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CST Review
Earth’s Place in the Universe
1. Astronomy and planetary exploration reveal the solar system’s structure, scale, and change over time.
1. Describe the nebular hypothesis. (pg 685)
2. Briefly describe how planets formed. (pg 686-687)
3. How did the solar system form (pg 685-687)?
4. Approximately how many years ago did the solar system form (pg 685)?
5. Identify the closest star to Earth (pg 775).
6. What astronomical objects are closer to the Earth, stars or planets? Explain.
7. Identify two elements that make up most of the sun. (pg 755-760)
8. What is nuclear fusion (pg 756)?
9. Where is the asteroid belt found (pg 739)?
10. Distinguish between a meteor, a meteoroid, and a meterorite (pg 739-744).
11. List the four main parts of a comet, and identify their physical characteristics (pg 741).
12. What astronomical objects have shaped the surfaces of planets and their moons and have cause mass extinction of
life (pg 223)?
13. Why do comets glow (pg 741)?
14. Where are comets found (pg 742)?
15. Know the following about each planet (pg 695-708):
a. Mercury: surface feature: ______________________ Temperature: _______________________
Rotation: __________________________
b. Venus: Atmosphere pressure: ___________________ Gases in atm: _______________________
Surface features: _______________________ Rotation: ___________________________
 Earth’s twin planet!!!!!!
c. Mars: Rotation: ______________________________ Surface features: _____________________
Water on Mars (yes/no): _________________
d. Jupiter: Atmospheric gases: _____________________ Weather and Storms: __________________
Rotation: ______________________________
e. Saturn: Rings (yes/no): _________________________ Rotation: ____________________________
f. Uranus: Rotation: ______________________________ Atmosphere: _________________________
g. Neptune: rotation: _____________________________ Atmosphere: _________________________
2. Earth-based and space-based astronomy reveal the structure, scale, and changes in stars, galaxies, and the
universe over time.
1. In what galaxy is our solar system found (pg 791)?
2. Why are stars the building blocks of life (pg 757)?
3. How do stars form (pg 685)?
4. What instrument/technique is used to study stars (pg 775)?
5. The light and energy of stars is the result of (pg 756)?
6. Know the life cycle of stars (pg 782-788)!!!!!!!!
Dynamic Earth Processes
3. Plate tectonics operating over geologic time has changed the patterns of land, sea, and mountains on Earth’s
1. Identify the evidence that support the theory of plate tectonic (pg 239-246)
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
d. __________________________________
e. __________________________________
2. How do the cooling rates affect the size of crystals in igneous rocks (pg. 131)?
3. Plate Boundaries (pg 247 -251)
Type of Boundary
Type of Crust
Oceanic – Oceanic
 Plates are moving
Continental – Continental
 Plates are moving
Resulting Features
Oceanic – Continental
Oceanic – Oceanic
Continental – Continental
Transform/Strike Slip
 Plates are
Continental – Continental
4. What type of fault is letter A, B & C (shown to the right – pg 277-278)?
5. What stress is placed on each of those faults (pg 273)?
6. Explain why most earthquakes and volcanoes happen along plate boundaries (pg 248).
7. Describe the role of convection currents in plate movement (pg 252).
8. Explain what causes an earthquake to occur (pg 295).
9. What instrument is use to measure earthquakes? (pg 301)
10. What scale is use to measure an earthquake’s intensity? (pg 304)
11. What scale is use to measure an earthquake’s magnitude? (pg 303)
12. What are the three location where volcanoes form? (pg 320- 323)
13. Volcanoes (pg 328)
Type of Volcano
Eruption (violent/quiet)
Material (pyroclastic,
lava, or both
Slope (gentle/steep)
14. Where do new rocks form on the ocean floor (pg 478)?
15. What provided evidence of plate tectonics after the discovery of sea floor spreading (pg 245)?
16. What causes surface currents (pg 519-520)?
17. What causes deep ocean currents (pg 523)?
18. How does density, salinity and temperature
affect ocean water (p. 496-499)?
Energy in the Earth System
4. Energy enters the Earth system primarily as solar radiation and eventually escapes as heat.
1. Identify the two main sources of energy in Earth’s system. (pg 35)
2. Where is the Earth’s geothermal energy most abundant (pg 559)?
3. Identify the possible fates of incoming solar radiation (pg 556) .
4. What atmospheric gases absorb the Earth’s thermal radiation? (pg 558)
5. Describe the greenhouse effect. How do human contribute to this process? (pg 558)
5. Heating of Earth’s surface and atmosphere by the sun drives convection within the atmosphere and oceans,
producing winds and ocean currents.
