Download ANCIENT ROME REVIEW 1. Who were the major powers struggling

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1. Who were the major powers struggling with each other in the early Roman republic?
Patricians and Plebeians
2. What was the role of a consul?
to serve as the civilian head of the military as commander-in-chief
3. What are characteristics of the Roman code of laws known as the Twelve Tables?
The laws were displayed in government buildings and the Forum.
It gave legal protection to all citizens.
4. What were Rome and Carthage fighting over control of during the First Punic War?
5. What military commander fought for Carthage in the Punic Wars and almost brought Rome to its
6. What was the final result of the Third Punic War?
Land that had once been a part of the Carthaginian Empire became a territory of Rome.
Rome had total control of the Mediterranean Sea.
The city of Carthage was utterly destroyed
7. What were military units in the Roman Empire consisting of between 3,000 and 6,000 men?
8. What was the head of the Executive Branch in the Roman Republic that was made up of two equally
powerful members?
9. Who were the wealthy, upper class in Roman society?
10. Who were the common people of Roman society?
11. What was the legislative body whose members originally came from only from the upper class?
The Senate
12. What was the judicial branch of the Roman Republic?
13. Who was in charge of creating laws, advising the consuls, foreign affairs and financial affairs?
The Senate
14. From what class of people did the ten members of the Tribunal Assembly come from?
The Plebeians
15. During the 207 years of this period, the Roman Empire experienced peace and prosperity.
Pax Romana
16. Who made up the First Triumvirate?
Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Marcus Crassus
17. What was one of the most important achievements of Julius Caesar?
Paving the way for a change from a republic to an empire
18. Why was Augustus considered to be one of the most capable of all Rome’s Emperors?
He forced Rome into a powerful Empire; he expanded the empire and made it bigger than ever;
he shared some of his absolute powers with the senate.
19. What is one of Greek’s and Rome’s most significant contributions to Europe?
20. What is a major contribution to western society that occurred during the Roman Empire was the
development of
An effective legal system
21. What were the reasons that Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire?
It embraced all people: men and women, rich and poor; Rome’s excellent roads encouraged
the exchange of ideas; Jesus promised eternal life.
22. When the poet Juvenal said, “There’s only two things that concern them: Bread and Circuses,” he
was talking about ________________________.
The Roman masses being distracted from serious political issues by free grain and
23. What contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire?
Too much corruption and political instability among those in power; invasion by foreign armies
like the Huns and the Visigoths and a general laziness in society in relation to maintaining the
institutions of the Empire
24. What was an immediate result of the fall of the Roman Empire?
A period of disorder and weak central government
25. After the fall of Rome, what was the eastern portion of the Roman Empire known as?
the Byzantine Empire
26. What architectural structure did the Roman aqueducts made significant use?
the arch
27. What group of people destroyed Rome?
Goths (Ostrogoths and Visigoths)
28. Why did a group of senators murder Julius Caesar?
To prevent him from destroying the Roman Republic; he was becoming too powerful
29. How did the geography of the Italian Peninsula differ from that of Greece?
The Italian peninsula had fewer isolating features, such as islands, valleys, and jagged
30. Because of the Law of the Twelve Tables were displayed, judges could not _____________.
Make decisions based on secret law that were unknown to the public
31. Which empire fought Rome in the Punic Wars?
32. ____One reason why most conquered people remained loyal to Rome was that Rome ________.
threatened them with destruction should they revolt
33. Where did the ancient Romans developed their religious beliefs from?
The Greek religion.
35. What architectural feature is used to construct aqueducts?
36. What was the primary purpose of an aqueduct?
They delivered water to cities
37. When did the three Punic Wars take place?
264-146 B.C.
38. At the start of the First Punic War, the Roman Republic consisted of what territory?
The Italian Peninsula
39. What mountain range or ranges did Hannibal march through on his way to invade Rome?
The Pyrenees and the Alps
40. At the start of the First Punic War, the Carthaginian Empire consisted of what territory?
North Africa and Spain
41. Where are Corsica and Sardinia located?
To the south of Rome
44. What sea is located to the East of the Italian peninsula?
The Adriatic
45. Where did Hannibal’s route pass through?
Spain, the Italian Peninsula and Macedonia