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Planning strategic marketing
for non-profit organizations
Enckell, Maxim
2016 Laurea
Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Planning strategic marketing for non-profit organizations
Maxim Enckell
Degree Programme in Hotel and
restaurant management
Bachelor’s Thesis
May, 2016
Hotelli- ja ravintola-alan liikkeenjohto
Enckell, Maxim
Markkinointistrategian suunnittelu non-profit-yritykselle: Case HVNA Alliance ry
Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena on markkinointistrategian suunnittelu non-profit-yritykselle. Työn
tarkoituksena oli kehittää toimeksiantajalle uusi toteutuskelpoinen markkinointistrategia ja
suunnitella visuaalinen, kompakti ja selkeä ohje markkinointistrategian tehostamiseksi.
Tarkoitus oli tällä tavalla tukea yrityksen tavoitetta laajentaa osallistujien lukumäärä. Alliance ry
on venäjänkielistä nuorta väestöä tukeva yritys, joka on toiminut Suomessa yli 10 vuotta.
Teoreettinen osuus on jaettu kolmeen osa-alueeseen. Ensimmäiseksi käsitellään, miten nonprofit-yritys voidaan määritellä ja millaisia ominaisuuksia niillä on. Toisessa pääluvussa
käsitellään markkinoinnin suunnittelun lähestymistapoja, aihetta on tarkasteltu non-profit
näkökulmasta. Kolmannessa luvussa käsitellään markkinointistrategiasuunnittelun keskeiset
periaatteet: valmistelu, analyysi, kohderyhmän tunnistaminen, tavoitteiden asettaminen,
kehittäminen ja arviointi. Suunnitteluprosessi etenee kyseisen mallin mukaisesti ja
tutkimusmenetelminä on käytetty kyselyä, havainnointia ja SWOT-analyysia.
Toimeksiantajalle laadittiin tuotos, joka on hyödyksi Alliancen tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi.
Työssä kehitettiin ehdotuksia markkinoinnin strategian toteuttamiseksi. Opinnäytetyön
toimeksiantajan arvioinnin perusteella markkinointistrategia tullaan toteuttamaan.
Asiasanat: markkinointi, markkinointistrategia, non-profit, prosessimallinnus
Laurea University of Applied Sciences Abstract
Bachelor’s Degree Program in Hotel and restaurant management
Enckell, Maxim
Planning strategic marketing for non-profit organizations case study: HVNA Alliance ry
The following study examines the process of planning strategic marketing for non-profit
organizations. These companies have become an integral part of our society, not only in
Finland but all over the world, and a thorough understanding of this planning process can be
highly beneficial. The objective of this study is to create a clear and concise review of the
marketing strategy planning for a specific company, a non-profit organization, “Alliance ry,”
which has worked with Russian-speaking youth in Finland for over 10 years.
This study is divided into two main sections: the analytical section and the section on the case
study of Alliance ry.
The analytical section covers three main topics. First, a non-profit company and its main
features are defined. A clear understanding of these features is necessary for creating a
successful marketing strategy. Second, an examination of marketing planning approaches from
a non-profit point of view is included. Finally, a description of the main principles of marketing
strategy planning are covered : preparation, target group analysis and identification, objectives,
and finally, evaluation. The planning process directly correlates to these principals.
The case study section, shows how the non-profit company received marketing planning
guidance, which would help it reach its own objectives. The study developed proposals for the
implementation of marketing strategy, and based on client feedback, its marketing strategy will
be implemented in the near future.
Keywords: non-profit, marketing, strategy, process planning
Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................... 6
Background of the study .................................................................. 6
Overview of Case Organization (Alliance ry) .......................................... 7
Research objectives ....................................................................... 7
Research methods .......................................................................... 8
Analytical Overview ............................................................................... 8
Non-profit organization ................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Non-profit organization features ................................................ 9
2.1.2 Non-profit organization classification ........................................ 10
Marketing planning approaches ........................................................ 11
2.2.1 Non-profit marketing ............................................................ 12
2.2.2 Marketing mix ..................................................................... 12
The marketing planning process ....................................................... 17
2.3.1 Preparing to plan ................................................................. 18
2.3.2 The situation analysis ........................................................... 19
2.3.3 Target audiences ................................................................. 19
2.3.4 Marketing objectives ............................................................ 20
2.3.5 Message development ........................................................... 20
2.3.6 Measurement and evaluation................................................... 20
2.3.7 Marketing strategy plan benefits .............................................. 21
Case Study: Marketing strategy planning for Alliance ry .................................. 21
Preparation before planning ........................................................... 21
SWOT analyze for Allince ry ............................................................ 22
Understanding the target audience ................................................... 23
Setting the objectives ................................................................... 24
Framing .................................................................................... 25
Evaluation of success .................................................................... 25
Conclusion ......................................................................................... 26
List of References ........................................................................................ 28
Appendices ............................................................................................... 30
1. Introduction
Marketing is an important part of business development in various organizations, including
those in the non-profit sector, and marketing is at the heart of a successful company in every
field including non-commercial sector. Marketing management for non-profit organizations
has great economical and social importance because it helps to address a wide range of
society’s problems in a more effective way. The results of these activities are designed to
meet specific public needs and can be brought to the consumer through information
exchange, cooperation, trust, respect and support. Because of this, marketing as a tool plays
a core role in linking these non-profit companies with the final customer. However, marketing
for non-profit organizations is often given little attention while a limited pool of non-profit
organizations actually realize the necessity of using a marketing approach as one of the
important factors in their work. In this regard, the relevance of research in marketing for
non-profit organization is important and reasonable subject for research.
In today’s world, non-profit organizations play a more important role in society. According to
Andreasen there are three most important explanations for their role in civil society. First, the fact
that they provide services which are not often offered by government. Usually governmental
services cover the median voter, while non-profit organizations provide for the rest. Secondly,
sometimes profit organizations cannot be trusted to fairly and equitably provide some goods and
services. And lastly, non-profit organizations cover the gap that national and international
governments create due to their implementation policies that are not effective in creating faster
change (Andreasen 2008, 4).
Background of the study
The non-profit sector exists to the benefit of the society, but within the non-profit sector, there is
a rich and dynamic diversity of causes and organizations (Wymer 2006,7). Marketing in the nonprofit sector has been considered an important way for an organization to increase its reach and
efficiency, and as a result maximize the competitive capacity for organization. With the right
approach, well-integrated marketing strategies solve a number of issues that arise in the work of
non-profit organizations. For example, the increasing involvement of volunteers, attracting media
attention and potential investors. Also with the help of marketing an organization can increase its
perception and garner more trust.
Marketing strategy planning is important, even for small companies. It helps drive increasing
competition and demands for accountability. In addition, well-done strategy planning allows nonprofits to coordinate activities throughout their organization over time so that actions that need to
be completed before others will be done on time (Wymer 2006, 89). Therefore, it raises up the
idea to research the specifics in marketing strategy planning in non-profits.
Overview of Case Organization (Alliance ry)
Finnish-Russian Youth Cooperative, Alliance ry, is a national youth service for the young
Russian-speaking generation living in Finland. It is a politically and religiously free organization
that has around 125 members. The Alliance’s aims are to help grow young people into
responsible members of society, participation in decision-making and international activities.
The Alliance serves youth organizations and youth work in cultural and education fields.
The cooperative’s goal is to involve these Russian-speaking youths in different types of activity:
cultural, educational, and tourism, and they organize various kinds of activities both in Finland
and abroad. The cooperative closely collaborates with the Russian consulate in Finland and
with the Russian cultural centre in Helsinki.
According to the cooperative’s Charter of Organization the main goals are to present to the
Finnish public modern Russia, it’s language, history, cultural, and scientific and economic
potential. As well as the preservation of the linguistic and national identity of the Russianspeaking population in Finland and cooperation with the Finnish state and public organizations
for the implementation of the Russian-speaking population and the interests to promote a
positive image of Russia and Russians in Finland. Also coordination of interaction between
associations of Russian compatriots living both in Finland and in other countries as well as
between them and government and non-governmental organizations of the Russian Federation
and Finland is also an important part of cooperative’s strategy.
The non-profit organization is working in primarily in a few different fields: culture, language and
education, programs for youth, scientific and business cooperation, and support of the Russianspeaking population in Finland.
Research objectives
The objectives of this thesis are to analysis the marketing approach of non-profit organizations
and analysis marketing strategy planning process for Alliance ry. In accordance with this
purpose, objectives of the thesis are: familiarization with the essence of marketing strategy for
non-profit organizations, analysis of the specific marketing strategies for non-profit organizations
and identifying the role of marketing for non-profit organizations.
In the summary, the marketing strategy plan for the target organization taking into consideration
specifics of work and field of operation, will be covered. The thesis will present the planning
process, analyzing each step of planning strategy, from setting of goals and finishing of
methods of evaluation.
Research methods
In this work I am going to use such methods as observation to analysis the role of marketing for
non-profit organizations and new approaches and surveys to understand our target group’s
needs and potential clients. For data collection there are a number of different methods. The
most common methods for data collection are the postal questionnaire, the Internet
questionnaire, interview forms and systematic observation. (Vilkka 2007, 27)
For this thesis I will conduct a survey regarding the target organisation. Through this survey, I
want to find out the most appropriate method of communication for our target group. This survey
will take place through social media tools.
After the survey and data collection, the analysis of the information begins. In this part, it is
usually easier to gather all the answers together and compare the answers than to analysis the
answers separately. At the end, based on the results, I will make the marketing decisions.
These decisions will form the basis for further marketing strategy for my target organization.
This will be only one research that will take place in this thesis. The rest of the data will be
available as secondary data from open sources. In my case this sources will be Internet
databases, academic articles and reports.
2. Analytical Overview
Non-profit organization
The name "non-profit organization" means that the main purpose of the organization is not in
the production of financial profit for the organization itself or for its owners. According to the
Handbook on Non-profit Institutions in the System of National Accounts, (2003, 26) the
international classification of non-profit organization characterizes the basic principles of these
kind of organizations: Organizations, that are non-profit, and by law or custom, do not distribute
any surplus they may generate to those whom own or control them, and that are institutionally
separate from government, self-governing and non-compulsory.
