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The Heart Overview of Heart Anatomy: Use the following website to complete the following questions about the anatomy of the heart: http://www.worldinvisible.com/apologet/humbody/heart.htm 1. Approximately how big is the human heart and what type of tissue is it composed of? 2. How many times per minute does the human heart beat, how many times per day, and how many gallons of blood are pumped each day by the heart? 3. How many liters per minute of blood does the heart pump? 4. What is the function of the heart? 5. How many chambers does the heart contain? What are the chambers? 6. Where does the Right Ventricle pump blood to and why? 7. Where does the left ventricle pump blood to? 8. Describe the function of each valve in the heart: Tricuspid valve – Pulmonary valve – Mitral valve – Aortic valve – 9. What structure separates the left and right sides of the heart? 10. Which chamber of the heart is the strongest and why? CONDUCT AN INTERNET SEARCH TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 11. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A HEART ATTACK AND A STROKE? 12. HOW DO A HEART ATTACK AND CARDIAC ARREST DIFFER? 13. REVIEW: LIST THE PATH THAT BLOOD TAKES THROUGH THE HEART, BEGINNING IN THE RIGHT ATRIUM AND FINISHING AS IT EXITS THAT HEART THROUGH THE AORTA: