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BIO 212
Fall Semester 2015
Third Test
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Lab (circle one):
Multiple choice (2 pts each)
__________ 1. Human somatic cells have a diploid number of fully duplicated chromosomes during the entirety of:
a. G1 of interphase.
c. S of interphase.
b. G2 of interphase.
d. M phase.
__________ 2. The main role of mitotic cell division for the zygote of a young multicellular organism is:
a. growth and development.
c. tissue renewal.
b. reproduction of the organism.
d. None of the above.
__________ 3. The pedigree to the right is most likely evidence for a trait
that is:
a. autosomal dominant .
d. X-linked recessive.
b. autosomal recessive .
e. Y-linked.
c. X-linked dominant.
__________ 4. Which of the following cycles during the cell cycle? (The
brackets mean “concentration of.”)
a. [cyclin-dependent kinase] d. Two of the above.
b. [cyclin]
e. All of the above.
c. MPF activity
__________ 5. Long-term stress responses involve the adrenal __________ and the hormone __________.
a. cortex … ACTH
c. medulla … ACTH
b. cortex … epinephrine
d. medulla … epinephrine
__________ 6. Which type of meiotic life cycle is found in the fungus
a. gametic meiosis
c. zygotic meiosis
b. sporic meiosis
d. None of the above.
__________ 7. What is shown in the TEM to the right?
a. basal body of cilium
b. basal body of flagellum
c. duplicated animal centrosome
d. duplicated plant centrosome
__________ 8. A normal wildtype chromosome can be represented as ABCDEFGHIJ, with letters representing
stretches of DNA and the “” the centromere. A chromosome arises in a population that can be
represented as ABCDEHIJ. This is a result of a chromosomal ___________.
a. deletion
c. inversion
b. duplication
d. translocation
__________ 9. How many genetically different gametes could be made by a pea plant with the genotype AB/ab; C/C;
D/d; e/e? Assume crossing over can (but doesn’t always) take place.
a. 4
c. 9
b. 8
d. 16
__________ 10. A woman having blood type AB marries a man having blood type A. Their first child has blood type B.
Given this information, which of the following children could they NOT have later?
a. Blood type A
c. Blood type AB
b. Blood type B
d. Blood type O
__________ 11. The picture to the right is during megagametophyte
formation in Lilium (lily). What stage of meiosis is
seen in the large, circled, oval central cell? (Hint:
Cytokinesis does not take place until the very end.)
a. prophase I
d. anaphase II
b. anaphase I
e. telophase II
c. telophase I
__________ 12. In radishes, color and shape are each controlled by
a single locus with two alleles having incomplete dominance. Color can be red (RR), purple (Rr), or
white (rr) and shape can be long (LL), oval (Ll), or round (ll). When this cross is made: RrLl × Rrll, what
proportion of the offspring will be purple and round? Assume the genes assort independently.
a. 1/16
d. 8/16
b. 3/16
e. 9/16
c. 4/16
__________ 13. Mike and Alice have a son who appears normal, but a karyotype revealed that he was Xyy in his sex
chromosome constitution. In which parent, and during which meiotic division, could a nondisjunction
have produced a gamete that caused this situation?
a. mother … meiosis I
d. father … meiosis II
b. father … meiosis I
e. More than one of the above.
c. mother … meiosis II
__________ 14. The amount of DNA in a mouse spermatozoon (e.g., haploid sperm cell) is 3.8 pg. How much DNA
would be found in a cell during metaphase II of meiosis? (Assume cytokinesis occurs after meiosis I.)
a. 3.8 pg
c. 11.4 pg
b. 7.6 pg
d. 15.2 pg
__________ 15. Which of the enzymes involved in E. coli DNA replication “relieves overwinding strain ahead of [the]
replication forks by breaking, swiveling, and rejoining DNA strands”?
a. DNA ligase
d. Primase
b. DNA polymerase II
e. Topoisomerase
c. Helicase
__________ 16. The GC content of an organism’s DNA is 24% . What is the percentage of adenine?
a. 12%
c. 38%
b. 24%
d. 76%
__________ 17. Skin color in humans is an example of:
a. environmental impact
d. polygenic inheritance
b. epistasis
e. More than one of the above.