Understanding the term of “non-profit organization” is very important because the non-profit
sector has grown faster than the private sector all over the world in the past years. For example,
the USA’s non-profit sector has grown from 1996 to 2004 by 28.8 percent overall. Most of the
growth in the sector is represented by charity organisations, whose share increased by more
than 50 per cent. The figures and the numbers are huge, but it is the only visible part of
numbers. It’s important to remember that non-profits include millions of volunteers around the
world, but the amount and value that they contribute to the organization is almost impossible to
calculate. (Andreasen & Kotler, 2008, 15-16). But of course the USA is not a unique case and
non-profits and voluntary organisations have a long history in other parts of the world, including
Non-profit organization features
Non-profit organizations have a number of key features that distinguish them from ordinary
commercial or government organisations. Understanding these features gives a clear vision of
how these organizations operate, how they are funded and also managed. According to
Salamon (Salamon 1996), there are five key characteristics of non-profit organization.
First is the ownership structure and the fact that they are self-governing. Non-profit
organizations do not have ownership structures like businesses or commercial companies. Nonprofits do not belong to one person or shareholders. A non-profit company is “owned” by the
public, because it exists and produces services or goods for everybody, and a non-profit
company cannot be sold to other organization. The self-governing aspect of non-profit
organizations means that all top-level decisions and direction remains with the board of
directors or trustees. Usually this is a group of people who most actively participate in the day to
day operations of the organization. Their mission and vision of a company monitors the
implementation of the charter and allows them to make important decisions. They also need to
ensure accountability of finance and find sources of funding. Accountability is one of the main
factors in non-profit sector. It is not just to comply with the law, but also to built respect and
protect their reputation. This is a critical aspect for people to be willing to donate money.
The second characteristic is that a non-profit company is separate from government. Non-profit
organizations are not part of the state power, and it is important that the structure of such
organizations can not be involved in the structure of government. It does not mean that nonprofit organizations may not receive funding from the state, or that state officials cannot enter
the board of directors, but that the organization has an institutional identity separate from that of
the state. It is not an instrumentality of any unit of government whether national or local.
(Salamon 1996, 3).
The third main characteristic is a lack of distributed profit. The purpose of a non-profit
organization is not intended to make a profit from its activities. The organization can accumulate
finances during the year, but it cannot be given to members of the organization or the board of
trustees. Salamon raises the fundamental question, how does the organization handle profits?
And draws a clear bounder: ”If they are reinvested or otherwise applied to the stated purpose of
the organization, the organization would qualify as a non-profit institution. This differentiates
non-profit organizations from the other component of the private sector - private businesses”
(Salamon 1996, 3).
And the last one is voluntary activity. Volunteering is an integral part of the non-profit company.
Volunteers could be present at all levels, ranging from the ordinary members to the board of
trustees. Voluntary means not only financial support, but also spending one’s own time to
support the organization. In addition, “voluntary” also carries the meaning of “non-compulsory.”
Organizations in which membership is required or otherwise stipulated by law have to be
excluded from the non-profit sector. (ConnectUs 2016)
Non-profit organization classification
Non-profit organizations could be categorized by their structure or by primary area of activity.
Structure of a non-profit could be formal or informal. Informal types of organizations are
volunteer operated and have no paid staff. Formal non-profits usually have more than one paid
staff and they’re registered with the government in their country (Wymer 2006, 8).
Depending on country-specific laws an organization may have various category of activity, but
generally it falls into one of these categories:
Religious organizations. This kind of organization promotes religious beliefs, religious services
and different kind of rituals. Usually included in this category are churches, mosques,
synagogues, temples, shrines and other similar religious institutions.
Education. This type of organization’s activities includes administering, providing, promoting,
conducting, supporting and servicing education and research.
Health-related organizations. This kind of non-profit organization is involved in health-care
activities such as nursing homes, psychiatric hospitals, mental health treatment and others.
Social welfare. These organizations provide different kinds of social programs including selfhelp and other personal social services.
Art and cultural organizations. Organizations and activities in general and specialized fields of
culture and recreation.
Business and professional field. This type of organization promotes, regulates and guarantees
the business, and professional interests. Also different types of professional unions belong to
this sector.
Youth development organizations. The main field of work for these organizations concentrates
on the support of young people. This includes educational and cultural programs aimed at
supporting young people in various aspects of life.
Other types on non-profit. This category includes organizations that are difficult to determine in
other categories (Salamon 1996 7-22, Wymer 2006, 9).
Despite the detailed categories, this classification is rather arbitrary and only shows the main
areas of a non-profit’s work. Some organizations working in related fields have no clear
classification or their type of activity depends on the specific project. However, these are the
main areas of activity, and as a rule the majority of the organization can falls to one or the other
Marketing planning approaches
Any type of organization consists of different departments that operate separately and have
specific functions in the organization: financial department, sales department, legal services
division etc. The marketing department is also one part of organization’s overall structure. The
mechanism and goals of the marketing department may vary specifically from company to
company depending on the type of business, size of the company, cultural background and the
company’s operational area and marketing aims. Despite these differences, there are certain
functions that marketing departments always perform.
Marketing is a way of thinking and acting in certain ways, and marketing goals are set to make
the organization's services and products well known. Also marketing seeks to answer its
customer’s needs, create an interest and associate a product or service to the customer, which
helps them to find each other (Vuokko 2003, 38-39). Kotler defined marketing as ”the social
process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want thought creating and
exchanging products and services of value with others” (Kotler 1982,6).
Thus, marketing is an effective tool to understand the needs and requirements of a market and
choose those that a company can serve better than others. This will allow the company to
produce a higher quality product or service. Using marketing, a company could increase sales
and achieve goals by better serving the needs of targeted customers.
