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English 436
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Second Semester Final Exam 2016 Study Guide!
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1. In what city did Amir and Hassan grow up?
2. In the beginning of the story Amir thinks of himself as better because he can ___ and
Hassan can’t.
3. What does Baba Believe the greatest sin is?
4. Who was Hassan and Amir’s childhood bully?
5. Where does Rahim Khan go at the end of the story?
6. How does Ali end up dying?
7. It is revealed to Amir that him and Hassan were of what relation?
8. Who is Soraya's father?
9. Amir see's something that disgusts him at a soccer half time show when he goes back
to Afghanistan. What was it?
10.What was the first word Hassan spoke?
11. What was Hassan's dream about that he shares with Amir on the day of the kite flying
12.Who trys to commit suicide near the end of the story?
13. Which of the following sounds the least like Hassan's personality?
14. What is the major story line going on in this book?
15. Choose the character that best fits this description: "One leg was deformed from
16.What was the color of the kite Hassan ran for Amir the night he got raped?
17. Identify the color of the kite Amir ran for Sohrab at the end of the story.
18. Which of the following is not true?
19. The object of the kite flying tournament was to:
20. Why did Amir never know his mom?
21. What does Amir throw at Hassan?
22.Where is Ali's Fatherland located?
23. Who said they knew Amir's mother?
24. What did Hassan's mother say to Ali about Hassan when he was born?
25. What did both Hassan and his son Sohrab do for Amir?
26. What was Amir's first short story about?
27. Judging from the plot of his short story, which of these best describes Amir?
28. Afghanistan
29. Assef
30. Taliban
31. Amir
32. Sohrab's Parents
33. Ali
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English 436
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34. Khaled Hosseini
35. Baba
36. Sohrab
Reading Fun!!! (PART TWO)
You will read the following article: “Amanda Feilding: Woman with a Hole in her
Head” and answer the questions that follow.
Parts of a sentence:
Know the parts of a sentence!
The subject of a sentence is the noun---or word group acting as a noun---that
performs the action expressed in the predicate of a sentence or clause. The
subject may be one word: Sally loves chocolate. The subject may be in a noun
 Seeing the parade was exciting.
The black and white dog was barking fiercely at the stranger.
The predicate is the part of the clause or sentence that says something about the
subject. In other words, the part of the sentences that is not the subject and its
modifiers is the predicate. A predicate can be one word or several words, not all
of which are verbs.
The principal part of the predicate is the verb.
 The dog sniffed.
The dog has been sniffing.
The dog sniffed, looked around, and growled.
Compound verbs are two or more verbs joined by a conjunction, (in this sentence, the word and)
and relating to the same subject. The subject of the following sentences is cobra:
 The cobra saw the dog coming closer and raised itself into striking position.
The cobra hissed, opened its hood, and prepared to strike.
Complete predicates are all the words in a clause or sentence except the subject and its modifiers:
 The cobra saw the dog coming closer and raised itself into striking position.
The agile dog moved from side to side rapidly, trying to corner the cobra.
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The object of a sentence can be a noun, pronoun, or word group that acts as a
noun, and receives the action of a verb or is influenced by a transitive verb,
verbal (a word derived from a verb, i.e., gerund, infinitive, and participle), or a
preposition. (More on Objects)
1. Direct object: Receives the action of a verb or verbal and frequently follows
it in a sentence. Direct objects are often needed to complete the thought of a
sentence. "Rueben reads the newspaper." "Reuben reads" is a complete sentence,
but it doesn't express the complete thought. Reuben reads what? He reads the
2. Indirect object: Tells for whom, to whom, or to what something is
done. "Reuben reads his grandmother the newspaper." Reuben reads the
newspaper to whom? to his grandmother. Grandmother is the indirect
object. Pronouns are also used as indirect objects: "Reuben reads her the
newspaper." Indirect objects often come between the verb and the direct object.
The sentence could also be: "Reuben reads the newspaper to his
grandmother." The prepositional phrase to his grandmother is the indirect object of
the sentence.
3. Object of Preposition: Objects follow prepositions and are linked by them
to the rest of the sentence. (See Prepositional Phrase)
(See also Complements page)
A word or word group that completes the meaning of a subject, an object, or a
1. Subject complement: Follows a linking verb and modifies or refers to the
subject. It may be a noun (also known as a predicate noun or nominative) or an
adjective (also known as a predicate adjective).
