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Name _______________________________________________ Date ____________________ 6-_____
Hail Caesar!
Julius Caesar was a great Roman general and a leader of the Roman Republic.
In 48 BCE, he made himself dictator of Rome for life.
Roman Senators and the Roman people had mixed feelings about Caesar being
dictator for life. Some believed he would be successful and fix Rome's many
problems. Others believed Caesar was making himself the King of Rome.
You are a Roman Senator. Your job is to write a speech to deliver in the
Senate of Rome. Your speech must either support Caesar as dictator for life, or
call for Caesar's removal from the Roman government. Use your textbook,
your notes, and the two handouts that came with this sheet to help plan and
write your essay. You may also use the websites on my Rome webpage.
Friday – Introduce task; take notes on handouts
Monday - Plan speech and write first draft
Tuesday - Peer edit speech and write final draft
Wednesday - Practice speech
Thursday- Give speech to the class
HW: Research Caesar on the websites
HW: Finish 1st Draft
HW: Finish final draft and memorize it
HW: Practice your speech
You will be graded on your written essay, based on the writing rubric that came
with this sheet.
You will also be graded on your oral presentation.*
* You task is to memorize your speech, so be sure to include the most important
and interesting details about Caesar.
* *Remember that this is a serious speech given at an important government