c. incomplete dominance
__________ 18. A series of two factor crosses generated the following recombinants:
What is the order of the genes on the chromosome?
a. a … b … c … d
d. a … d … c … b
b. b … d … c … a
e. d … a … b … c
c. c … d … a … b
% crossing over
__________ 19. If the father is phenotypically normal, but the mother is a carrier of a recessive, sex-linked allele, _____
of the offspring are expected to be afflicted and _____ of the offspring are expected to be phenotypically
normal carriers.
a. 0% … 50%
c. 50% … 25%
b. 25% … 25%
d. 50% … 50%
__________ 20. The onion root tip cell to the right is in what stage of mitosis?
a. anaphase
d. prophase
b. metaphase
e. telophase
c. prometaphase
__________ 21. You are given 3 normal dice. When you roll each die once,
what is the probability that at least two of the dice will have the
same number?
a. 6/216
d. 120/216
b. 30/216
e. 216/216
c. 96/216
__________ 22. Does the nucleotide to the right contain a purine base or pyrimidine base
and did it come from DNA or RNA?
a. purine … DNA
c. purine … RNA
b. pyrimidine … DNA
d. pyrimidine … RNA
__________ 23. Which of the following is an example of internal control of the cell cycle, rather than an example of
external control?
a. platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and fibroblast cell division
b. density-dependent inhibition of cell division in cultured mammalian cells
c. anchorage-dependent cell division in cultured mammalian cells
d. attachment of all kinetochores to spindle fibers to get past the M phase checkpoint
__________ 24. From which stage of meiosis was the TEM to the right taken?
a. prophase I
c. prophase II
b. anaphase I
d. anaphase II
__________ 25. In Frederick Griffith’s experiments with pneumonia-causing
bacteria, which injection surprisingly killed the mouse?
a. living S cells
c. heat-killed S cells
b. living R cells
d. mixture of heat-killed S cells and living R cells
__________ 26. What kind of microscope and what technique were used to get
the view of an infected red blood cell to the right?
a. Fluorescent microscope with immunofluorescent antibodies
b. Light microscope with Gram stain
c. Scanning electron microscope with negative stain
d. Transmission electron microscope with freeze-fracture and
__________ 27. Crossing-over occurs during ________ of meiosis and
independent assortment occurs during ________ of meiosis.
a. prophase I … prophase I
d. prophase I … prophase II
b. prophase I … anaphase I
e. prophase II … anaphase II
c. prophase I … telophase I
__________ 28. Which of the following represents the correct order of increasingly higher levels of chromosome
organization (i.e., condensation)?
a. dsDNA, looped domains, 30-nanometer fiber, nucleosome fiber
b. dsDNA, nucleosome fiber, 30-nanometer fiber, looped domains
c. dsDNA, 30-nanometer fiber, nucleosome fiber, looped domains
d. dsDNA, looped domains, nucleosome fiber, 30-nanometer fiber
e. dsDNA, nucleosome fiber, looped domains, 30-nanometer fiber
Problems and short answers:
1. Place these seven statements in proper order as they occur between late G1 of interphase and G1 of the next
interphase during cell division in a plant cell. Each empty space should have one letter representing the statement
next to it in the list below. (6 points)
spindle microtubules attach to kinetochores
DNA replicates and chromosomes duplicate
centromeres of duplicated chromosomes are all on the metaphase plate
cell plate grows toward the perimeter of the parent cell
duplicated chromosomes begin to condense
nuclear envelope begins to fragment
centrosome maturates, separates, and each one begins to move
late G1 of interphase → _____ → _____ → _____ → _____ → _____ → _____ → _____ → G1 of next interphase
Consider 2 linked genes on the third chromosome of Drosophila: hairy (h) and scarlet (s). Suppose we test-cross an
H_S_ phenotypic female (we don’t know yet which of these five possible genotypes she is: HS/HS, HS/Hs, HS/hS,
HS/hs, or Hs/hS) to an hs/hs tester male and find in the progeny the following numbers in four phenotypic groups:
a. Circle each group (to the left) that represents a parental allele combination. (1 pt)