 Olivia is pretty. (The adjective pretty is a subject complement; it describes
the subject, Olivia.)
Annie is an English teacher. (The noun phrase English teacher is also a
subject complement; it describes Annie.)
2. Object complement: Follows and modifies or refers to a direct object.
Blake considers American television silly. (television is the direct
object. silly describes television; it is the object complement.)
The judges elected her Miss Brazil, 2002. (Miss Brazil is the object
complement, describing the direct object her.)
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English 436
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3. Verb complement: This is a direct or indirect object of a verb. It may be a
noun, pronoun, or word or word group acting as a noun.
 Aunt Gertie gave Patty my dessert. (Patty is the indirect object, my dessert is
the direct object of the verb gave. Both are considered verb complements.)
The Phrase: Kinds of Phrases and Their Functions Know the different
A phrase is a group of words without both a subject and predicate. Phrases combine
words into a larger unit that can function as a sentence element. For example, a participial
phrase can include adjectives, nouns, prepositions and adverbs; as a single unit, however,
it functions as one big adjective modifying a noun (or noun phrase). See this overview of
phrases for more.
 Noun Phrase - "The crazy old lady in the park feeds the pigeons every day." A
noun phrase consists of a noun and all of its modifiers, which can include
other phrases (like the prepositional phrase in the park). More examples.
o Appositive Phrase - "Bob, my best friend, works here" or "My best
friend Bob works here." An appositive (single word, phrase, or
clause) renames another noun, not technically modifying it. See this
page from the Armchair Grammarian for everything you ever wanted
to know about appositives.
o Gerund Phrase - "I love baking cakes." A gerund phrase is just a noun
phrase with a gerund as its head.
o Infinitive Phrase - "I love to bake cakes." An infinitive phrase is a
noun phrase with an infinitive as its head. Unlike the other
noun phrases, however, an infinitive phrase can also function as an
adjective or an adverb. More examples.
 Verb Phrase - The verb phrase can refer to the whole predicate of a sentence
(I was watching my favorite show yesterday) or just the verb or verb
group (was watching).
 Adverbial Phrase - The adverbial phrase also has two definitions; some say
it's a group of adverbs (very quickly), while others say it's any phrase (usually
a prepositional phrase) that acts as an adverb -- see this second definition.
 Adjectival Phrase - As with adverbial phrases, adjectival phrases can either
refer to a group of adjectives (full of toys) or any phrase (like a participial or
prepositional phrase) that acts as an adjective -- see this second definition.
 Participial Phrase - "Crushed to pieces by a sledgehammer, the computer no
longer worked" or "I think the guy sitting over there likes you." A participial
phrase has a past or present participle as its head. Participial phrases
always function as adjectives.
 Prepositional Phrase - "The food on the table looked delicious." A
prepositional phrase, which has a preposition as its head, can function as an
adjective, adverb, or even as a noun.
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English 436
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Absolute Phrase - "My cake finally baking in the oven, I was free to rest for
thirty minutes." Unlike participial phrases, absolute phrases have subjects
and modify the entire sentence, not one noun. Almost a clause, the absolute
phrase can include every sentence element except a finite verb. For example,
"My cake finally baking in the oven" would be its own sentence if you just
added one finite verb: "My cake was finally baking in the oven." See
Absolute Phrase for more.
Directions: On the writing sheet provided, answer all three short essay questions
using examples and details from The Kite Runner. Get to writing and quite
complaining! DAZZLE ME!!!
1. What role does religion play in the lives of Baba, Amir, and Assef, and in the novel as
a whole?
2. How does the author, Khaled Hosseini, use irony* in the novel?
3. What is the significance of rape in the novel?
*Irony (from Ancient Greek εἰρωνεία (eirōneía), meaning "dissimulation, feigned ignorance"), in its
broadest sense, is a rhetorical device, literary technique, or event in which what appears, on the surface, to
be the case, differs radically from what is actually the case. Irony may be divided into categories such as
verbal, dramatic, and situational. Verbal, dramatic, and situational irony are often used for emphasis in
the assertion of a truth. The ironic form of simile, used in sarcasm, and some forms of litotes can emphasize
one's meaning by the deliberate use of language which states the opposite of the truth, denies the contrary
of the truth, or drastically and obviously understates a factual connection. Other forms, as identified by
historian Connop Thirlwall, include dialectic and practical irony.
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