Non-profit marketing
Non-profit marketing has a number of features that should be considered when planning and
conducting marketing strategy. Non-profit marketing, the same as profit marketing, relies on the
marketing mix. Marketing mix will be examined in the next section in more detail. Unlike a
commercial company's marketing, non-profit marketing strategy has multiple objectives.
Typically, and often the only one goal for a business organization is long-run profitability. Nonprofits need to achieve several goals, depending on the-profile, and the most important of these
objectives may be non-financial. Implementation of marketing strategy in non-profits is more
difficult, because usually there is no paid staff and most of the work is performed by volunteers.
In addition, the result of marketing strategy is difficult to measure. (Tschirhart, 2012, 171).
Another feature of non-profit marketing is that the company often has multiple constituencies. In
the case of a commercial company, the main and primary constituency is the customer, who is
both consumer and money source in one. In the noncommercial world there could be two
targets: those who subsidize the organization (source of money) and those who will use the
organization's services or product. Both of these groups need a different approach that would
take into account their specific features.
Finally, non-profit organizations are subject to public scrutiny because they are funded by public
money and people are interested in knowing how their money is spent. So non-profits should be
prepared for potential negative public opinion. During marketing strategy, planning of this factor
should not be ignored.
The cornerstone of a successful business organization is the rule, "the customer is always
right." However, this approach doesn’t work in the non-profit world. Often the "customer
rightness" and his vision of what is good for him, may conflict with the organization's mission. All
these factors must be taken into account during marketing strategy designing. Using direct
marketing approaches for business organizations in this case is not appropriate.
Marketing mix
Marketing mix is a kit of marketing techniques that companies use to implement their marketing
strategy. These techniques are known as the four P’s of marketing: product (the offer), price
(monetary and nonmonetary costs), promotion (marketing communication with target audience)
and place (distribution, location, and availability of product). The choice, content and
implementation of these controllable variables are extremely important for the success of the
organization (Wymer 2006, 122).
Figure 1 Marketing Mix (Jobber 2009)
Product is the core and most important feature in an organization. The Product is the “face” of
company. Only after the organization has decided what it sells or offers, further plans about
price, place and promotion could be made. In the context of non-profit market identifying the
product could be a challenge. Usually non-profit offers/products are rarely goods, and more
often they are services or social programs. The goods are something that we can touch and it
may be manufactured and stored for later distribution. A service is perishable, inseparable and
variable, because it always depends on the service provider. Social marketing programs are
even more difficult to define because they are more intangible, perishable, variable and
inseparable than a service (Wymer 2006, 123).
In building a marketing strategy five levels of a company’s organization should be considered
(Figure 2). This approach could be very useful in non-profit marketing when it comes to
developing better offers, anticipating competition and developing marketing communication.
The core level is a fundamental need, or what does target audience expect from product. This
level is the heart of any service or product. All other product levels should not be lower priority
to this level. The next level is called "basic." In this level all the qualities of the product or service
are represented. In the third level, presented is a set of characteristics that the product must
have in the target group’s opinion, the expectations of the final costumers. This level is often
called "the perfect product profile" and it includes a set of basic mandatory functions as well as
the expectations and views of the target consumer about the service features.
Potential offer
Augmented offer
Expected offer
Basic offer
Core benefit
Figure 2 Five levels of non-profit offer (Wymer 2006)
The next level is the augmented offer that includes anything that comes with the expected level
that the target audience does not expect. It is the set of important characteristics that make
sense of unique. At the final potential level, there is a set of possible improvements and
modifications of the service or product, which can improve its competitiveness in the future. This
level is necessary for long-term vision and strategies. In this level previous mistakes or
omissions can be corrected, and in case of loss of competitive advantage the potential product
level will quickly react to changing situations (Wymer 2006, 123-126).
According to Jobber the aspect of place has to do with the decisions concerning the utilized
distribution channels and their management, the location of outlets, methods of transportation
and the inventory levels to be held (Jobber 2009, 10). In the case of non-profit organizations this
aspect is not as important as for profit organizations. Most non-profits do not produce a physical
product and some of them do not even have an office. In this case it will be more relevant to
think about creating am online location and web site. In creating a marketing strategy, it is
necessary to pay attention to how the service or information about organization will reach their
target audience. Typically, non-profits must overcome time, place and possession gaps that
often exist between non-profit programs and their potential customers (Wymer 2006, 136).
Pricing is one of the most difficult decisions in a non-profit organization. It is a much more
complex topic than in a usual commercial organization. According to the official definition of a
non-profit organization, non-profits have no profit objectives. They are prohibited from
generating profits from operations or other sources. But on the other hand non-profits also need
funds to operate as a typical commercial structure.
In the pricing policy the first thing that a non-profit organization must decide is the objectives
that it wants to achieve. Usually the objectives are in conflict but a choice must be made. Kotler
lists the possible options for pricing policy: surplus maximization, cost recovery, market size
maximization, social equity and market disincentivization (Andreasen & Kotler, 2008, 238). The
non-profit managers must keep prices reasonably high as they are needed to ensure continuing
revenues to the organization. In this case all other costs should be reduced as much as
possible to lower barriers. But if the product is already properly positioned in the market it is
possible to achieve a better pricing strategy.