b. Place an asterisk (*) by each group (to the left) that represents a recombination. (1 pt)
c. Which of the five possible genotypes is the female fly? (2 pt)
d. What is the map distance between the two genes? (2 pts)
3. Carefully draw in the new strands for the following replication fork as they would appear before DNA polymerase I
and DNA ligase have a chance to change things. Be sure to label each new strand (leading or lagging), each end (5’
or 3’), the direction of elongation for each strand (NOT for the replication fork), and any RNA primers. (6 pts)
4. During the fight-or-flight response, activation of human liver cell β-receptors by the hormone epinephrine initiates a
cascade system that eventually results in the production of glucose-1-phosphate (glucose-1-P) from glycogen storage
granules in the cytosol. Below are listed (in alphabetical order) some of the proteins and enzymes that are involved in
this cascade system. Place them in their correct order, starting with the epinephrine receptor itself. (4 pts)
Adenylyl cyclase
Epinephrine β-receptor
G protein
Glycogen phosphorylase
Phosphorylase kinase
Protein kinase A
epinephrine → B → _____ → _____ → _____ → _____ → _____ → Glucose-1- P released from glycogen
5. Draw and label an animal cell during metaphase I of meiosis when the diploid number is four (2n = 4) and crossing
over has taken place in one of the homologous pairs. Include (and label) whichever of the following are present at
metaphase I; cross out any that are NOT present: (6 pts)
plasma membrane
cell wall
nuclear envelope
duplicated chromosome
unduplicated chromosome
kinetochore microtubule
nonkinetochore microtubule
6. Match the following experiments with the one major use made of their results. Answers may be used more than once
or not at all. (1 pt each)
_____ 1. Avery, McCarty and MacLeod’s purification of the
“transforming principle”
A. Chromosomal theory of inheritance
_____ 2. Chargaff’s studies with base composition of DNA
B. DNA is an antiparallel double helix
_____ 3. Hershey and Chase’s studies with 35S and 32P labeled
C. DNA, not protein, is the genetic material
D. One gene-one enzyme hypothesis
_____ 4. Mendel’s studies with pea plants
E. Particulate theory of inheritance
_____ 5. Meselson and Stahl’s experiments using 15N and 14N
and two rounds of replication
F. Semiconservative model of replication
_____ 6. Morgan’s studies with a white-eyed fruit fly
G. Wobble hypothesis
_____ 7. Sturtevant’s studies of linkage groups
_____ 8. Wilkins and Franklin’s X-ray diffraction studies
7. A true-breeding white squash-producing plant was crossed with a true-breeding yellow squash-producing plant. All
of the F1 offspring produced white squash. When these F1 offspring were bred multiple times with each other, the
following F2 results were obtained:
235 white squash-producing plants
64 yellow squash-producing plants
21 green squash-producing plants
This appeared to approximate a phenotypic ratio of 12:3:1 (white squash-producing: yellow squash-producing: green
squash-producing) to an undergraduate researcher who was very familiar with possible phenotypic ratios.
a. What is the simplest genetic explanation for this outcome? (2 pt)
b. Given your genetic explanation
above, what is the genotype of
the true-breeding white squashproducing plant? Use
reasonable alphabet letters to
indicate the genotype. Squash
plants are diploid. (1 pt)
c. Given your genetic
explanation above,
what is the
genotype of the
yellow squashproducing plants?
(1 pt)
d. Given your two
genotypes to the
left, what is the
genotype of the
F1 offspring? (1
e. And what would
be the expected
ratio in the F2
squash plants?
(1 pt)
f. Are the observed results consistent with your genetic explanation? Conduct a Chi-square test to see if you are
correct. Be sure to write a good null hypothesis. Use the if … and … then … using format. (You DO NOT need
to write an alternative hypothesis.) Show your Chi-square table, your degrees of freedom, your calculated Chisquare value and your table Chi-square value. What is your conclusion? (6 pts)
r !(n  r )!