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Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo
ISSN: 0327-5841
[email protected]
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Turísticos
Korstanje, Maximiliano E.
MITOLOGIA Y TURISMO. La exégesis como interpretación hermenéutica
Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo, vol. 20, núm. 6, noviembre, 2011, pp. 1258-1280
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Turísticos
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Available in:
Mythology and Tourism: The Exegesis as Hermeneutic Interpretation. Human beings and their societies not only build the social
institutions based on the facts but also on the meaning these facts are being interpreted. The process of mythopoiesis is one of the
key factors to expand the existent understanding of how the social institutions work. Even though in last years the linkage between
tourism and anthropology has been revitalized, there is a gap of theories and studies that have been excluded from the tourismrelated research. In this conjuncture, the present conceptual paper explores the importance of using the exegetic method not only
to understand the ordinary people behaviour but the current practices in the field-work. Basically, our main thesis here is that
tourism is a construction of Europeanism centered on the influence of fourth mythologies, oddly Norse, Greek-Roman, Celtic and
Judaic-Christian. This topic undoubtedly has been ignored by a whole of academy and anthropologists concerned by tourist-related
Tourism, Europeanism, mythologies, displacement, mobility.
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