Promotion can be very useful in the non-profit word. Promotion is communication to the target
audience about the availability and benefits of the service. It is used to inform target groups
about an organization's offers and programs. Also it can also be used to remind customers that
the product is already ready to be used and teach about its features (Tschirhart, 2012, 191).
Traditionally promotion consists of different tools, which are also known as the promotional mix.
This mix consist of following tools: advertising, sales promotions, publicity and public relations,
personal persuasion, direct marketing, Internet marketing, and other tools. (Figure 3). Also, as
in the case with the pricing policy, before using particular tools from the promotional mix an
organization has to clearly define the objectives and priorities of the company. In addition, it is
necessary to pay attention to the marketing budget.
From all of the lists of promotional tools, I would like to look into the details of a couple of tools
that are most accessible to small non-profit organizations with a limited marketing budget.
Public Service
Other Tools
Figure 3 Promotional Mix (Tschirhart 2012)
Internet marketing has become a very useful and effective tool for non-profits today. Finland has
one of the highest percentages of Internet users, and according to a statistic that was published
in 2013, among the population aged 16 to 89, 85% use the Internet ( Obviously, in 2016
this number rose even higher. Web pages and pages in social networks have become virtually
mandatory for non-profits today. The non-profit organization’s web page must be sufficiently
informative, easy to navigate, and provide possibility of feedback and provide related links.
Visitors of the website should be able to get the most complete information about the company
and possibility to ask questions.
Social media also plays a huge role in mobilizing people. It links friends, friends of friends,
family members and associates. For every non-profit organization it is absolutely necessary to
have at least its own profile in Facebook, and in the best case own a channel on YouTube,
Twitter and blogs. If we compare using social media with traditional advertising, there are a
number of advantages to use social media instead traditional advertising. Social media as an
advertising tool has lower costs and has a broader and more accurate coverage of the target
audience. Moreover, a social network’s popularity exceeds all traditional advertise channels
(newspaper, TV, posters, etc.) and the audience of social networks is growing daily.
Direct marketing refers to marketing messages addressed to specific individuals. Examples are
telemarketing, direct mail and Internet direct marketing using e-mail messages (Wymer 2006,
195). For many non-profits direct marketing is the most cost-effective form of marketing. Direct
marketing could be used for many purposes: to attract operating funds, to communicate the
organization’s programs, and to involve new members and many others. Direct marketing is a
universal tool both for business to business and to the consumer market. Some direct marketing
tools are: letters, e-mails, phone calls, and telemarketing. A combination of effective tools of
direct marketing and social media allows you to use a maximum number of opportunities for
customer contact.
As a rule, marketing strategy will be effective only if a non-profit organization has a good
relationship with members and with target group. To achieve this result a Public Relationship
tool should be used, and understanding public relations as a marketing tool and how it affects
non-profit organization is very important. Some companies strategically promote a positive
image through their marketing channels (Tschirhart, 2012, 330).
It is important to note that the public relationship helps to not only promote the product or
service on the market, but it also helps to improve the overall image of company for its
audience. A public relationship target audience is not only the final consumer but sometimes
they are far from being the most important target group. Therefore, the list of issues solved by
PR-services goes far beyond marketing departments.
Tschirhart also notes that even small non-profit organizations can keep track of the extent and
tone of their media coverage. There are a lot of tools available to track customer satisfaction,
achievement of objectives and media coverage in Internet. Many of them do not require material
costs and are very helpful (Tschirhart, 2012, 330).
The marketing planning process
Marketing strategy planning is a continuous cyclical process, whose aims are to bring the
potential opportunities of the enterprise in line with market requirements. Planning the marketing
strategy is carried out in different companies in different ways, depending on the goals and
objectives, organization structure, etc. The range of marketing strategies is wide enough:
sometimes they are the only solutions for sales teams, and sometimes it is included in defining
business strategy and various marketing aspects of the company. In section three I considered
in details the main features of non-profit marketing.
To conduct a successful marketing strategy and to ensure stable development of the company it
is very useful and helpful to create and implement a marketing plan. During the planning of
marketing strategy the organization should comply with a specific sequence (Patterson&Radtke,
2009, 1-5).
Preparing to plan
In the beginning of any project, the first thing to do is to clearly define the goals and objectives
of the organization. Patterson & Radtke underline, that it has to be done before engaging in the
planning process. It is important that at this step these goals and aims are clear for each team
member, because all further work will be based on the organization’s mission. For each
objective Patterson & Radtke recommend to use, the so called SMART test: Is the objective
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Bound? By asking these questions, the
most appropriate objectives for the further strategy could be chosen. So as early as this, the
very first stage of planning, it is necessary to take into consideration factors like: the profile of
the organization, amount of staff, and budget. Roles and responsibilities also have to be divided
as soon as possible, and it is very useful to create a roadmap for all further actions.
Figure 4 SMART Test (Patterson&Radtke 2009)
The goals and mission should be clear and provide an understanding of future direction, not
only to members of the organization, but also volunteers and the non-profit’s target public
(clients, donors, etc.) A clear and concise definition of its core mission and goals will help not
only in planning marketing process, but also in daily work in the organization.
The situation analysis
When the organization’s vision and goals are defined and clearly articulated, marketing plan
creation can move on to the next step. The meaning of the second stage is the comprehensive
environmental analysis or situation analysis. The purpose is to examine the areas both inside
and outside the organization. The most suitable tool for this might be the, so-called SWOT
analysis. SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis helps to assess
both internal processes and the impact of external factors to the organization’s work processes
(Patterson&Radtke, 2009, 44). The SWOT analysis is a common tool to evaluate the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats of organization, project, situation or strategy. Therefore
its designed to evaluate the main internal and external factors, which is important to achieve
some goals and objectives. With the help of this tool it is easier to achieve understanding of the
whole organization, and its opportunities and weaknesses.
Target audiences
For successful a marketing strategy it is absolutely necessary to understand the target
audience. In the case of non-profit marketing the target group will include everybody who works
with a company. Before a plan will come into effect it is important to identify its consumer’s
needs, wishes, motivation and interests. During this step, it is useful to conduct a survey and
other observations. Collecting this data and feedback about the ways of improvement or
changes can also give good results. Sometimes the solution of complex issues is much better
seen from another point of view.
Also, in order to involve new members in the organization and for the expansion of the
organization it is important to understand the potential target group of people who might be
interested in the activities of the organization. The organization should define this group and
understand its features and character. The bаsic approach for the determination of this group is
geographic factors (country, cities, location); demographic factors (sex, age, education);
psychographic factors (lifestyle, interests). All of these factors must be considered and
understood. A clear understanding of your target audience will help the organization articulate
its message and plan the marketing strategy most effectively and efficiently.
Marketing objectives
For planning purposes, non-profit organization should have a list of objectives. Marketing
objectives can be targeted in different areas, and this may be an internal audience, work with
sponsors and attraction of new members to the organization (Pezzullo, 8).
Objectives have to be clear and understandable for the whole organization’s staff. When a nonprofit company sets objectives, the marketing team should consider how realistic the objectives
are, how easily achievable the goals are, how measurable they are and who will be in
responsible for them (Andreasen & Kotler 2008, 69-70). Objectives can be sorted by priority and
date of implementation.
Message development
At this stage it is necessary to structure the marketing message recipients on various
parameters. This might be people who are already involved in non-profit work or people who are
just interested in this non-profit organization. Measures may be quite different, depending on
organization's objectives. Patterson & Radtke use the definition of «framing» for this process.
The main goal at this stage is to plan marketing strategy so that information and messages will
come arrive at the right audience. It means that some information may be intended only for
people who are already involved in an organization’s structure or only for supporters. The target
group might be absolutely different and could change depending of the goals and aims.
Measurement and evaluation
A very important step in marketing strategy planning is an evaluation of the plan by all
stakeholders and gathering feedback from them. «If you do not define your success, others will
discuss your failures» writes Pattersson&Radtke (Patterson&Radtke 2009, 151). The plan
should be evaluated and diversified from different points of view. Objectives from the first step
of the planning have to be carefully analyzed, and common evaluating tools are surveys,
observation, clipping service or focusing groups. All employees should be actively involved in
the evaluating process as managers have to create an atmosphere where employees are
engaged, not simply taking orders. Kotler notices that a clear tracking system should be used
to monitor marketing activities, which can be corrected if necessary.
After carrying out all their analytic work, research and brainstorming, it is time to summarize all
data and put it all together. All of the different strategies and choices should be prioritized and
sorted by relevance. The final plan can be presented to the company as a presentation or
guideline, then at this stage it is really important to be opened to criticism and suggestions.
While discussing the plan, it may raise new concerns and the person who is responsible for the
internal communication strategy implementation needs to consider them. The team should think
in advance about the date when the plan takes effect and the time of implementation of the new
Marketing strategy plan benefits
Some companies, especially in the non-profit sector, are sceptical about the marketing
planning, but every company, non-profit or profit, regardless of its size have to have a marketing
strategy plan. It is a good tool to remove the fog and barriers to vision. Well-done and structured
marketing strategies help to determine what activities should be done and what should be
ignored. All these things are necessary to discuss with all team members and in the future it will
keep the team focused on work that matters.
Another positive feature of a marketing strategy is that it provides a detailed, step-by-step guide
for how to achieve a company's aims and goals. As a result, the company can save resources
for marketing and be willing to change the situation in field.
3. Case Study: Marketing strategy planning for Alliance ry
The marketing strategy should be developed in terms of aims of the organization and cannot
contradict to them. The goals and ways of achieving them should not be contrary to the charter
of the organization. The marketing strategy planning makes sense to conduct before an annual
members meeting and it could be presented to all members during the meeting. It provides
reassurance that the majority of members in Alliance ry will be able to read it and discuss during
the meeting.
The planning process can allow all interested members of the organization to participate. From
this, members should be chosen in groups of 2-3 people whose responsibility will be planning
the strategy and it’s implementation. This will be the so-called Marketing Action Team (MAT).
Preparation before planning
According Wymer, objectives can be divided into two groups: qualitative and quantitative.
Qualitative objectives are more difficult to measure and verify. They are more common and
likely determine the direction of motion. Quantitative goals are more concrete and easily
measurable, for example, numbers, amount of visitors and so on (Wymer 2006, 31).
In the case of the Alliance ry non-profit organization, qualitative goals have been already spelled
out in the general position, and include areas such as: supporting Russian compatriots in
matters of adaptation and integration in local society, and the promotion of a positive image of
Russian culture in Finland. Quantitative objectives should include three major thrusts: campaign
for involvement of new members, web page and social media page visitor increases, and
creation of new channels of communication with potential participants. All of these objectives
are realistic to achieve and could be measured and clear for all organization staff.
