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Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe – Video Worksheet
1. 1993 the scientists and philosophers gathered in California to discuss what
a. _______________________________________________________
b. Is there scientific evidence that supports an intelligent designer of
the universe?
c. To unlock the mystery of life origin, DNA, molecular biology…
In 1831, _____________ ______________ traveled to the Galapagos Islands.
25 years later, he authored a book __________________________.
a. Darwin argued that all life is a product of undirected natural forces.
Time. Chance and a process he called _____________ ____________.
b. For 2,500 years before Darwin, most scientists and philosophers
….viewed the world as a product of some kind of _______________.
Darwin studied a nine species of a specific bird, the ___________; in
particular, looking at the shape of the beak.
a. Each type of beak served a purpose for survival; the change in beaks
gave each bird a “________________ advantage.”
b. Natural selection proved to be ______________ for each species;
and over time caused new species to emerge.
For Darwin, there was no longer a need to invoke a designer as part of
creation; _______________ ____________ explained differences. In effect,
natural selection became a kind of designer substitute.
Natural selection explains ______________ changes, but cannot explain
different species.
a. Evidence is very powerful, so when examined carefully, where does it
“Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight, successive
variations. She can never take a ____________ ___________, but must
advance by short and sure, though slow steps.” – Charles Darwin
7. Irreducible Complexity (machines)
 Multiple parts must each be present and work in _____________ for the
mechanism to work
 Bacterial _____________ – bio-chemist explanation of this biological
 Since its discovery, scientists have wondered how a rotary motor could
have arisen from natural selection; as yet, they have failed to offer any
Darwian explanation.
 Multi-component parts to any component given organ or part of a cell,
all of which are necessary for function. If you remove any part you lose
function of that system.
 The example of a ________ __________ is used to explain an irreducible
 “Natural selection is scrutinizing the slightest _____________, rejecting
those that are bad, preserving and adding up all that are good.”
 How can something new, that does not provide and advantage, evolve?
 A machine cannot become a machine slowly, when each step does not
provide an advantage…
 Dr. Behe wrote a book called, __________ ____________ _________;
The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution. He argues that Darwin’s
missing link points toward an Intelligent designer.
Co-Option Argument
 A simple machine is able to __________ component s from another
simple machine.
 Argument – Where do you borrow parts that do not exist in the rest of
 How can something “evolve” without a plan?
 The example is the building of a _______________.
 So the question… how can something evolve toward an unknown
8. “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not
possibly have been formed by numerous, successive slight modifications, my
theory would absolutely ______________.” – Charles Darwin
9. There are two big questions we ask in biology…
 How do we get new living forms and structures, like wings and eyes
from life that already exists?
 How did life exist on earth originally?
10.Darwin compared life on earth to a great ____________ __________… the
base of the tree represented the first living cell, and the branches new life
forms that evolved over time from that first cell.
 Darwin ignores the question of the origin of the first living cell.
 “regarding the production of a living organism, If, and that is a big if…
Light, heat and electricity could combine to trigger a “protein”…
 Chemical evolution… a theory of natural causes of biological origin; but
proteins are also complex cells, with a high degree of architecture.
 It is only with a highly structured sequence of ___________ _________,
that proteins become a functional “part” of the machine.
 “Life might have been biochemically predestined by the properties of
attraction that exists between its chemical parts… particularly between
amino acids in proteins.” - Drs. Kenyon and Sherman; Proposing
chemistry provides a natural explanation.
 The counter argument… how could that initial protein have been formed
without the help of genetic instructions? DNA causes that “attraction”, so
DNA must be explained (ACTG)… DNA is the _______________ ______
_________. One requires the other for existence.
11.New search, "What was the source of the biological information in DNA? If
one could get at the origin of the encoded messages within the living
machinery then you would be onto something far more intellectually
satisfying than this chemical evolution theory.” Dr. Kenyon
 Natural selection requires the ability to ____________ itself, so as to
pass on the advantage; which requires DNA.
12.Cell operation via computer animation…
13.“Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not
designed, but evolved.” – Frank Crick, DNA Research
 Science should be a search for ___________. We should not pre-judge
by dismissing evidence we do not think serves our desired end point.
 Evolutionary theory tends to ________ __________ “intelligence” as a
cause of creation.
14.The Design Inference, William Dembsky. How do we reason about design?
 We see an improbable event and Recognizable patterns; the example is
 Small probability, specification, and recognizable pattern =
 Natural selection cannot make information; only intelligence can cause
15.Intelligent design is based on observation of facts
 Information rich systems arise from intelligence. Natural causes alone
does not explain life. A supreme intelligence does explain life, based on
what we do know.
 By fining an information rich system in living cells, we can infer that
intelligence played a role in creating the system.
16.Natural selection can explain “survival of the fittest”, but it cannot explain
“arrival of the fittest.”
 Information = meaningful text
= extremely complex and specified complexity
 Information relies on an author