Download 7th Grade Geography Assessment Task 1

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2nd & 3rd Trimesters
8th Grade English/Writing Assessment Task 1
Power Standard: Writing Process/Research and Information
Engaging Scenario: Dream Vacation
Imagine you could go anywhere in the world. Money is no object, so you can travel in style and
participate in any of the local activities. Where would you go? When deciding where to go, be
sure to research the location. Keep in mind the following things:
 climate
 current events
 peak travel seasons
 currency & exchange rates
 official language
Enjoy your vacation, but remember to document your travel experience.
Task 1: A picture is worth 1000 words!
Think about your favorite place while on vacation. What does this place look like in the
daytime? What does it look like at nighttime? Pay particular attention to the colors and the
possible activities taking place nearby.
Make a postcard or travel poster of the area to post in a travel agency. On a notecard or poster
board, draw a picture of the area depicting your favorite place. Be sure to use colors to make
your poster visually appealing.
–CAUTION–Leave room somewhere on your poster to write a complex sentence. The complex
sentence must be directed toward encouraging people to visit this place. For your complex
sentence, use red ink for your subordinating conjunction, blue ink for your subjects, and green
ink for your verbs.
 The writing process
 Composition skills
 Usage
 Sentence structure
 Mechanics
 Spelling
 Use (the writing process)
 Develop (composition skills)
 Edit
Topics or Context:
 Grammar Text
 CRT Practice Booklet
 Journals
 Buckle Down for Writing
2nd & 3rd Trimesters
Grading Rubric
8th Grade English/Writing/Research and Information
Task 1
Criteria for the proficient category have been successfully completed.
Picture is beyond appealing, but also is accurate for area.
Sentence structure is strong & effective for overall quality of assignment.
Travel poster or postcard is visually appealing.
A complex sentence encourages people to attend.
In complex sentence, the student used red for subordinating conjunction.
In complex sentence, the student used blue for subjects.
In complex sentence, the student used green for verbs.
Four out of five criteria for proficient are met.
Need to revise work.
Fewer than four of the criteria for proficient are met.
Need to repeat the task