At the end of this step, members of the organization need to choose at least three people in that
area of responsibility who will be key to achieving its marketing objectives. Of course all
members of the organization should take active part in the implementation of this strategy, but
these small teams should coordinate action in this direction. A MAT (Marketing Action Team)
should consist of the most interested in marketing members of the organization. Their duties
include providing marketing goals for all members of the organization, identify target audiences,
set time frames for marketing campaigns and ensuring that objectives can be monitored and
measured. Obligatory meeting of all members of the organization is carried out in accordance
with the charter twice a year: spring and autumn meeting. During this meetings discussions
include the current organization’s activities, voting on new initiatives and reporting of the work
done. On this basis it is reasonable to set a time frame for the implementation of the objectives
every half a year.
SWOT analyze for Allince ry
At this stage, using the SWOT-analysis tool is necessary to identify the strengths and
weaknesses of the organization, and its possible opportunities and threats. Based on the results
of this analysis, the marketing action team can plan the marketing strategy more efficiently and
accurately. SWOT analysis should be based on experience of working in Alliance, as well as in
the organization structure.
One of the strengths of the organization is great experience. Alliance ry has been engaged in its
activities for about 10 years and during that time it’s had a great deal experience in the
organization of cultural and educational events. Throughout the activity many contacts have
been established with both the Finnish organizations, as well as with European partners. Long
history and deep roots help to attract new partners. Volunteers can also be attributed to the
strengths of the organization. Volunteers can mean an enormous savings to the organization,
which is particularly important to a small non-profit.
There is no paid staff in Alliance ry, so the non-profit organization cannot attract the professional
marketer. Volunteers and enthusiasts will do all work in the field of marketing. Moreover, there is
no official marketing budget in the organization. Therefore, for all the possible costs of
marketing (posters, stickers, symbols) the organization will need to seek additional funding. A
weakness can be mentioned as the organization has an almost complete lack of experience in
The post perspective opportunity for Alliance ry is working with its target audience, the Russianspeaking community. People who mentioned Russian as mother tongue are 62 000 in Finland
and it shows that there is great potential for the development of the organization. (Helsingin
Sanomat) Another opportunity is development of social media as a marketing channel.
Nowadays promotion in the Internet is still in the beginning stage of development, and also
Alliance ry is not represented in some social networks such as YouTube and Twitter.
As for many others non-profit organizations, the main threat could be funding reductions, and
another possible risk could be the emergence of competitors and difficulties measuring the
impact of certain programs. And a long term threat could be mentionedv- the general decline of
interest in Russian culture.
Understanding the target audience
Identifying the target audience for the Alliance is quite easy. The target audience is Russianspeaking people aged 18 to 30 years. To participate in volunteer work does not necessarily
require fluent skills in the Russian language, but the volunteer should at least be open enough
to be interested in Russian culture and language studies. The age frames are also flexible, but
target group is exactly that age.
Although participation in the non-profit organization is not limited by location, for the most
effective interaction between organization and members, it makes sense to limit its target
audience to the Capital region. Factors such a sex, level of education and income are not
According the Helsinki city Titokeskus, the most common foreign language in Helsinki is
Russian. As a primary it was used in early 2013, by 15 341 people, which is more than one in
five other languages. A Similar situation is in Espoo and Vantaa (Helsingin kaupunki
Tietokeskus, 2013). Add to that people for whom Russian language is not native it turns out
there is quite an extensive group in metropolitan area. All these factors suggest that marketing
activities should be firstly concentrated in the metropolitan area.
Members are also an important target group of the Alliance ry. Most of them living in Capital
area (Appendix 3). Through members information is going forward to other people. Other
stakeholders in the organization, as supporters and the media are not in the context of this
strategy. Marketing policy in the organization is still in the beginning level and it is not
worthwhile to try to direct everything for everyone, but concentrate all activities to the chosen
group of people. Inclusion other target groups however, might be possible on later stage, when
marketing strategy will be more familiar to the organization.
Setting the objectives
Based on the understanding of the target audience at this stage, it is necessary to set precise
marketing goals. Taking into account the limited marketing budget and limited time period, it
makes sense to develop the Internet visibility of organization. This step was carried out by a
survey in organization’s social media group, in which the main goals have become more
apparent (Appendix 1). 64 people participated on the summary, and the results of survey can be
found in diagram form in Appendix 2.
Based on the data, most respondents prefer to receive information about upcoming events via
social networks. Thus, marketing activities should be concentrated in the field of Internet
visibility. It takes as an increase of the audience, as well as improvement communication with
the current. To do this, is necessary to increase the amount of communication channels.
At this stage the main goals could be summarized as the following:
Use all possible channels of communication (online as well as offline) to attract an
audience which is not familiar with organization’s activities.
Create a new approach of updating social media when users add content by
Increase amount of visitors and views of existing channels.
Try to use a Russian-language print media as a promotional platform.
Qualitative objectives include creating of understanding, why it is useful to be involved in
company's activities. Information about past events, projects should be easy to find, be
attractive and informative. Reports and interviews with participants will create clear vision about
advantages and opportunities that they get being involved in the volunteers work.