1. Summarize the process of convection and conduction.(pg 560)
2. How are winds created? (pg 577)
3. Air moves from an area of ______________ to ________________ pressure (pg 561).
4. Which absorbs solar radiation the fastest land or ocean (pg 564)?
5. In a sea breeze air moves from the __________________ to the ________________ during the day. (pg 564)
6. In a land breeze air moves form the _________________ to the ________________ during the night. (pg 564)
7. What causes winds to curve? (pg 561)
8. Describe a temperature inversion. (pg 554)
9. Explain how density, temperature, and salinity causes layering of ocean water. (pg 496 – 499)
10. Summarize the process of upwelling, and describe its importance to marine organisms. (pg 502)
11. Explain how latitude determines the amount of solar energy received on Earth. (pg 632)
12. What causes the banding patterns of climate zones? (pg 631 – 633)
6. Climate is the long-term average of a region’s weather and depends on many factors.
1. How is heat energy transferred by Earth’s atmosphere (pg 560)?
2. What is the difference between weather and climate (pg 631)?
3. Explain how temperature and elevation affect climate (pg 631-636):
a. Temperature
i. Latitude: ____________ (cold/warm) near the poles, ____________(cold/warm) near the tropics.
ii. Elevation: _____________(high/low) elevations are ________________ (cold/warm).
_____________ (high/low) elevations are ___________________ (cold/warm).
iii. Closeness to body of water: Near water temperatures are ___________________
(cooler/warmer). Areas far from water are ____________________ (cooler/warmer).
b. Precipitation
i. Describe the rainshow effect (pg 636)
4. Identify four factors that may cause climate change. (pg 643-644)
Biogeochemical Cycles
7. Each element on Earth moves among reservoirs, which exist in the solid earth, in oceans, in the atmosphere, and
within and among organisms as part of biogeochemical cycles.
1. Define reservoir (pg 36).
2. How does the speed of a stream affect the settling of the particles that it is carrying (pg 380)?
3. The carbon cycle (pg 37, Figure 7).
a. Identify the organisms and the process that fixes atmospheric carbon dioxide.
b. Identify three processes that release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere .
c. Identify three carbon reservoirs.
d. Why is carbon important for life?
4. The nitrogen cycle (pg 36, Figure 6)
Identify two ways nitrogen is fixed.
Identify the major reservoir of nitrogen.
How much nitrogen is in the atmosphere?
How do farmers disrupt the nitrogen cycle?
Why is nitrogen important for life?
Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere
8. Life has changed Earth’s atmosphere, and changes in the atmosphere affect conditions for life.
1. Identify the components (gases) of the atmosphere. (pg 547)
2. Identify the layers of the atmosphere. Explain what happens to the temperature and pressure at each layer. (pg 552)
3. Where is the ozone layer found? What is the purpose of the ozone layer? (pg 553)
4. What does CFC stand for? What is the effect of CFC’s on the ozone layer?
5. Compare and contrast the early atmosphere and present atmosphere.(pg 689)
6. What process led to the formation of layers in Earth? (pg 688)
7. What process help form Earth’s atmosphere through the release of gases during volcanic eruptions? (pg 689)
8. What organisms are responsible for adding oxygen into the atmosphere?(pg 698)
California Geology
9. The geology of California underlies the state’s wealth of natural resources as well as its natural
1. Read pages C1-C25.
2. On page C-26, answer questions 1-10, 11-20, 23, 28-31(staple answers to this document)
Investigation and Experimentation
Use the topographic map to answer questions 1- 5 (pg 63-65).
1. What lettered location signifies a hill?
2. Which direction is Bell’s Brook flowing?
3. What side of the hill has the steepest gradient?
4. What is the contour interval of this topo map?
5. What letter has the same elevation as letter O?
6. What was wrong with Aristotle’s, Ptolemy’s and
Copernicus’ model of the solar system (pg 691-692)?
7. If experimental results do not match their predictions what do scientists generally do (pg 9-13)?
8. Why do scientists us control groups in experiments (pg 9-13)?