Download Identify which of the three subatomic particles (p+, n, e–): is the

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Identify which of the three subatomic particles (p+, n, e–):
is the smallest
is the heaviest
3. is positive
4. is negative
e5. is neutral
6. spins around the nucleus
e7. are in the nucleus
p+ N
2) Use Figure 1.1.1 to help you describe the structure of an atom using the terms ‘protons’,
‘neutrons’ and ‘electrons’.
An atom is a thing made up from protons neutrons and electrons. The center of an atom contains the
nucleus witch inside contains protons ( P+) neutrons (N). the outside of the attom is a cloud that is
created by electrons forming a cloud around the nucleus by moving quickly.
3) Explain the relationship between the number of protons and electrons in an atom.
The relationship between protons and electrons the mass number is the amount of protons and
electrons because for every positive (P+) there needs to be the opposite negative (E)2.
4 Clarify the following expressions. a atomic number
A) atomic number is the number that puts the elements in order and classifies how many
electron and how many protons each element has
b mass number mass number is the bottom number and states the attomic weight of a
c nucleus
the nucleus is the middle part of an atom that contain neutrons and protons
Identify the number of protons, neutrons and electrons that would be found in each of these
Fe, 28 Ni, 29 Cu, 197Au 56 59 64 79
What information would you use to distinguish between atoms of different elements?
To distinguish atoms of different elements elements you find the amount of protons or electrons and
you are able to find out what number element it is on the periodic table.
7 . Use an example to identify the smallest unit of an element.
the smallest unit in an element is an electron.
b Explain which part of Dalton’s atomic theory was
Dalton proposed his atomic theory in 1808. Outline the theory.
8 Distinguish between:
a an element and a compound
an element only has one attom and a compound can have many and example of this is water H20
b the element iron and an atom of iron
c the compound water and a molecule of water
a molecule would be h202 and a compound is h20
d a compound anda mixture
e an atom and a molecule
later found to be incorrect.
the theory that was found to be incorrect was that an attom is able to be broken up
Use examples to distinguish between atoms and molecules
the diferenc is that one is singular and one is many.