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Standard IV- Understand the concepts related to the U.S. Civil War Era.
1. What 1856 Supreme Court decision ruled that slaves did not have rights and
Congress could not forbid slavery in any territory?
2. Which Congressional Act admitted California as a free state and also created a
more effective fugitive slave law?
3. What act prohibited slaves from testifying on their own behalf and not receiving a
speedy and public trail?
4. What was the term used for the system in which residents of an area voted on the
issue of slavery in the 1800’s?
5. What act in the 1850’s replaced the Missouri Compromise and established
popular sovereignty on the issue of slavery?
6. What new political party was created in the 1850’s by anti-slavery Democrats and
Free Soilers?
7. What political party did Abraham Lincoln represent in the 1860 election?
8. What famous abolitionist’s actions led to the massacre of 200 people in Kansas?
9. Where did John Brown attempt to begin a slave uprising, which ultimately
resulted in Brown’s death?
10. What were the main issues debated between Stephen Douglas and Abraham
11. Why are the Lincoln Douglas debates significant?
12. How did the division in the Democratic Party allow Lincoln to be elected
13. Why did Southern states feel they no longer had a political voice in the federal
government after the Presidential election of 1860?
14. What course of action did Southern states take in order to prevent their way of
15. What was the name of the nation the Southern states formed in 1861?
16. What was the first capital of the Confederate States of America?
17. Where did the first act of aggression concerning the Civil War tale place, and who
began this attack?
18. What is the name of the county in Alabama that did not secede with the state of
19. What was the overall goal of the North during the Civil war?
20. What was the overall goal of the south during the Civil War?
21. What happened to the western counties of Virginia that did not agree to
22. Which Southern state was the first to secede in 1860?
23. Who was elected president of the Confederate States of America?
24. Why did Southern states feel the institution of slavery was a state’s decision, not
a decision of the federal government?
25. What was the name of the plan that the North devised in order to defeat the
26. What city became the 2nd capital of the Confederate States of America?
27. What were the goals of the Anaconda Plan?
28. Both the North and the South resorted to what way of attaining soldiers?
29. Which class of society was drafted to fight during the Civil War?
30. Why were there draft riots in the North during the Civil War?
31. In 1862, Congress allowed which group of people to enlist in the Union Army,
even thought they experienced much discrimination?
32. What famous decree did Lincoln issue in 1863 that freed slaves that lived I the
33. What effect did the Emancipation Proclamation have on the slaves in the South?
34. What were the results of the Emancipation proclamation?
35. What essential civil right did Lincoln suspend at various times during the Civil
War in order to deal with dissent?
36. What is habeas corpus?
37. What is the name of the first battle of the Civil War bloodshed occurred, and who
won this battle?
38. What is the name of the most decisive battle of the Civil War from which the
CSA would never recover?
39. What was the site the bloodiest single-day battle in U.S. history that occurred
during the Civil War?
40. What famous speech made by Lincoln began “Four score and seven years ago…”
41. Which Northern victory allowed Northern forces to gain total control of the
Mississippi River, which resulted in splitting the South in two?
42. During what Civil War battle did David Farragut, a famous Union admiral, say,
“Damn the torpedo, full speed ahead”?
43. Who was the Union general who burned Atlanta and “marched to the sea”?
44. What was the name of the Confederate general that surrendered, officially ending
the Civil War?
45. Where did Robert E. Lee surrender?
46. Which Union general did Robert E. Lee surrender to?
47. Which American war was the costliest in terms of American lives?
48. What effect did the Civil War have in the South’s standard of living and
49. What time period consisted of the rebuilding and admitting of the Southern states
back into the Union?
50. What was the name of Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction?
51. What was Lincoln’s goal concerning the 10% Plan?
52. What was the objective for the Congressional plan for reconstruction?
53. Why didn’t Lincoln’s 10% Plan take affect?
54. Who assassinated President Lincoln in the Ford Theatre?
55. Who became president after Lincoln’ assassination?
56. What group led the Congressional plan for Reconstruction?
57. What was the name of the discriminatory laws that severely restricted the lives of
former slaves in the south?
58. What is the term used for Northerners who moved to the South after the Civil
59. What is the term used for white Southern Democrats that joined the Republican
Party after the Civil War?
60. What violent vigilante organization was originally formed as a social club for
Confederate veterans that inflicted terror on black communities?
61. What was the objective of the KKK?
62. Which amendment officially ended slavery in the U.S.?
63. Which amendment gave the right of citizenship to all people who were either born
or naturalized in the U.S.?
64. What did the Fifteenth Amendment state?
65. Who was elected U.S. President in 1868 and what was his presidency plagued
66. What led to the collapse of Reconstruction?
67. What is the term that describes the Southern Democratic return to powering the
68. What was the name of the laws that separated blacks &whites, required blacks to
pass a literacy test and /or pay a poll tax in order to vote in the postReconstruction era?
69. Whose election to the presidency in 1876 ultimately led to the Compromise of
70. How did African American communities function post Reconstruction?
71. Why was there such a delay in Southern industrialization post-civil wart?
72. What political party dominated for decades post-Reconstruction in the south?
73. What Congressional act gave farmers 160 acres of land if they agreed to cultivate
it for five years?
74. What was the name of the act that gave each state funding to create a public
agricultural university?
75. Under the provision of the Morrill Land Grant Act, which Alabama University
was founded?