The purpose of this step is to specify the marketing activities for a variety of tasks and as a
result choose the most suitable communication channel. The main directions of marketing
activities can be divided into two main directions. Activity aimed at an audience that is not yet
familiar with the non-profit organization's activities and to an audience that already knows about
the organization's activities.
Selection of specific marketing channels is important decision for MAT. This choice is based on
the evaluation of their profitability. For example, if an ad should appear in magazines, it is
necessary to examine the data on their circulation and audience coverage. In the case of
Alliance ry it may be the partner media. For example it could be the monthly newspaper "Spectr"
or the monthly magazine "Terve" ( Then it is necessary to evaluate media
characteristics such as credibility, prestige, presence of regional newspapers and periodicals
professional bias, quality of printing, editorial policy, the duration of the order and timing of the
psychological impact on the reader. On the basis of this assessment MAT will decide which of
these channels are most appropriate. An important indicator is the cost of advertising per 1000
people. If an ad in the newspaper is too expensive in terms of the number of readers, it makes
sense to select a different channel, such as the Internet marketing.
Another possible marketing channel, which has not yet been used, is posters at a meeting place
of people who are interested in or studying the Russian language. For example Russian
Cultural Centre in Helsinki. In the front of the main entrance is a stand for the ads that can be a
good advertising platform for upcoming events.
For an audience that is already somehow aware of the work of the organization or is involved in
its work the most acceptable means of marketing is marketing on the Internet. Direct Mail and
development groups in social networks are the priorities at this stage.
Evaluation of success
Process of measuring and evaluating is one of the most important in whole marketing strategy
planning. Through this process organization can develop marketing activities, monitor work
progress, figure out the most challenging areas. In addition, the organization should receive the
necessary feedback from organization’s members and from the end users. Based on them, the
company can adjust its work to improve problem areas.
The measurability of Internet marketing activities is much easier than, for example, in the
traditional marketing activities. Using different Internet tools is possible to measure almost all
things, but the goal is to find the right dimensions of the matters relating to the objectives set.
Measurements can be divided into different types. The first measurement is an amount of
views. For example, web page administrators will easily find out that data. This is useful,
in case, when is necessary to share the message or news. However, amount of views does not
show how many people take advantage of his information.
Another type of measurements for successful Internet visibility is amount of followers in social
media. It could be followers in Facebook, VK, or in future YouTube channel. This numbers
indicate only that the amount of users who follow organization's media channel, and does not
show the hole picture of users interest. The third important measurement is engagement.
Engagement means amount of users who participate in the production of content. It could be
comments, posts or sharing.
Thus, to evaluate marketing activity, must take all these measurements into consideration. The
growth of only one of them cannot be the indicator of success. Only growth of all three
indicators shows increasing Internet visibility for the target organization. MAT should set a
specific goal for each of these parameters and try to achieve them at a certain date.
With regard to marketing activities is the Internet, the performance indicators may serve to
attract new members, the involvement of partner organizations and media references to
Alliance. More remembrance in the media, even local, creates a positive reputation for the
organization. This may help in attracting new partners and new sponsors.
4. Conclusion
The main objective of this study was to show the marketing strategy planning process for nonprofit organizations. Taking into consideration features of the non-profit sector, operating field of
the case company and a limited marketing budget was shown at all steps of creating marketing
strategy. As a result of this thesis the case organization received a comprehensive analysis of
target audience, analysis of marketing channels as well as a ready plan for implementation.
During the next annual meeting this strategy will be discussed with members of Alliance. Even if
the plan will not implemented, the organization will have detailed instructions for planning
marketing strategies. Besides this plan can be used in partner organizations in other cities.
The analytic part of this thesis focused on the main features of the non-profit sector, such as the
structure of the non-profit company, funding and work with sponsors, approaches to working
with volunteers and classification of non-profit companies. Understanding of these features
gives possibility not only to create a marketing plan, but also improve working of whole nonprofit company.
The chapter about marketing theory was written keeping in mind the non-profit marketing
specific. Classic 4P approach in marketing has a number of differences from compare with
forprofit organizations. Despite the fact that the non-profit marketing is a relatively new field in
the marketing, it is already written quite a lot books and articles about it, mainly in English
The research problem was to find out the most effective approach to increase visibility of
Alliance by using marketing tools. From my point of view this goal is absolutely realistic. Using
internet marketing tools and also trying traditional marketing channels the organization can
greatly increase its visibility and attract more attention to their work. It is obvious, that with a
limited budged, the size of the organization and the specifics of its target audience, it is
impossible to simply solve financial problems or attract major sponsors using only marketing.
But I'm sure that a thoughtful marketing plan can be a good starting point for further
development of the organization.
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ConnectUs 2016. ConnectUs Communications. Retrieved April 24, 2016
Helsingin Sanomat 2013. Venäjänkielinen Suomi on jo ruotsinkielistä suurempi. Retrieved April
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Figure 1 Marketing Mix (Jobber 2009) ....................................................................................13
Figure 2 Five levels of non-profit offer (Wymer 2006) ............................................................14
Figure 3 Promotional Mix (Tschirhart 2012) ............................................................................16
Figure 4 SMART Test (Patterson&Radtke 2009)....................................................................18
Appendix 1: Blank of survey....................................................................................................31
Appendix 2: Survey results .....................................................................................................32
Appendix 2
Appendix 1: Blank of survey
Appendix 2
Appendix 2: Survey results
Appendix 2
Appendix 2