Palantine and Pont du Gard.
d) In the Colosseum or at the Circus Maximus.
16) ____ was NOT a reason for the decline of the Roman Empire.
a) Weak leaders
b) The huge amount of money spent on defense, coupled with inflation
c) The invasions by Germanic tribes and by Huns
d) Public work projects that benefited the masses
17) The Punic wars were fought between Rome and ____
a) Carthage
c) Huns
b) Visigoths
d) Persians
18) The Roman Code of Laws that were developed were known as
a) Hammurabi’s Code
c) Caesar’s Code
b) Twelve Tables
d) Ten Commandments
19) The Romans based their gods on the gods of these people.
a) Etruscans
c) Persians
b) Greeks
d) Egyptians
A. Plebeian
B. Patrician
C. Consul
D. Legion
E. Century
20) These were wealthy, aristocratic landowners who held most of the power in the early republic.
21) This was a large military division of the Roman army.
22) This was a smaller military division of the Roman army (usually into a 100 men).
23) These people were common farmers, merchants, workers, and artisans that made up the majority
of Roman citizens.
24) This is one of two officials who shared the powers of ruling the republic and whose time in office
was limited to one year
25) What is the geographical land feature that the Roman Empire existed on?
a) Mountains
b) River Delta
c) Island
d) Peninsula
26) What is the name of the top God for the Roman Empire?
a) Jupiter
b) Zeus
c) Juno
d) Saturn
27) What is the name of the top female God in traditional Roman religion?
a) Hera
b) Athena
c) Juno
d) Momma Mia
28) What is the name given to the Golden Age of Rome?
a) Golden Age
b) Pax Romana
c) Caesars Supreme
d) Bronze Age
Roman Numerals – Match the correct number with the Roman symbol
29) III
a) 4
30) CDXL
a) 640
a) 2024
a) 2044
a) 808
a) 2013
a) 434
36) XCII
a) 92
a) 1651
38) X
a) 1
b) 5
c) 16
d) 54
b) 455
c) 440
d) 940
b) 8024
c) 4024
d) 224
b) 244
c) 2054
d) 254
b) 888
c) 88
d) 880
b) 2113
c) 2031
d) 2301
b) 43
c) 343
d) 34
b) 920
c) 102
d) 43
b) 15431
c) 1656
d) 6456
b) 100
c) 10
d) 1 million
Emperor Matching
a) Tiberius
b) Nero
c) Caligula
39) His mother was Agrippina – b
40) Most believe that he was poisoned by Caligula - a
41) Original name was Octavius - e
42) Had his own mother killed - b
43) Speech impediment and limp - d
44) Adopted by his Uncle – e
45) Assassinated by his guards - c
d) Claudius e) Augustus
a) Trajan
b) Hadrian
c) Constantine
d) Caracalla
e)Julius Caesar
Made Christianity the official religion after seeing a vision - c
Declared himself dictator for life but later assassinated by Senators - e
Built massive bath complexes in his Empire - d
Created the first shopping mall of the ancient world - a
Created a structure that spanned the whole country - b
Roman / Islamic Artifacts Matching
Use the paper not the clickers
a) Colosseum
b) Maison Carree
c) Roman Arch
d) Arch of Titus
e) Trajans Column
f) Pont du Gard
g) Pantheon
h) Arch of Constantine
i) Obelisk
j) Circus Maximus
k) Coffers
L) Oculus
1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
4. _____
5. _____
6. _____
7. _____
8. _____
9. _____
10. _____
11. _____
12. _____
Could transport an estimated 44 million gallons of water a day
Arch to celebrate a triumphant return after military victories (the bigger one)
Emperor Vespasian ordered the construction of this
Engineering technique used to lower the weight of the side walls of a dome
Temple that was made for all Gods
Hosted many chariot races – early Roman version of NASCAR
Made by this Emperors brother to commemorate his military victories
Building made use of a false front and stairs to look bigger than it actually was
Pediment on this artifact around the sides
Hole at the top of the Pantheon
Emperor Hadrian was credited with completion of this artifact
These artifacts are found all over the world
Could hold an estimated 70,000 spectators
Held and estimated 100,000 spectators’
The angle of this artifact is less than 1% down
These were used as a way to conserve materials in building
There is an engineering error in this artifact that the two parts do not match up
This was made to commemorate the military victory over Dacia
This artifact was also used as an assembly point for political rallies
The keystone was added last to take away the pressure
This artifact stands 100 feet tall
13. pont
14. arch of Constantine
15. colloseum
16. coffers
17. pantheon
18 circus maximus
19 arch of titus
20 maison carrie
21 trajans colloum
22 occulus
23 pantheon
24 obolisk
25 colloseum
26 circus maximus
27 pont du gard
28 arches
29 pantheon
30 trajans colloum
31 circus maximus
32 arches
33 trajans coloum